Example sentences of "[be] a " in BNC.

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1 Yes — but you are not expected to be a nurse .
2 Soreness in the groin , or a discharge from the genitals , can be a sign of some sexually transmitted diseases .
3 Since Gift Aids applies to a single gifts it can be a very useful means of making a charitable gift towards the end of the tax year when your taxable income for the year can be estimated with some degree of precision .
4 ‘ And I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of ACET shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors ’ .
5 While pneumonia continues to be a common occurrence , by 1989 improved treatment had reduced the numbers dying as a result to only 3% .
6 ACET aims to be a practical resource to local churches and Christian organisations seeking to prevent new infection and provide basic community care .
7 We can start with Baudelaire , sometimes considered to be a father of modern criticism .
8 Thus the best account of a picture may well be a sonnet or an elegy … as for criticism properly so-called …
9 Barr , in what used to be a general policy for museum curators , was not writing a passionate defence of the work his museum exhibited .
10 A traditional critic may be a practising artist ; if so , there is an excellent chance that any technical assessment included in a piece of criticism will be thorough .
11 Deciding where is the beginning can be a trouble for an art historian .
12 As he explained : ‘ My starting point has to be a vision , otherwise I can not do anything .
13 It is intended to be a contribution to the history of style rather than of individual artists .
14 Here the writer is likely to be a practitioner , and the approach may defer to the popularity of the medium as a pastime for amateurs .
15 anyone who expects this book to be a treatise on the history of landscape painting will be disappointed … in spite of copious rewriting , lectures these pages remain .
16 Comparison of illustrations of the same picture in several publications will demonstrate this truism , while the best test of looking at a reproduction in front of the picture itself can be a disheartening experience .
17 The catalogue raisonné continues to be a key document for authentication of an artist 's work .
18 When such an article rises above the level of a gossip column , the artist 's profile can be a valuable format .
19 One source of interest can be a description of where the interview has taken place , perhaps a studio , or maybe the artist 's home .
20 A picture that affects one thus can not be a bad picture .
21 One of the most beautiful of these represents a thirsty man , whose desire for water is represented in the most lively manner as he kneels on the ground to drink from a spring , with such wonderful reality that one might imagine him to be a real person .
22 In a different sort of context , what appears to be an abstract design , devoid of reference to the natural world , may in fact be a stylisation of a person , an animal or an imagined figure .
23 There remains the courtesy paid by one art to another , as in the poem which Baudelaire suggested might be a high form of critical writing .
24 The gangs exist as intimations of a power which cancels Ahmed 's claim to be a revolutionary leader .
25 In that last respect , however , they were like practically everyone else on the island , which may in itself be a reason why we should not be quick to decide that their behaviour lacked political significance , and consisted of antics .
26 The poor little rich boy was looked after by a second mother in the person of strict Ilse , from Germany : this did a great deal , but not enough , to relieve the isolation he felt — which , as his researches disclosed , was to be a factor in the isolation and rejection suffered in turn by his younger brother , who also left for the Mediterranean .
27 This appears to be a key point , but it is one that is left controversial .
28 Klima may perhaps be a common name in Czechoslovakia , and Kundera has become a common name in the conversation of Western readers , who are drawn to these reciprocal concerns of his .
29 His Postscript evokes the aim of a white-coated Doctor Kundera ‘ to solve an aesthetic problem : how to write a novel which would be a ‘ critique of poetry ’ and yet at the same time would itself be poetry ’ .
30 Many poems contain a critique of poetry , just as many contain a critique of the self-portrayed poet , and of his intention to serve a social or doctrinal system , or of his claim to be a special case .
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