Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , communications planning-however dispersed the centres of decision — was also influenced by the training , connections and ( enterprise ) ‘ culture ’ of the technocrats involved .
2 Clause 11(b) is so far-ranging that an alert professional insurance adviser would probably need some explanation of the likely liability of the haulier ‘ howsoever or whensoever caused as a result of or arising out of the supply to the client by the company of drivers ’ .
3 So far as the prospects of stability in the countryside are concerned , revisionist work has stressed that , whenever consulted , peasants continued after 1905 to express an unequivocal demand for the abolition of noble landownership .
4 All they can do is be at the radio station on time , and play their funky music whenever placed on a stage .
5 Make sure that the camcorder is ready whenever needed , and work out the best camera positions in advance .
6 Each group of headlines , furthermore , ‘ consists of two sets , one for the outer forme [ the forme containing the two pages which would end up outermost when the sheet was folded — ppa/8 , 9/16 and so on ] and another for the inner , and the various headlines in each set appear in the same sequence whenever used ’ ( p.300 ) .
7 Up until then , the only qualifications needed to secure a place in the team were an abnormal capacity for Nettles Agricultural Sherry , a willingness to buy a round whenever invited , an abhorrence of physical exercise and a pair of knee-length shorts .
8 My hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary has said that he will always defend the Department 's policies in this House ; he will do so whenever challenged to .
9 The Trader shall be deemed to have elected to accept the terms set out in ( 2 ) of this Condition unless , before the transit commences , the Trader has agreed in writing that the Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or misdelivery of or damage to goods however or whenever caused and whether or not caused or contributed to directly or indirectly by any act , omission , neglect , default or other wrongdoing on the part of the Carrier .
10 He maintained that there was no doubt that if Taiwan fell , then it would be made available by the Chinese communists for Soviet use as a base whenever desired .
11 Example 1:1 Definitions clause for business lease ( 1 ) The following definitions apply : " Act " means an Act of Parliament whenever passed and a reference to a specific Act includes any legislation amending or replacing it or made under it " Approved " means approved in writing by the Landlord " Consent " means the Landlord 's written consent " Insured Risks " means the risks covered by the policy of insurance arranged by the Landlord to include ( subject to cover being available on reasonable terms ) loss or damage by fire storm tempest flood earthquake aircraft and articles dropped from them riot or civil commotion malicious damage impact bursting and overflowing of pipes tanks and other apparatus and any other risks insured against by the Landlord " Landlord " includes the successors in title of the original landlord and where there is a superior landlord includes him as well " Last Year " means the period of twelve months ending on the Termination of the Term " Legislation " means any regulation or directive of the European Community , any Act and any subordinate legislation made under or by virtue of them " Notice " means written notice " Tenant " includes the successors in title of the original tenant " Term " includes both the term expressly granted by this Lease and also any statutory continuation of it " Termination of the Term " includes termination by effluxion of time , notice , forfeiture , surrender , disclaimer or any other means ( 2 ) Where a party consists of two or more persons the obligations of that party are joint and several ( 3 ) Any covenant by the tenant not to do something includes a covenant not to permit or suffer that thing to be done ( 4 ) All payments to be made by the tenant are exclusive of VAT
12 In response to an application by the Crown Prosecution Service for a judicial review , Lord Justice Lloyd said it was not open to the prosecution to take such action ‘ whenever faced with what is regarded as an inconvenient or unjust decision ’ .
13 The other side 's tactics were simple : whenever outnumbered , they would run for safety , picking up whatever weapons came to hand as they went .
14 The boiler produces hot water for the radiators as well as instant hot water whenever required , without the need for a bulky tank or cylinder .
15 Some proposals for block contracts ( DoH 1989f ) at first sight do appear to be population based , eg ‘ the DHA might , for example , require a specified number of beds to be available to a DHA 's residents whenever required for a defined area of treatment together with the appropriate facilities for treatment ’ , but this does not indicate who is responsible when these beds are all occupied and more ( emergency ) cases arrive .
16 Whenever confronted with perceived danger the leaf-people and the original people flee .
17 Such characteristics , in effect , either prevent social relations from being established or , whenever manifested through behaviour , they cut them off .
18 Irwin also canvassed with Salisbury an improved form of dyarchy , the elaborate system set up in 1921 whereby elected Indian ministers in the provincial governments were entrusted with various unexciting portfolios , while British officials remained responsible for the essentials of law , order and taxation .
19 No matter how pressed for time or strapped for cash you may be , should you pass by one of these shops , with a window display of dummies wearing neatly ironed kagouls and ice-axes arranged in a fan shape round a rucksack , you will go inside and not leave until you have purchased a pair of thick socks .
20 ‘ And as for the idea that I am being some how manipulated all I can say is that I do n't know about the other girls but I have been in a similar industry — television , for the last couple of years and now I know how it works .
21 We see how limited these global concepts are , though , when we expect them to tell us something about how children will actually behave .
22 Under the system of fixed exchange rates any export of capital affected the reserve position though precisely how depended on the manner in which the investment was financed .
23 I do n't think they care how clapped out it is actually .
24 One by one they sauntered out , or clustered together for safety in great rushes : all in theoretical navy and white , but with such imaginative variation in those two colours and where and how placed , and in what fabric , as to make their apparel singularly unalike .
25 Then she could n't help but add , ‘ It 's amazing how educated some of the ignorant people are .
26 Years of listening to students and helping them through their undergraduate years have taught us how varied those needs can be .
27 She looked down , realising just how keyed up he was ; how close he had come to snapping at her .
28 But he underlined sharply too , how discouraged and disappointed he had been at the inability of his own Department of Agriculture and the Department of Economic Development to sort out their roles in the scheme of things .
29 Teachers , he admitted , are no better : ‘ How committed to learning we are .
30 But what I want to know is this — how come a Pakistani hot off the banana boat can get a mortgage when a decent cop with 25 years service in the force can not ?
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