Example sentences of "[was/were] he " in BNC.

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1 Were he to say any such thing we would be left with a therapeutic murder .
2 A single ma can not divine fully the eternal and universal ideal , were he Shakespeare himself , ad therefore he can not prescribe either the ways or the aims for art .
3 Were he to deflect the challenge by dissolving parliament , it would confirm he had not properly learnt the lessons of April 's disturbances .
4 England won comfortably enough , as indeed they ought to have done against a team containing 10 players whose ages ranged between 16 and 21 , and one - Madan Lal — who lays claim to being 38 , despite the strong suspicion that ( were he as famous as Nehru ) the Centenary Trophy could just as easily have been named after him .
5 Were he to fail he would be ashamed to show his face at home ‘ because all failure is probably due to my own indolence and lacking self-control to help myself out of day-dreaming . ’
6 Miller — were he to exist — would surely feel an equal burden if , on top of his own torment , he was further bludgeoned by the contempt and invective of his creator .
7 Were he among familiars it might help him but as it is he can not place himself here and it is pitiful to see how lost he is .
8 Were he alive today he would undoubtedly have bemoaned the fact that he was the frequent target of what he would have probably called ‘ scribblers ’ .
9 When Endill was old enough to know what they were he asked her about them .
10 Heseltine faced the tactical dilemma that were he to campaign openly and be seen to be instrumental in splitting the party and bringing down the Prime Minister , he would be criticised as divisive and disloyal .
11 The success of Heseltine 's switch of focus was illustrated by a succession of opinion polls in the days leading up to the leadership ballot , all indicating that there would be a huge swing to the Conservative Party were he to become leader .
12 There were last minute threats by ardent Thatcherite MPs , notably Teresa Gorman , that they would consider resigning the party whip were he to win .
13 Doctor Hensman was still in charge , making solemn authoritative pronouncements and predictions , and behaving as if it were he who had cured the patient .
14 In fact , I remember Mr Simpson , the landlord of the Ploughman 's Arms , saying once that were he an American bartender , he would not be chatting to us in that friendly , but ever-courteous manner of his , but instead would be assaulting us with crude references to our vices and failings , calling us drunks and all manner of such names , in his attempt to fulfil the role expected of him by his customers .
15 If I were he , I 'd build Lord P[almerston] an office with all the capitals upside down ; and tell him it was the Greek style , inverted , to express typically Government by Party : Up today , down tomorrow .
16 It might well assist the devious Minister for the High Police were he to learn something of Bonaparte 's future plans , reception in Austria , any little weaknesses , indiscreet comments upon the situation back in France …
17 For example , a man who wished to make certain grievances clear to his boss decided that this was best approached , in the first instance , by writing to his boss because he realized that , were he to try to do this face to face , he would find it difficult to express himself without losing his temper .
18 Were he equipped with nothing but his hereditary instincts , unaffected by the influence of the centuries of the civilising process , it is very probable that he would instinctively distribute the allocation of his abilities first to the ensurance of his own personal well-being , then to the provision of a home of some sort , next to the care of his mate , then to his children and finally to the community in which he exists .
19 ‘ If it were he why should he be attacked in the forest ? ’
20 ‘ He straightened one or two things out in my action , worked on my technique a bit , but the most important thing he taught me was to concentrate on every single delivery as if it were he most important in your life .
21 Were he to defend himself , no doubt he would surprise us all , but the overriding impression we get of him in retrospect is that he had fallen all too readily into the role of the squire 's man , the vicar 's buddy , the stern schoolmaster .
22 When told by police how badly injured his victims were he said : ‘ Good , I hope they die . ’
23 When she tells him how popular the photos apparently were he says , ‘ My first quote is , ‘ The readership of For Women must all have cataracts or be retarded . ’
24 Had the advance been sustained , perhaps Catalonia would have fallen quickly ; instead Franco — possibly , in the tense international atmosphere of mid-1938 , fearing actual French intervention were he to approach the French frontier — turned south towards Valencia , only to find his offensive halted by Republican resistance .
25 In indicating content and method they spawn ‘ approved ’ material of all kinds which , if used , serves to protect the individual teacher from any criticism which might arise were he or she to follow a more tangential or personalised approach to meeting curriculum goals .
26 When the psychologist Donald Griffin describes the ability of great tits and chickadees to obtain milk from bottles by ‘ pecking through their shiny coverings with the conscious intention of obtaining food ’ ( 1984 : 35 ) , it is obvious that were he not talking of a ‘ conscious intention ’ , in the normal human acceptation of the phrase , he would fail to arouse the average reader 's curiosity and sympathies .
27 Yet the sorrow of Leibnitz , were he to have needlessly destroyed it , is described as ‘ a natural feeling for a humane man ’ .
28 His efforts , near the end of his term in office , to educate America on the endowment 's purpose would serve him well were he to take the job now .
29 In his 12 years in power , he has resisted naming a deputy who would step in were he to die in office .
30 Were he to appear now , in the moonlit room , Chant would not have accused him of negligence , but made proper obeisances and been glad that his inspiration had returned .
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