Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sticksman Joe mans a wild but never woolly rhythm base to rival the show 's more obvious stars — honey-throated haranguestress Roxanne , and tom , the one-man post-whatever guitar genre .
2 The next claim which constructivism makes is that centralsystem thinking emerges out of the organism 's interaction with the environment , an interaction that is initially a literal inter- action but which is later carried out internally , at least in the human case .
3 BROOD parasites and their hosts are thought to engage in a coevolutionary arms race in which parasitism selects for adaptive defences by the host ( such as egg rejection ) , which in turn select for counter-adaptations by the parasite ( such as egg mimicry ) .
4 It was how most of their arguments started — the sudden stirring of discord caused by their lack of understanding of one another 's attitudes — an incautious word which stubbornness would not permit to be retracted .
5 And this often results in a simple ‘ return ’ theory of history in which oral , literate and electronic stages represent an arch shape .
6 He demonstrates instead the extent to which oral and literate forms of language complement each other : ‘ The development of writing takes place within an oral framework of thought and this may continue to dominate the uses of literacy ’ .
7 Probate — dealing with someone 's estate ( Factsheet no 14 ) explains ways in which money may be collected , debts paid , and the balance distributed to those who are entitled to receive a share in the estate .
8 The ARR did not require the reporting accountant to report on controlled trust accounts , although Part II of the SAR contained rules determining how a solicitor should deal with the movement of controlled trust money , ie the circumstances in which money could be paid in or withdrawn from a controlled trust account , and the records that had to be kept .
9 James has always recalled this as a happy period in his racing career : F3 was friendly , money was short , but everyone mucked in together and drivers were friends , not just gigantic slot-machines into which money was to be poured .
10 Simon , who is on a waiting list to join the police , added : ‘ Now I have two medals which money could not buy from me .
11 The criminal law sees only some types of property deprivation as robbery or theft ; it excludes , for example , the separation of consumers and part of their money that follows manufacturers ' malpractices or advertisers ' misrepresentations ; it excludes shareholders losing their money because managers behaved in ways which they thought would be to the advantage of shareholders even though the only tangible benefits accrued to the managers ( Hopkins 1980b ) ; it excludes the extra tax citizens , in this or other countries , have to pay because : ( i ) corporations and the very wealthy are able to employ financial experts at discovering legal loopholes through which money can be safely transported to tax havens ; ( ii ) Defence Department officials have been bribed to order more expensive weaponry systems or missiles in ‘ excess ’ of those ‘ needed ’ ; ( iii ) multinational drug companies charge our National Health Services prices which are estimated to be at least , £50 millions in excess of alternative supplies .
12 Low wages are conjoined , in this picture , with atrociously bad houses in which money is eaten away far more voraciously than would ever be thought conceivable in suburbia .
13 a part payment of money , which is made so that the seller will not sell the goods to anyone else : You must pay a deposit to the hotel if you want them to keep a room free for you compare earnest(1) 3 an act or action of depositing : The rate of the river 's deposit of mud is about one inch a year deposit account n. a bank account which earns interest and usu. from which money can be taken out only if advance notice is given .
14 As Simmel and every subsequent commentator on this work has stressed , The Philosophy of Money is not intended primarily as a treatise on money as an economic form , but as an examination of the increasingly abstract nature of human relations , for which money provides a symbol and an instrument .
15 The rise of science , and of technological rationality with which it is closely associated , provides the basis for this reduction of human relations from qualitative to quantitative forms , of which money is the dominant model .
16 That is , it provides data on what government consumes rather than data about what government does or about the purposes for which money is spent .
17 It stresses inputs rather than outputs by providing data on what government consumes instead of data about what government does or the purposes for which money is spent .
18 It is not however necessary to decide the point in the present case , and in any event cases of this kind are generally the subject of statutory régimes which legislate for the circumstances in which money so paid either must or may be repaid .
19 Central government attempts to control local authorities by : a ) carefully regulating the amount of money which they can spend locally , and b ) scrutinizing the way in which money is actually spent .
20 Thus the Treasury had to give permission for all borrowing undertaken by a local authority , not merely in total but for each project for which money was borrowed .
21 Immigration , like emigration , is a process in which money is no less important than principles or laws , and often sounder than either of them .
22 They are all shapes and colours , innocent beneficiaries of the global joke which money keeps cracking .
23 What is being alleged here is that NBFIs create assets which are in some close measure substitutes for money and which have their own advantages , interest perhaps or long-term capital gain , which money does not have .
24 One of the men was passing round a big china bowl into which money was being thrown , and as Sabine watched Marie-Christine began , with raucous and vociferous encouragement from the men , to lift her skirt demurely and reveal more and more of one shapely leg .
25 Does the Minister not recognise the dangers of fragmenting the health service and destroying the planning framework ; the cost of ever-increasing bureaucracy ; the reduction in choice for the doctor ; the fear that this is a road that leads to a two-tier system in which money comes first and the Health Service is relegated to a safety-net , fallback provision ?
26 The majority of such theories are concerned only with those economies in which money does not play an essential role .
27 This project aims to discover whether similar results can be established for an economy in which money has a more significant function .
28 Dr Linebaugh has suggested that much so-called criminal activity on the part of working people was identified in the process of transformation of the wage from a form in which money constituted a substantial part of the wage to one based wholly on it .
29 These reforms affected the manner in which money was involved in campaign funding with wide-ranging implications on the US electoral system .
30 No precise functional relationship was posited between the level of aggregate demand and the pressure on money-wages : it was simply feared that a stated and credible commitment to the objective of full employment might foster an atmosphere in the wage bargaining process in which money wages could run out of control .
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