Example sentences of "[subord] just " in BNC.

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1 This differs from the Abbey National share allocation , where just one share allocation was permitted per saver , regardless of the number of accounts held .
2 ‘ It is great to be involved with them because they are sane , normal human beings in the world of rock 'n' roll , where just finding a sane and normal human being is very hard .
3 With only shocked monosyllables passing between us , we waded into the living room , where just a small steam flowed through from the area of the guest bedroom and bathroom .
4 In a modern society where just two children are the norm , any birth is a major event , every birth has major consequences for the mother 's material circumstances and future .
5 All these approaches have had a degree of success , but the drug scene is a dynamic , creative one where just as one drug seems to be under control , a new threat emerges .
6 10 year old Richard Hall playing with his brother , Clark at the spot near their Banbury home , where just 3 days ago he was shot in the head .
7 The control room , although just workable , is very cramped ( especially as it has had to take on committee work ) .
8 Although just over 1,000 feet high this conical hill , once described as ‘ Cleveland 's Matterhorn ’ , dominates the Cleveland skyline .
9 The railway is fast becoming one of the major tourist attractions in the area of South Wales , although just boasting its English connections being in the county of Gloucestershire .
10 In its case , although just viable , opinions over its right to life are fiercely contested .
11 Although just over half of a sample of teenage mothers in 1979 — 80 had had some kind of family planning lesson at school , only a quarter had attempted to use contraception around the time they conceived .
12 Acheson , as acting Secretary of State , may not have gone so far ; although just before the war began , when it looked as if Moffat was going to meet Ho in Hanoi , Acheson asked him to ‘ keep in mind Ho 's clear record as agent international communism , absence evidence recantation Moscow affiliations … and support Ho receiving [ from ] French Communist Party . ’
13 Occasionally , Galileo described actual experiments , for instance , experiments involving the rolling of spheres down inclined planes , although just how many of these Galileo actually performed is a matter of some dispute .
14 Although just two properties remain for sale at Birse Homes ' Hutton Grange development in Weston-Super-Mare , Avon , the builder promises more bungalows are soon to be released .
15 In fact , the target turned out to be something totally different , although just as an attractive find .
16 Although just over five feet eight inches tall , and seldom well trained , at his best he was strong , fast , and skilful enough to hold his own with Cribb , reputedly the best of all bare-knuckle boxers , and but for his fondness for high living , might well have been champion .
17 For example , middle class women were as convinced as working class women by the medical profession 's call for hospitalised childbirth , although just as working class women wanted what they regarded as the additional bonus of hospital rest , so middle class women also saw the availability of anaesthesia as a major reason for welcoming the trend to hospital births .
18 Although just what she had done with all her unencumbered time since he 'd moved the rest of them to Almsmead , other than take an excessive interest in the mill-school he 'd had to build to keep on the right side of that damned , interfering Factory Act , he was uncertain .
19 I thought about his notion that ‘ alien ’ was just another way of saying ‘ devil ’ , or that Old Mother Walsh and her snake were n't , actually , any more real , although just as powerful , as Argol and the things from Tellenor .
20 And although just about everywhere 's seen a good deal of sunshine , it has continued to feel pretty chilly .
21 In the related genre of graffiti-writing , women tend to be more restrained than men , apparently , in their language , although just as preoccupied with sex !
22 It take s lot more than just physical attraction to make a lasting , happy marriage .
23 Beyond this , the use of biography , its actual ability to throw light ( rather than just to be entertaining and nice to have around ) , seems to be a fantasy .
24 Perhaps some of the voice teaching was repetitive in the second term , but when there was a change in voice tutor who developed pieces of your own choice rather than just vocal exercises the whole thing came alive and interesting .
25 Acting can be both pleasure and torture — but it is not fun and people are sometimes more concerned with the image of being an actor ‘ at work ’ rather than just working .
26 Yes , she was the first person who made me realise that acting was more than just speaking and doing .
27 A pub , like any other old building , is far more than just its principle facade , or its four walls .
28 This is the pub as social institution , so much more than just a place for drinking .
29 Telecommunications systems for hotels now perform many more tasks than just allowing people to make telephone calls .
30 A good sommelier or restaurant manager can persuade the customer to choose a super bottle of wine which offers marvellous value and drinks perfectly , rather than just a grand name in a superlative vintage which , inevitably , will have a premium attached to it .
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