Example sentences of "[am/are] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The glands on its face are bestowing the cat 's personal scent , making its owner smell pleasanter and more familiar .
2 If you are pitching for an account , appearing on television or radio , making a significant speech , always have a company Gofer with you .
3 You react like one when you burn the toast , so why should n't you react like one when you are pitching for a new account ?
4 People are angry and are pitching hard because of the polarisation of the debate between the status quo or independence .
5 All 3 political groups are pitching for increased spending , Labour is likely to propose a budget around £320 million , the Liberal Democrats around £314 million and the Tory group up to £310 millions , all of them well above Government guidelines of £306 million .
6 I find myself turning to the first chapter of the Book of Genesis for an insight into what I am hinting at here .
7 Growers , delighted that sales of real firs are outstripping those of their synthetic rivals , claim that families have turned nostalgic in a seasonal effort to beat the recession blues .
8 He says that pocket money increases in the north are outstripping those in the south , in a strange reversal of trends .
9 The Ch'noze are raiding further east than usual this year . ’
10 I think it is a pity that so many anglers are devoting their whole fishing careers to the one species .
11 Imagine how it feels ( if you are the incumbent MP ) to know that , that very morning , thousands of people are devoting their whole attention to getting rid of you .
12 Companies are devoting very low attention — at least in terms of money — to controlling investment ’ .
13 Concentrating on the modern and contemporary prints : Lumley Cazalet will be showing prints by Frink , Marini , Picasso ( from the ‘ 156 ’ series ) , and works by contemporary printmakers ; Paul McCarron 's stand includes an impression of Whistler 's ‘ Weary ’ at $20,000 ; Lott and Gerrish are showing 200 British woodcuts as well as wood-engravings by Gibbings and Edward Calvert ; Marlborough Graphics have Paula Rego 's latest ‘ Peter Pan ’ suite , Bill Jacklin 's ‘ Coney Island Suite ’ and new work by Ken Kiff ; Jeffrey Kaplow of Proofs Ltd is showing ‘ Luce Myres de Face ’ by Lautrec ( W.121 ) , a rare proof printed in sanguine , priced at £20,000 , together with works by Redon , Munch and others ; Waddington Graphics are devoting most of their space to their own publications — Dine , Motherwell , Hamilton , Blake and Hodgkin — but will have some prints by Picasso and Goya ; Pratt Contemporary Art will again be showing works by Ana Maria Pacheco whose prints have attracted much attention at past fairs , together with new etchings and monotypes by Susan Adams , Denise Walker and Julian Grater .
14 Although many local authorities in their strategy documents state that they aim first at rehabilitation , I remain unconvinced that they are devoting the same resources in terms of skilled social workers with small caseloads and adequate financial support to natural families , as they do to finding and supporting new families .
15 I am conscious of the late payment problem , which is something to which we are devoting great attention .
16 It does seem an anachronism that the Australian government could in theory be sacked by the Queen in London , particularly as both countries are devoting much greater attention to their regional interests .
17 Scientists are stepping up tests to find the source of dioxin contamination which has brought financial ruin to two farmers .
18 The revival in borrowing was concentrated on credit cards , suggesting that consumers are stepping up purchases of everyday items but are still reluctant to take on debt to finance household durables and cars .
19 COMPANIES that supply optical fibres to British Telecom are stepping up their efforts to cut the price of the fibres in the face of international competition .
20 In the UK , GaAs-based computer chips are now being marketed , and UK manufacturers are stepping up production of GaAs materials .
21 AIRLINES are stepping up safety checks on Boeing 747s following last month 's Amsterdam air crash .
22 NEW Yorkers are stepping out to weird Foot Friend parties to meet the partner of their dreams .
23 ‘ Care managers are stepping into a different world , managing budgets and telling clients when they ca n't do something because there is no more money .
24 Detectives are stepping up their hunt for a rapist who attacked a woman at Nottingham 's Music Festival at the weekend .
25 They are stepping over the invisible , moralistic Maginot Line of the old culture of opposition .
26 Gulf oil states are stepping up production of a " green " petrol additive in an effort to meet the requirements of the US Clean Air Act , which demands higher levels of oxygen in petrol .
27 Police are stepping up their hunt for two armed raiders who 've kidnapped and threatened shop managers in a spate of robberies .
28 Police are stepping up their hunt for a man who 's carried out a series of sexual attacks on women in the last seven months .
29 HEALTH watchdogs in Aberconwy are stepping up their pressure on Gwynedd Health Authority to ensure there is adequate weekend and night-time anaesthetic cover at Llandudno Hospital .
30 POLICE are stepping up patrols on Wrexham industrial estate after a spate of factory break-ins in which office equipment and other property was stolen .
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