Example sentences of "[adv prt] of " in BNC.

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1 In the second book , a photograph is spoken of which ‘ shows the pulling down of a monument to one of the Shahs ( father or son ) in Teheran or some other Iranian city .
2 In windy weather , the effects of the wind gradient near the ground accentuate any movement up or down of the towplane and glider .
3 So this damping down of the sensory input when attention moves elsewhere can occur very early in the pathway from the sense organ to the brain .
4 One feature of English verse that is scanted by this method , or can be acknowledged only incidentally , is one that every careful reader knows from his or her experience : tempo , the speeding up or slowing down of enunciation , and therefore of apprehension , as we read through a line or through several lines in sequence .
5 It was a slowing down of the spread of forest decline in the late 1980s that first pointed the CEGB scientists towards climate as the cause .
6 However , the watering down of a basic and principled commitment , within Labour or any other libertarian party , especially in response to intimidation by newspapers of such a spurious morality , could prove deeply discrediting .
7 This was because of de-stocking and running down of high volume , low margin brands , and a change of year end at the Schenley offshoot last time .
8 As one reflection of this , telephone calls about matters like this were occasionally terminated by the slamming down of the receiver , followed by the defiant expletives of ‘ old bag ’ , ‘ old cow ’ , or ‘ bastard ’ , which Manning 's ethnography shows is a common closing remark among disgruntled policemen ( 1977 , p. xiv ) .
9 The first change they noticed as a result of the Revolution was the indiscriminate and wasteful hacking down of the woods by the peasants : large trees had merely been deprived of their thinner branches .
10 In W. J. Perry 's The Origin of Magic and Religion which he reviewed in July 1924 , four months before these lines appeared , Eliot read of ‘ old stone images ’ of the Melanesians , of mana , of the handing down of rituals , and of W. H. R. Rivers 's work on ‘ an extensive literature in which attempts are made to bring the symbolism of myth and ritual into relation with modern views concerning its rôle in the dream and disease ’ .
11 The Health & Safety Executive , however , maintained that the HSC 's comprehensive guidelines were adequate and that the laying down of rigid prescriptive standards was impossible given the diversity of sizes and types of pool .
12 The stepping down of the government followed resignation calls from all five of East Germany 's minor political parties , and from a deputy minister of culture .
13 From the crisis over Nato modernisation in March to the casting down of the Wall in November stretch an astonishing nine months in which Germans on both sides have reached out with increasing boldness to take their destiny into their own hands .
14 THE Government 's watering down of Monopolies and Mergers Commission proposals to weaken big brewers ' grip on their pubs has persuaded Whitbread to drop ideas of selling its breweries .
15 Regional nerves have been strained by a plan to cut off water from Syria and Iraq for a month , and by the Syrian shooting down of a Turkish civilian plane in October .
16 The Forum sought to link the creation of the new government to the stepping down of President Gustav Husak , a key demand of the opposition .
17 THE body of a French charity worker killed in the shooting down of a Medicins sans Frontieres ( MSF ) plane in southern Sudan nine days ago exploded at Khartoum airport in what is thought to have been a booby-trap .
18 The idea of the New has always been a crucial part of pop 's rhetoric : the idea that the future is going to be a improvement on the past ( that sixties ' feeling of being on the brink of a whole new order , the beginning of an endless breaking down of barriers and limits ) .
19 The latter reduced hydro-electric power and caused the shutting down of several nuclear power stations when river levels dropped and the water in any case became too warm for effective cooling .
21 Such things may be seen by some as the inevitable watering down of the faith ; that the alternative to fundamentalism is a blurring of the lines and the inability of the Church to address the world .
22 Gradually you saw this self-absorbed monarch stripped down of all his trappings , until a wonderful scene when he was kneeling on the ground staring at his reflection , and suddenly he shattered the mirror against his foreheard .
23 Among the projects carried out were the creation of two folk museums , the laying out of public parks and gardens ; a nature trail ; a children 's playground ; the restoration of an old ‘ Norse ’ mill , and the laying down of a car park for a small craft shop .
24 At the going down of the sun and in the morning
25 Some , at least , of the graptolitic black shales are what we can recognize , with the hindsight of plate tectonic theory , as the deposits laid down of the edge of the continental shelf , in a truly oceanic environment .
26 The many devices range from the gas sacs of Physalia , to the liberal laying down of fat .
27 The ‘ charming and delightful ’ London lawyer grandfather who told stories , or the once stern parent who could find ‘ no limit to his indulgence for his grandchildren ; ’ the weekly visit to a landowning grandfather ‘ to whom we were deeply attached ; ’ the ‘ lengthened visits ’ from ‘ very kind ’ grandparents , or a grandson 's ‘ happiest days ’ , being ‘ thoroughly spoiled ’ in the countryside , are all typical Especially with upper-class families these visits were often directly linked with the handing down of their own distinctive family traditions .
28 This is both convenient and desirable ; it is part of the process of the whittling down of state power and interference , a cardinal item on the Thatcherite agenda .
29 Only that essential easing down of training should deviate from the norm .
30 So why has this critical theory had so little influence in the area of critical practice , why has there been no process of a filtering down of ideas from the ‘ high ground ’ of theory to the ‘ lower ground ’ of journalism , reviewing and the more quotidian criticism ?
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