Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One Sunday afternoon , when Dana and I were sitting on the edge of the bed working over versions of various poems , the door , which we always left unlocked , suddenly burst open and a group of surly-looking students entered , led by a big bully who was not Spanish but Venezuelan .
2 Yet Catalan and not Spanish remains their first language ( the signposts have often two spellings ) , and Ibiza and Formentera — the smallest of the group — are still commonly referred to by their Roman name ‘ Pituisas ’ , the Islands of Pines .
3 It 's English they wanted not Spanish on this tape .
4 MR JUSTICE MILLETT said that the particular question was whether a decision of a commons commissioner that certain land was not registrable as common land because it formed part of a highway was capable of giving rise to an estoppel per rem judicatam so as to preclude the landowner from afterwards asserting , in proceedings unconnected with the register , that the land in question did not form part of a highway .
5 The uncertainties caused by what constitutes a security interest are greatly reduced by the fact , as pointed out above , that it is a numerus clausus of charges that has to be registered so if the charge is not within the list it is not registrable .
6 Where land is not yet registered , and for the creation or sale of interests which are not registrable ( for example , leases of between three and twenty years ) , a deed is used .
7 Therefore an agreement solely between a parent company and a subsidiary is not registrable , even if both accept restrictions .
8 Twenty-one years A lease for a term of years less than twenty-one is not registrable at HM Land Registry ( Land Registration Act 1925 , s8 ) .
9 Such a charge is not registrable against the clearing member under s 395 of the Companies Act 1985 .
10 Positive covenants do n't run with the land ; therefore they 're not registrable .
11 A later law dealing with landless newcomers , specifies that they should receive half the property , and not two-thirds .
12 It stated that ‘ medical evidence revealed cases in which injuries , whatever the precise cause , were not self-inflicted and were sustained in police custody ’ .
13 A punitive approach to the poorest survived the accumulation of indications that much even of the worst poverty was not self-inflicted , but derived from the inability of the market to provide sufficient homes , jobs or adequate incomes .
14 How can we test the authenticity of their claim that their homelessness was not self-inflicted ?
15 It was impossible to transfer sound waves mechanically from one flat disc to another without getting into geometrical difficulties , and an ordinary gramophone was not loud enough to be put in front of an acoustic recording horn .
16 Of course the fellow could shout , but the human voice is not loud enough to carry that far .
17 She is nasal , but she is not loud .
18 Effective regional policies — not regional government — are the way forward for England .
19 But sometimes , because he does n't have hundreds of depots I think he 's not regional , but that 's my own fault .
20 Religious ideas are not checkable by ordinary experience , asserts Freud .
21 And in the following production period the maintenance of an increased volume of consumer goods will require the maintenance of an adequate level of v&sub2 ; : but v is not surplus-value .
22 She said that , contrary to popular opinion , traumas caused by such a disaster were not short-lived .
23 It is not MAS practice to fix fees solely contingent on the price obtained for the company ; however , acting on a part fixed/part contingent basis is acceptable provided it is judged that the interest in selling is genuine , the price expectation is realistic and there is likely to be at least one buyer .
24 The fact that the active edge in the Rule above is not modified means that , in principle , all interpretations will be found regardless of the order in which operations are carried out .
25 Not historic buildings , except for his last home at Schloss Solitude , outside Stuttgart , but elderly , ordinary , slightly shabby houses , planned and built in an earlier age , that had acquired a comfortable individuality in occupation by previous occupants , and lent themselves to his own way of living and working .
26 Propaganda had given us indigestion , and reports of how many aeroplanes had been destroyed and how many ships had been sunk were becoming monotonous if not unbelievable .
27 ‘ Maybe not unbelievable , but surprising .
28 Some customers prefer goods which are not mass-produced and seek a wider range of products
29 It has the advantage , however , that new parts can be made for it as required , because it is not mass-produced .
30 The context makes it clear that the two cousins are of different sexes ; however , the sentence is not zeugmatic , so we may conclude that cousin does not have two senses ‘ male cousin ’ and ‘ female cousin ’ .
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