Example sentences of "[not/n't] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 More often than not no-one bothers about the height factor , with the result that the speaker may have to peer at his notes or stand awkwardly or otherwise find it impossible to combine proper use of the mike with proper use of the lectern .
2 Not everyone who reads the book will be able to sympathise with Justin and Ursula , or to believe that they understand them .
3 That 's why there are contrasting pieces ; not everyone is going to be marvellous with the classics ( Rex Harrison once avowed that he was ‘ no good at Tudor verse speaking ’ ) .
4 Not everyone suits the same kind of photographic style , and it may take several tries before you find a picture that eventually gets you noticed .
5 I mean , sight reading is another thing and not everyone is good at that , but it helps if you are .
6 Not everyone had the same pudding , ’ said the inspector with a certain tenacity .
7 Not everyone wants to enter the cave on such terms .
8 Furthermore , not everyone who is invited to respond to an admired poem will have any such experience .
9 Perhaps more variety , too , although enthusiasts ' assertions that not everyone is obsessed by the ‘ Big Five ’ are countered by East who , as a football nut and a director of Derby until he moved into his current post , knows all the arguments .
10 Not everyone does that . ’
11 And as not everyone can be a mould-breaker there are still a lot of traditional comedy shows on television . ’
12 Not everyone loves budget schemes .
13 In a seminar limited to 40 participants , not everyone 's favourites can be included ; however , Harold Pinter , whom Mr Torode surprisingly regards as Ms Weldon 's ally , was invited , not only to participate but also to chair a session .
14 BEER tipped on a member of the audience is not everyone 's idea of art , let alone a joke .
15 Not everyone is suited to neighbourhood policing .
16 Not everyone proved to be a persistent reader of one paper ( or even of a group of similar papers ) but the majority did .
17 This was not everyone 's opinion of Raven .
18 The faculty could not think that a young man of 35 years , who had written one book which not everyone thought wonderful , could hold a candle to his predecessor .
19 Not everyone .
20 Not everyone shared Calvet 's fear .
21 Jack Lewis was about to embark on his professional career as a college tutor at Magdalen ; and since not everyone is familiar with the way Oxford functions , it might be worth explaining exactly what his work was going to entail .
22 It is the rhetoric of Romanticism — ‘ the egotistical sublime ’ — and not everyone liked or likes it .
23 Some of those who attended the lecture have implied to me that not everyone took it particularly seriously .
24 There were those who admired Lewis 's moral courage in being thus prepared to testify for the Christian faith , but not everyone found the spectacle altogether edifying .
25 Few alternative therapies are available on the NHS , so you may have to find a practitioner yourself — and not everyone who practises complementary medicine is adequately trained .
26 But not everyone here thinks the answer is to dig up the fields and destroy the character of the community .
27 Just because not everyone may spot the toy gun in this ad and attach a certain symbolic significance to it , it does not mean that it is not there nor that it has no effect .
28 At the lowest level , the 520ST still looks slightly better value than an Amiga , which has an operating system not everyone likes .
29 An angel there to prove that not everyone over the age of 12 is totally screwed up .
30 Not everyone is opposed to more controls on advertising .
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