Example sentences of "[to-vb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 The villa was run to support everyone who lived there , but as well as this , surplus products , especially wool and grain , were traded with other parts of Britain and with provinces all over the Roman Empire .
2 Surely Cunningham did not mean to pretend nothing had happened .
3 From what I had heard in advance , I expected to see nothing much more than four or five students on the course drinking regulated amounts of alcohol and then being subjected to a variety of tests that would show how their motor skills deteriorated .
4 ‘ I do n't want to dry up , to be unemotional — to see nothing but actions being right or wrong !
5 Yet this contrasted oddly with his sloppy clothes , his bare knees and hairy legs , for he seemed to see nothing peculiar about a doctor who behaved like a gentleman but who looked like a beachcomber .
6 He just sat there , gazing at the desk through bleared eyes , but seeming to see nothing .
7 Put up to see nothing .
8 In the Hankses ' cottage , Tom rubbed the steam from the window and peered outside , able to see nothing but heavy snowflakes melting against the windows .
9 The Media Unit would like to thank everyone who carried out radio and press interviews about Grandparents Day .
10 I would also like to thank everyone who helped at the summer festivals : they are a valuable way to promote our branch as well as raising funds .
11 WE had a lovely time in Lourdes , I want to thank everyone for looking after us both .
12 Helen Chalmers and I would like to thank everyone who supports the Birthday Scheme .
13 On behalf of Council 80 of Stockport , I would like to thank everyone who made it such a successful evening .
14 I must explain here that , as neither Nigel nor I had religion , I had arranged the two speakers and then planned to say a few words myself , to thank everyone , in and out of sight .
15 AIBS wishes to thank everyone involved in PoC Week .
16 I should like to thank everyone who has contributed articles , our advertisers and the Knights of St Columba who are very helpful in the distribution of the Catholic Voice to the parishes .
17 We would like to thank everyone who helped — individuals , private companies and trust funds .
18 ‘ Although 1992 was an excellent year and we would like to thank everyone for their support , we are always on the look out for new members . ’
19 Jim said : ‘ We would like to thank everyone who gave their money and encouragement . ’
20 We wish to thank everyone who has contributed directly or indirectly to the preparation of this document .
21 I WOULD like to thank everyone for their tremendous efforts in selling draw tickets this year .
22 I should like to thank everyone in the Division for all the hard work which has gone into making 1990 a year of significant progress .
23 In conclusion I would like to thank everyone concerned ; tot he management and the golf courses we visited during the year and wish them every success in the coming season .
24 I would like to thank everyone for their efforts in 1993 .
25 June had asked Hilda Lodge to thank everyone for the lovely flowers sent to her during her recent stay in hospital .
26 Cicely apologised for not being at Q.T. Day to thank everyone for supporting this Gala event .
27 Molly 's brother had rung her to thank everyone and said Molly was delighted to receive them .
28 Cicely wishes to thank everyone who offered items .
29 First of all , I like to thank everyone who participated in the team selection .
30 It only remains for me to thank everyone who made this year both a pleasure and a challenge for me .
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