Example sentences of "[been] do " in BNC.

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1 An enormous amount of work has been done and perhaps still more remains to be done in arranging works of art in exact sequence of time .
2 For African art , say , the difficulties are complicated by lack of written or other corroboration , and knowledge that extensive copying has been done .
3 Some of the work for a museum catalogue may have already been done before the acquisition of a picture .
4 Everything possible must be done , he wrote , and yet it must be as though nothing had been done .
5 For unless there is the sense that nothing has been done there will be no work .
6 And yet , unless everything has in fact been done , there will also be no work .
7 But he could equally well have said one is enthusiasm and the other is cynicism , one is facility and the other is aridity , one is gregariousness and the other is solitude , one is the belief that no one has ever done anything of value before and the other is the belief that everything has already been done , one is spontaneity and the other is cerebration , one is joy and the other is despair , one is heart and the other is mind , one is the garret and the other is the penthouse , one is sincerity and the other is irony , one is Jung and the other is Freud , one is Rimbaud and the other is Mallarmé , one is wine and the other is coffee , one is rags and the other is riches , one is women and the other is celibacy , one is health and the other is disease , one is meat and the other is vegetables , one is life and the other is death , one is everything in upper case and the other is everything in lower case , one is everything in roman and the other is everything in italics .
8 As though in every life , wrote Harsnet ( and Goldberg returned to his typing ) , if enough work has been done , enough determination shown , there is one final large summary , and that should be enough .
9 It should have been done sooner , he wrote , but the truth is it would always have been too late .
10 The Comet was listed after the damage had been done , and with the Prospect Inn it was necessary to itemise all the things that had not changed , since the superficial impression of change was predominant .
11 Once the planting has been done , cover the soil with a thick mulch of crushed bark , peat or leaf mould , which will gradually break down into the soil and help to improve its texture .
12 Never stay in the sun until your skin goes red — the damage has already been done .
13 This comment is correct if the bleaching has been done with oxalic acid .
14 At this point , all the head-work has been done .
15 If this happens , he will give you written information about what has been done , and where you can get advice or assistance .
16 There was widespread pleasure at this , justice had been done .
17 By so phrasing each paragraph and bringing each incident to a proper conclusion , Nijinska gives both dancers and audience time to consider what has been done and what is yet to happen .
18 Anyone capable of sight-leading a route protected by bolts without clipping them has the right to remove them ( a regular bolt hole closed by a rock dust/epoxy mix is virtually undetectable , and no meaningful harm will have been done to the crag environment ) .
19 Not too much has been done in the mountains , hardly surprising given the length of time they have been dry , but Dai Lampard snatched a great ascent with Mother of Mercy E5 6a .
20 They are made to measure and supplied pre-glazed — double or triple — with all the fittings and screws in place ready for immediate , trouble-free installation ( as long as measuring up has been done carefully , and the hole for the window is square ) .
21 Mr Saunders goes on to admit that broadcasters are not entirely blameless in this respect : ‘ More should no doubt have been done at an earlier stage in development of RDS to give the receiver manufacturing industry some guidelines setting out the minimum levels of RDS performance that should be achieved ’ .
22 A literary text is , manifestly , the product of a particular historical situation , and may be interpreted in the light of its origins and initial reception , as has been done in the discussions of Romantic literature by Marilyn Butler and Jerome J. McGann , who can be called New Historicists minus the ideological charge .
23 In the Poetry Review for February , 1912 , a critic , who is himself a poet , and whom I always read with great interest , speaks of the struggle ‘ to find out what has been done , once and for all , better than it can ever be done again , and to find out what remains for us to do ’ … .
24 But if every work of art is simply the expression of the artist 's intuition , it is evident that an absolute or complete pattern would be useless , since the intuitions of two different minds could never be expressed by the same form : nor can anything in art be said to have been ‘ done once for all ’ , since if it were ‘ done again ’ by another hand — used , that is , to express the intuition of another spirit — it would be no longer what had been done before .
25 The answer is : Yes , this can be done , and it has been done — by G.S .
26 But the damage had been done , and Wilson 's elevation of Eliot at Pound 's expense was to be Echoed time and again for at least thirty years , and indeed is still to be heard even today .
27 The deal would have been done by now but for Venables 's reservations about playing two penalty-area sniffers together without an orthodox No. 9 to provide an aerial target .
28 ‘ His instincts are absolutely sound about the ruination of our cities and it is a sad reflection upon governments and planners that such damage has already been done … ’
29 We do n't feel justice has been done . ’
30 The implication was that when it came to embroidery , the stitching up had been done on Merseyside , if Barnes had been fit enough to train for the last two days .
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