Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 We will seek reassurance that we are loved in all kinds of bizarre ways rather than acknowledge there were times when we were not loved , or we may never have been loved , or even that we may have been hated .
2 Oldham 's task at Gateshead may have been eased by the Tynesiders ' dismissal earlier this week of their American guard , Darryl Thomas .
3 Restrictions on footballers in Eastern Europe playing abroad have gradually been eased as Poles , Soviets and others have come to regard the export of players as a useful means of acquiring hard currency .
4 Inter-Service friction has been eased over the years by successive steps taken to concentrate greater power in the hands of the Central staffs as more tri-Service experienced officers have become available ; and to bring the Services closer together at every level of command , and in training and operations .
5 Apart from the language barrier , which has been eased by the general acceptance of English everywhere except in France , British and Continental military staffs have practically no shared operational experience or traditions .
6 The struggle for Cyprus had been eased by British acceptance of the Sovereign Base concept , though the Zurich Agreement between Greece and Turkey , which enabled Britain to grant Cyprus its independence , was not signed until February 1959 .
7 Financial insecurity , once the big driving force , has been eased by the salary , perks and pension of the commissionership , according to his friends .
8 WEST : New voices and opinions will be vying to be heard in Westminster now the Conservatives ' grip on the region has been eased slightly , especially by the defeat of the Tory chairman , Mr Patten , in Bath , writes Paul Stokes .
9 Even in 1930 , when the most draconian workhouse rules had been eased , another London survey of aged applicants for relief found that half had no family at all .
10 Pressure on the finances has been eased by Euro Disney 's deferring its base management fee for 1992 and 1993 , due to the Walt Disney Company in America .
11 Women suffer a dual burden of work inside and outside the home and the strains experienced by working mothers have not been eased by offers of help either from male partners or the wider community and the state .
12 Since 1982 , the burden of CGT has been eased by the welcome introduction of index-linking .
13 Their fears are unlikely to have been eased by the outright grant of office in Monmouth to Buckingham , which dispossessed the holder , John Mortimer .
14 Their heads had been eased into the yoke , and they were now locked into the system .
15 By then it was clear that the relaxation of tensions between East and West had gone far beyond the détente of the 1970s , when the Atlantic alliance and Warsaw Pact had remained strong and tensions had been eased only against a background of continuing ideological competition between the two sides .
16 Perry was a thick-set , bull-necked man who looked as if he 'd been eased into his suit with a shoe-horn .
17 Pressures on household and corporate borrowers have been eased significantly since last October by a series of interest rate reductions , which have reduced base rates by a cumulative four and a half percentage points to date .
18 The problem of lack of time has been eased to some degree by the setting up of communal kitchens like those in Lima , Peru .
19 Earlier funding difficulties [ see p. 37583 ] , had been eased in December 1990 with the successful raising of over £560,000,000 through a rights issue in Paris and London .
20 Their fears are unlikely to have been eased by the outright grant of office in Monmouth to Buckingham , which dispossessed the holder , John Mortimer .
21 ‘ The situation has been eased slightly for my parents since a community nurse has been visiting Jennifer , but I must admit I 'd rapidly been coming to the conclusion that something else would be needed very soon .
22 The water shortage faced by thousands of refugees in Jordan has been eased with the help of the Oxford based charity Oxfam .
23 The gap left by the withdrawal of the worst examples has been filled with Class 312s , and ex-London Midland 310s .
24 If a high gloss or mirror finish is required , then it is necessary to use either a grainfiller to fill the pores of the wood , or to apply extra coats of finish , rubbing down between coats until the grain has been filled .
25 None of these posts has been filled , and it is now short of 27 professionals out of a complement of 119 — with little immediate prospect of filling the vacancies .
26 The front pages of official newspapers have been filled with tales of glorious national triumphs , offset by with a smattering of gloom from the West — unemployment in the US , drugs in Britain , and so on .
27 I saw yesterday' in Markstadt a shelter which has beds for 100 of these children ; 42 children had died in the last 24 hours , but these places had been filled up .
28 They must have been filled in at the bank either by Mr Hatton himself or else by the cashier who was attending to him . ’
29 After a site has been filled in again only artefacts , notebooks and the photographic record remain to aid the archaeologist in the long post-excavation period when he or she has to decide what it all meant , and publish details of what was found .
30 The big cup with the chipped handle had been filled almost to its brim with milky cocoa .
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