Example sentences of "[been] put " in BNC.

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1 The consequence of the reduction had been to put resignalling work around Waterloo — which led to the Clapham disaster — two months behind schedule .
2 Her original plan for the previous Wednesday had been to put in an hour or two of picket duty very early in the morning , and then go on to her appointment at Pringle 's .
3 The effect of these amalgamations , as far as this survey is concerned , has been to put onto the market what must be a large proportion of the original libraries .
4 The paradoxical effect of this has been to put the researcher , including the one who claims to be working within applied linguistics , at a remove from the only contexts of application which can provide substantiating evidence for the relevance of the research .
5 Where creating UK income is not an immediate concern , the usual response has been to put the intangible into a tax haven and charge royalties from there .
6 Of course one effect of the making of these revelations would have been to put D's record ( if he had one ) in issue as well , so that the jury would have had even more to think about to assist them in the weighing of the evidence in this case or ( depending on how you look at it ) to distract them from it .
7 One solution could have been to put the smaller plants and animals in boxes or circles around a central illustration of a lake or pond with arrows indicating where they could be found .
8 Our role has been to put forward practical suggestions — and sometimes to rein in the larger ambitions of our partners .
9 And Campbell ( 1987 ) demonstrates that indigenization in the Ivory Coast did not really challenge the dominance of foreign capital because to do so would have been to put the mode of accumulation at risk .
10 The answer until now has been to put them in geriatric units .
11 Part of my job as your representative has been to put the views and ideas offered by you , the teacher , to the organising committees of the Society .
12 Have you been to put a bet on ?
13 In recent days , he wrote , perhaps because Spring is upon us , I have been putting in the hours but the intensity has gone .
14 But John Heddle , who chairs the Conservative parliamentary environment committee , was confident it would be enough to ‘ buy off ’ most of those Tory MPs , particularly in marginal seats in the North and North-west of England , who have been putting intense pressure on ministers .
15 The Midlands ' plants had been putting great pressure on the Merseysiders to call off the strike , as a result of which a mass meeting at Pier Head , Liverpool , had been demanded to vote on the question of a return to work .
16 There 's me been putting sugar in his Ovaltine for the last fifty years .
17 Marie had been putting her money in a machine which had a little silver crane which came down and swung round , grabbing at the prizes .
18 Eventually , a couple who had been putting food down for Sadie for about six months managed to trap her in a garage and driveway .
19 Nuclear energy has become an important tool for plant breeders and Russian horticultural researchers have been putting it to good use in their iris-breeding programmes .
20 It is true that the recession has been putting their customers out of business , but accountants will always be kept busy picking up the pieces , or explaining in long reports why other accountancy firms got it wrong and are liable for a fortune in damages .
21 ‘ Quite a number of our staff live in Wimbledon and some practical jokers have been putting up the other Graham Hadley 's pamphlets , ’ he says .
22 It is in these past two weeks that Faldo has been putting the last pieces into place .
23 Moreover , he would have been putting back pretty well all he had drawn out the previous year …
24 No , the fact is that my trustees have been putting the screws on .
25 ‘ We 've not been putting any in . ’
26 After a job which had taken up all of her energies , Elaine did n't realise how long she would need to do all the jobs she had been putting off for years .
27 British Telecom has been putting on the pressure since Mercury was granted a licence in February last year .
28 Since a year last August scientists working on UA1 and UA2 have been putting the finishing touches to their apparatus , and at the same time machine physicists at CERN have been working to get a large enough number of collisions in the SPS .
29 ‘ We have been putting 150 years of empirical behaviour onto one program so there have been inevitable delays , ’ he said .
30 ‘ You may think we 've been putting pressure on you , but — ’
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