Example sentences of "[vb -s] always " in BNC.

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1 The appeal for tolerance by gesturing to lists of Famously Artistic Homosexuals is one of the classic tropes of gay self-justification — it goes ‘ Sappho , Michaelangelo , Shakespeare … and me ’ — and it needs always to be resisted because it seeks to extend contemporary definitions of sexuality back to incorporate historical periods when categorizations of the sexual were quite different .
2 This needs always to be stressed .
3 Her own wants and needs always seemed to become smothered under her mother 's .
4 It has always been ACET 's policy to work with and complement statutory and other voluntary organizations .
5 How to find the money necessary to carry out Amnesty 's work has always been a worry , and from the very beginning the Section Office asked groups for help in this area .
6 On the one hand , force has been required to subordinate it , and , on the other , it has always threatened to outbreed protestant loyalists , an outcome which has only been avoided by catholic — nationalist migration over the past seventy years .
7 In addition , protestant — loyalist politics has always been a zero-sum activity : one either has a monopoly of power or concedes it to the opposition .
8 What socialism there has been among the catholic — nationalist tradition has always tended to be allied to republicanism , especially in the period 1913 to 1930 ( Rumpf and Hepburn 1977 : 13 ) .
9 But generally speaking the ideal has always tended to accentuate the gap between the clerical world view and the lay world view within catholicism .
10 This has always added to the clergy 's spiritual authority and status , and has tended to merge with the authority claimed by the clergy in matters of faith and morals , with the high clergy deciding what constitutes matters of faith and morals .
11 Generally speaking , there is evidence that the church has always tended to support the hegemony of the state qua state .
12 They are organizationally secular schools , though some clergy are members of the local governing committees and this has always been a feature .
13 The fact that a prominent member of the current community council and an integrated education supporter was a member of official Sinn Fein , the Workers ' party , appeared to figure in the reasoning , as this party has always been suspected to be an anti-clerical and secularist force .
14 I do not mean to imply , he wrote , that nothing existed before that moment , no plans , no designs , no sketches and no notes , of course there were plans and designs , sketches and notes , how could there not be , he wrote , when my whole life has been nothing but a preparation for this beginning , not only in the sense that everyone 's life is always a preparation for every beginning in that life but in the quite specific sense that my own life has always been a preparation for this beginning , nothing but a preparation for this beginning , both consciously and unconsciously , with everything I have done as well as everything I have thought , everything I have felt as well as everything I have suffered .
15 So that behind the changes of direction , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , this has always been a constant , the feeling of disgust in the pit of the stomach .
16 Fire , she tells me , has always been a source of goodness .
17 I mean that the novel has always given the impression that third person narration can narrate what it is I am feeling .
18 But that has always been my way , he wrote .
19 The thing about my life , he wrote , is that everything has always been too late .
20 The pub has always had to tread a difficult tightrope in reconciling its social function , as a ‘ house ’ for the public , with its commercial function as a retail shop .
21 In the UK , franchising has always played a significant role , although relations between franchisor and franchisee have not always been smooth , according to the report .
22 The arguments for the development of the media industries of regional cities has always had both economic and cultural aspects .
23 Heading a homicide enquiry is a prize which has always eluded her , until against all the odds she is appointed to head a case .
24 The Festival has always been a popular meeting place for people interested in all areas of film and television , and this year we are pleased to host a one day workshop for BLACK WOMEN WRITERS .
25 To an extent , this has always been there , but it 's important to raise the issue here because the most unfashionable person to help is often the person who is dying on your own doorstep .
26 In Chapter 3 I will describe in detail the culture created to deal with these ‘ street-visible ’ offenders in a cell-block situation , but suggest the inertia surrounding the whole problem is more easily understood when we consider the social history of such illness ( Foucault 1967 ) , and see how the executive has always allocated the control of such ‘ drunken dossers ’ to the police .
27 Across the history of policing their need has always been for the light of research to illuminate the activities of the underprivileged and the powerless , rather than focus upon the élite themselves !
28 Of course , the desire to obtain control of the written word has always been one indication of the autocratic mind .
29 Of course this has always been the case for all entrants , for there are only forty-three chief constables and the same number of deputies , so few have a chief officer 's truncheon in their knapsack ( to paraphrase an old army chestnut ) .
30 Once again , however , the declared aim and the reality are not actually coterminous , and prevention as such has always had lower status than the task of catching those who do the taking .
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