Example sentences of "[was/were] given " in BNC.

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1 Viewers wishing to help were given the address of AI at the end of the programme : over 1,500 letters were subsequently received at the AI office .
2 If you were given ‘ carte blanche ’ so to speak , what would you go for ? ’
3 In effect we defined our own ‘ real work ’ and those activities we felt should have credence were given priority , so the role we pursued simply evolved .
4 Originally , all first-born sons were dedicated to God , but monetary gifts later took their place , which were given to the priests .
5 Like Leonard , they were given to the literary life .
6 Even Paddington 's platform ends were given supports for overhead electrification when the Lawn was extended to accommodate a shopping centre , leaving Marylebone as the only other London terminus yet to see electric activity .
7 Fashions change , and the hulk-like diesels that were so unwelcome as steam replacements twenty-five years previously were given a massive send-off from the new generation of enthusiasts .
8 Originally the Great Western HST fleet consisted of 2 + 7 ( two power cars with seven trailers ) but in 1983 ten sets were given an additional trailer to work on the West of England line and to cover the prime business services .
9 Certainly , only eight years ago , when the other sectors were given clearly defined briefs , the lumping of unprofitable passenger services into a somewhat negatively titled ‘ Other Provincial Services ’ produced a kind of dustbin sector .
10 Nevertheless , we were given the green light — unfortunately , poor Molly was accidentally stepped on a couple of times .
11 Of the other 13 POWs , six were given nothing , five either died at that time or could not be traced , and two refused to submit to means testing .
12 He said that some time ago the POWs fund was merged with a general purposes benefit fund for all old comrades of the regiment , but that POWs were given priority in any benefit payouts .
13 The back row were swifter to the loose ball , had a clearer idea of what to do with it when they got there , and their impressive half-backs were given every opportunity — which they eagerly took — to control the game .
14 The doctors conclude in the British Medical Journal that there would be little benefit if all women in the UK were given zinc supplements during pregnancy .
15 But the Historic Royal Palaces were given ‘ agency ’ status on 1 October to remedy the ills of years of committee-style management and neglect .
16 Given a relatively lenient sentence of 18 years ( Jiang Qing and others were given suspended death sentences ) , Chen was later released from jail ‘ in consideration of age and poor health ’ .
17 The evidence showed , according to Mr Craven , that wherever individual party members were given the one member , one vote opportunity to voice their views , they rejected the hard left .
18 US officials admit that they knew about the coup plans as early as last Saturday , but say they were given little time to judge its chances of success or to plan any US involvement .
19 Under the leadership of Lord Denning and Lord Reid , old common law principles of natural justice were given new content and value .
20 A spokesman said the seven Kurds released from Haslar detention centre , near Gosport , Hampshire , and all 18 from Gloucester Prison were given temporary admission ‘ for as long as it takes to assess their cases ’ .
21 Before the change , they were given photographs of republicans to take with them on patrols .
22 Mr Ozberk had already been taken , handcuffed and escorted by police , to the police station at Heathrow airport from the Haslar detention centre , near Gosport , Hampshire , when Mr Renton 's new orders were given to the Immigration Service .
23 A GROUP of American breast-cancer patients who were given supportive therapy and taught self-hypnosis to deal with pain survived for twice as long as women who received routine cancer care .
24 Significant passages of the speech , particularly on interest rates , were received in silence and other keynote statements were given only polite applause .
25 One year , we were given an increase of 40p a week on our state pension .
26 We were given some opportunity to explore this when making three visits to police stations in West Belfast , although the data on community policing are unsatisfactory because of the limited number of these contacts and the absence of supportive observational material .
27 The hospitality extended to a good meal , and before leaving we were given the facilities of a nearby chateau , where the jeep driver and I had the luxury of a hot bath , laid on by the local Mayor .
28 In March food supplies purchased by the Commissariat of War for the Red Army were given priority in evacuation at the Black Sea port of Novorossiisk over ARA famine stocks .
29 In the spring of 1922 only those households in the Famine area which possessed the necessary machinery and livestock were given grain to sow for the next season .
30 Neither they nor the local relief committees were given any remit whatsoever with regard to how food should be dispensed or who was eligible to receive it .
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