Example sentences of "[vb infin] way " in BNC.

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1 Now , I 'm not an accountant Bob , but you 'd need way in excess of thirty thousand
2 However , the crops that failed seemed to be the ones that were cheapest to buy ; French beans , mange-tout peas and Swiss chard would proliferate way beyond predictions on the packet .
3 Finally , a few guideline wishes for the 1990s : undoubtedly , first , that the Channel Tunnel will be completed without undue delay and that a new highspeed route will rapidly follow through Kent ; that under their new chairman , Robert Reid the second , from Shell , due to take his post in October 1990 , BR will somehow regain a touch of personality , warmth , humanity , without losing their commercial edge ; that the policy of providing new and cheaperto-operate stock for secondary routes rather than handing down yesterday 's worn-out express trains pays real dividends and prevents too much discussion of ‘ bustitution ’ ; and that defensive theory will give way to common-sense pragmatism over matters such as the quality of the printed timetable and what really benefits the customer .
4 POWELL : Ah , ah , I , I am saying in addition that that either meant that the thing was going to be vetoed anyhow by the Falkland Islanders , and that therefore even if Britain wanted to get rid of , of sovereignty , she was n't going to get rid of it in terms of her own statement ; or that the Falkland Islanders were going to be put under so much pressure , ah — we need n't go into the details of what is meant in those connections , by pressure ; I 'm sure the Foreign Office will supply the details if requested — ah , would be put under so much pressure that eventually they would collapse and give way .
5 Graham Greene sarcastically remarked of the latter that ‘ Both the director and the star seem to labour under the impression that they are producing something important ’ , and the film 's success was enough to assure Wilcox that Hungarian naughtiness should give way to solemn patriotism .
6 No one can confidently say that the initial calm which has greeted the news of the deportations will not give way to a far more vigorous reaction .
7 He came calling for Europe to work towards economic integration to ensure that the democratic hopes of people in the East did not give way to an opposite undertow of disillusion .
8 It has to tell China where it will not give way , and then start ( as Mr Hurd first threatened ) to walk away .
9 But their interests should surely give way to the greater public good in enhancing confidence in the integrity and fairness of the capital markets .
10 The 1982 health dispute served notice that the Government would not easily give way in a strike .
11 Marie felt her legs give way beneath her , she sat down on the edge of the pavement , feet in the gutter , doubled-up , sick and winded as if someone had punched her in the stomach .
12 Occasionally , her brisk South London accent will give way to a Brooklyn drawl which speaks clearly of a childhood spent shuttling between extended family in London and New York .
13 I must not give way to it , because it is so unlike me and quite causeless .
14 In the 1080s , when Archbishop Siegfried of Mainz wanted to retire to become a monk , his cathedral clergy wrote to him in horror , stressing a traditional view : ‘ Nothing in the world surpasses the life of a bishop ; every monk or recluse and every hermit , as being of lesser importance , must give way to him . ’
15 It will lack an expectation of success when in conflict with other horses , or for that matter people , and will give way to the aggression or assertiveness of other horses .
16 Mr Browning motioned his wife to be quiet and taking Wilson 's arm conducted her to the door , saying something to the effect that she must not give way to gloomy thoughts and that doubtless she was tired with a young baby still nursing and a house to run .
17 When Mrs Browning spoke to her out of the darkness , saying , ‘ Come , Wilson , come , dear , you must not give way , ’ she thought , why not , why not give way ?
18 When Mrs Browning spoke to her out of the darkness , saying , ‘ Come , Wilson , come , dear , you must not give way , ’ she thought , why not , why not give way ?
19 Terrified of choking and terrified that the rope would give way , that she would fall and be eaten alive by those metal teeth , she screwed her eyes tight and prayed .
20 The third and most lengthy phase of the operation to save the tower will involve pumping water into the land at strategic points ‘ to make it give way to the north ’ .
21 She heard it give way and then plunge into the water .
22 Soon simplicity must give way to sophistication .
23 It is safe to move about by treading on the joists , but do not on any account tread on the plasterboard as it will give way .
24 They each believed that what they were doing was vital for the betterment of the world as each saw it and neither would give way to the other , or defer in any way to the other 's claimed priority in attention , preference or responsibility .
25 Demand the absolute top limit and do not give way too easily .
26 The belt was quite tough and did n't give way at once when Bully pulled at it , so Angela was dragged along as Bully backed , growling , until finally she lost her balance and ended up spreadeagled on her front on the pavement .
27 Do you always give way , perhaps because it 's the easiest thing to do ?
28 ‘ Alice ’ was a jolly girl and did not give way to deep depression as another ‘ Army ’ mother had done on finding that baby would not be a Major as her father was .
29 At issue is who owns the reservoir — and who is responsible for ensuring that the leaky embankment that holds the water in does not give way and engulf a street of houses .
30 R&D must give way to demonstration , which should mean showing that the technology works .
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