Example sentences of "[is] the " in BNC.

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1 LANGUAGE-IS the language used for the source code
2 She s the only creature I 've seen …
3 Still it was appreciated and that s the main thing .
4 HUNTINGDON : 2.10 Armala , 2.40 The Can Can Man , 3.10 That s The Business , 3.45 Veleda II , 4.15 Antonin , 4.45 Greenwich Bambi .
5 Wilko said he s the best athlete he has seen playing football .
6 If that s the kind of performance we can expect from well paid professionals god help us .
7 There you go , only flaw is that s the only bit of the tune I can get into my head right now … that does nt matter though — any tune is extravagant these days ! !
8 He said ‘ Yes he s a very good little goalscorer — hell always score goals — Wimbledon know he s the man they have to look after ’ .
9 Noone has come out to say it ( excepting twats like Emlyn Hughes ) , but even all the Wilko for England stuff has been negative saying he s the same a taylor , ie long ball .
10 He s the famous ryan giggs with a bottle up his arse , never mind , never mind ’
11 That s the point .
12 That s the worst possible thing to do .
13 ‘ But its not Ben , ’ Zoe stood and held her back which was beginning to ache , ‘ and that s the difference . ’
14 Of more interest from the point of view of the Muftilik than the date of Molla Husrev 's departure for Bursa-except in so far as the two are related , of course-is the date of his return , since it was then , if the account is correct , that he became Mufti .
15 The attitude of many Romanian health professionals was summed up recently in the words of one doctor in Constanta who said ‘ Health Education is the only ‘ vaccine ’ we have to fight against HIV . ’
16 I feel that working in partnership with the client , and with other agencies , is the most effective way of ensuring the needs of our clients are met . ’
18 Make sure that the amount of the payment is the net sum mentioned in the Deed of Covenant or the appropriate proportion of that net sum if you wish to pay by quarterly or monthly instalments .
19 The amount of the annual covenant payment is specified in the Deed , and this is the sum that is payable each year .
20 AIDS is the biggest health challenge we have had to face this century .
21 It is the churches that provide our volunteers ; without their support we would not be able to provide a service at all .
22 One of the saddest aspects of AIDS is the plight of children infected with HIV .
23 Of particular concern is the pattern of abductions by armed men in plain clothes in security force style operations , most of which took place at night .
24 This is the only court of appeal for cases tried by the military court , and looks only at points of law and not at facts and findings , thus providing a restricted appeal .
25 There are over 2,300 inmates on America 's death rows : all have found themselves caught up in the nightmare that is the US capital law system .
26 Perhaps most important is the development of a ‘ Mothers ’ Front ’ to campaign for investigations into the mass ‘ disappearances ’ .
27 The main opposition group in this region is the armed Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ( LTTE ) whose political aim is a separate Tamil homeland ( Eeelam ) in North-East Sri Lanka .
28 Confidence is the key .
29 Perhaps this is because , as a member of the Abingdon Group put it : ‘ In a group there is the fun and companionship … and the awe at saving a life , supporting a prisoner through years of isolation , getting your prisoner free . ’
30 Is the text or part of the text written so that a reader will benefit in a future encounter with a work of art ?
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