Example sentences of "[been] show " in BNC.

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1 ‘ but invariably , even when we have needed to correct or update details in our reports , the sad fact remains that the overall portrait of horror has been shown to be true and if anything , understated . ’
2 This respect for authority has appeared throughout the examples given , but it has also been shown to be a respect within certain limits .
3 However , permanent parking outside in all weathers has been shown to cause rapid deterioration to the finish of all non-metal gliders .
4 Most pilots have been shown the effect of gross over-ruddering during their basic training .
5 Within the cochlea , for example , it has been shown that there are endings that respond preferentially to sounds of high rather than low pitch .
6 It had been a very different story with the earlier sell-off of the hotels where the managers ' interest had not been shown proper respect .
7 Terry McLaughlin , its deputy editor , said he had been shown sensitive and detailed files by a representative of the ‘ Inner Circle ’ .
8 Terry McLaughlin , its deputy editor , said he had been shown sensitive and detailed files , including ‘ top secret ’ material , by a representative of the ‘ Inner Circle ’ .
9 We should have been shown excerpts from Wasps v Leicester and Gloucester v Bath , not to mention Neath v Bath ; though the niggly Harlequins v Wasps match would have put the indulgent enthusiasm even of Starmer-Smith under some strain .
10 But why , in that case , could not some rugby have been shown on the Grandstand programme ?
11 Normally , the reserve is set only days or hours before the auction , when the agents will already have a good indication of how much interest has been shown .
12 That weapon has been shown by events to be inadequate .
13 Yet since 1987 , the level of child sexual abuse diagnosed in Cleveland has been shown to be no higher than elsewhere in the country , and an increasing number of people locally take the view that she should be treated in the same way as myself — allowed to return to work as a paediatrician in Cleveland , but restricted from working in child abuse for the time being .
14 Mr Justice Jowitt told the jury that previously it had been shown in cases of alleged sexual misconduct that women may be tempted to exaggerate or fabricate .
15 Some cases of Hepatitis B are complicated by a satellite virus known as the delta agent and its RNA has been shown to have this catayltic property .
16 Labour frontbenchers said they had been shown a note written by Sir Terence Heiser , Permanent Secretary at the Department of the Environment , to Nicholas Ridley , the then Secretary of State .
17 Gordon Brown , Labour 's shadow to the Treasury chief secretary , said yesterday that he and Jack Cunningham , Labour 's environment spokesman , had been shown additional internal Government papers which proved that the Conservative Party had asked the Treasury and individual departments to cost Labour 's policy review according to Tory Central Office assumptions .
18 Mr Brown refused to say how the papers had been shown to him or to disclose their further contents .
19 As a military exercise , however , many gaps in British naval and air provision had been shown up ; but it was a spectacular triumph , the first that Britain had known since the 1950s .
20 Considerable enthusiasm has been shown by the Association 's Areas , and some have initiated fund-raising to develop further Eagle Lodges .
21 What we 've been shown in the Report , and what has , ah , emerged from this discussion , is that for some fifteen years , we engaged in a game of blind man 's buff .
22 Again he is taking over precisely the ‘ modern ’ definitions and oppositions , between the normal and pathological , the natural and unnatural , etc. , which have been shown to be both confused and ideological in the narrow sense .
23 Irrigation has been shown to have potential on a relatively small scale , but can not be a solution for the mass of farmers .
24 The idea of the unchanging east was widespread in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century thought and it seems that Marx accepted this view , although it has subsequently been shown to be misleading .
25 This point has been shown again and again ; it is clear from the excellent descriptions of production activities which we have of peoples such as the Tikopia of Polynesia described by Firth [ 1939 ] or of the Bemba of Africa by Audrey Richards [ 1939 ] .
26 Nathan turned the conversation to the bear trap in the museum , asking Odd-Knut if he had seen it , and soon we were talking about the killing of film on seal killing had been shown , an indictment of the Norwegian sealers .
27 A reluctance to take a stand about racism , in fact indifference to it , has been shown again and again by head teachers .
28 For example the sport of crown green bowling , which was very little known outside of the north of England , has been shown to a wider public ; the greens are often oddly bereft of spectators , and the northern accents of the players are plainly audible as they urge on their woods or confer solemnly as a pair over the last bowl of an important ‘ end ’ .
29 There is also strong evidence that we should increase the proportion of mono-unsaturated fats , as these have been shown to raise the level of HDL cholesterol ( see Heart Disease — the risks ) in the blood .
30 ( 5 ) Very recently it has been shown that transplants of the SCN can be used to pass rhythmicity from one animal to another .
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