Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've seen 'ow me own dad was treated by Galloway , ’ she was saying .
2 ‘ But I do n't see 'ow I can 'elp , ’ I mumbled innocently , waiting to hear her reply .
3 ‘ An' I do n't know 'ow I 'm gooin' ter pay it back if yer leave 'ome now . ’
4 Well , that 's not 'ow I remember 'er .
5 That 's 'ow I can be so sure , you see .
6 That 's 'ow I can be so certain about the expression on 'is face .
7 ‘ Aah thowt as 'ow 'e 'd 'ave more sense . ’
8 Aah said as 'ow 'e 's only a poor little thing . ’
9 Yer know 'ow 'e loves boxin' .
10 Jackson , who described the action as an ‘ artistic ’ response to racism , said that the painting-How Ya Like Me Now ? by David Hammons-should be put back on display together with the sledge-hammer .
11 ‘ Well , 'ello , Linda me pretty , 'ow yer doin' ? ’ he said .
12 ‘ She might , 'ow you say , grew a bit , ’ he schmiled .
13 ‘ Mamma mia ! 'ow you stoppa thissa machina stupido ? ’
14 I 'opes as 'ow you 've got some pennies for me , so as I can get meself a bed for the night . ’
15 ‘ Why , lass , Aah thought as 'ow you enjoyed t'market , ’ she said .
16 I do n't know 'ow you can talk like that to a girl that 's twenty-one . ’
17 Well , that Arthur turned up at last and the vicar married them , but afterwards me sister let Arthur know just 'ow she felt , she chucked the whole weddin' cake at 'im , then 'er bokey an' then a full bottle of port .
18 That 's 'ow she come ter move .
19 ‘ We 've got ter see 'ow we 're doin' , 'ow much we 're spendin' , an' set it against the takin 's . ’
20 ‘ We should be able ter look at these books an' see at a glance 'ow we 're doin' . ’
21 ‘ But I know 'ow we 're doin .
22 'Ow we gon na get our money back ?
23 ‘ I du n no 'ow we 're gon na pay off the bank if there is a strike , ’ Fred said with concern in his voice .
24 Look and see 'ow they stands out against t'brown o' t'earth .
25 They were only 'avin' a chin-wag outside 'er winder an' yer know 'ow they blaspheme .
26 'E was jus ' tellin' me about the unions , an' 'ow they 're all worried about a General Strike .
27 ‘ It 's funny 'ow it managed to get under me hat .
28 ‘ Poor Charlie never could understand 'ow it come ter 'appen , ?
29 But that 's 'ow it 'appened .
30 a brief history of your business , how/when it started .
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