Example sentences of "[subord] well " in BNC.

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1 Mozart 's music will be played throughout the world in 1991 in many bicentenary celebrations , but where better to listen to his operas , chamber music and piano concertos than in Vienna , a city that he described as ‘ the best place in the world for my metier ’ .
2 Where better than this great vault of abandoned statuary and skeletons , to avail themselves of their Catalepsean Nodes for a couple of hours ?
3 Where better , then , to hide the heart of some treacherous web of intrigue than in such a megavessel lost in the vastness of the warp , that all sane voyagers would shun ?
4 Ministers are more subtle , describing the review as ‘ seeking to identify areas where better targeting can be achieved or from which the public sector can withdraw altogether . ’
5 This is a delightful bedside dipper of a book and where better to end than an epilogue — Mae West 's curtain speech to her play Catherine Was Great .
6 For desserts and digestifs where better than the Christ Church Picture Gallery , Canterbury Gate & Oriel Square where a selection of the College 's renowned collection of Old Master drawings will be on view .
7 Now it was time to relax , to unburden themselves , and where better than here where symmetry and disorder , artistry and chance , met in such perfect balance ?
8 Where better than the south of France , which she knew like the back of her hand ?
9 Where better to sit and be seen ?
10 A night-cap was called for before we retired for the evening — where better than the Rovers Return ?
11 and you can watch them barefoot in the Cotswold water Park this weekend … another Gloucestershire sportsmen who 's celebrating a record is jockey Willie Carson … at the weekend he rode winner number three thousand five hundred … so where better place to start our round-up than in the winners enclosure
12 Where better place to hold the country 's first Sunday jump meeting than Prestbury Park at Cheltenham … the home of National Hunt Racing .
13 I have found full cupboards and empty ones , children with books and children without ; schools and classrooms where the resources of the community have been mobilised , where well stocked classroom shops have been organised using packets , wrappers and tins collected by children , where great varieties of natural and man-made objects have been collected for children 's use in science and mathematics — and schools with none of these things .
14 The LAPD had 7,000 officers , albeit better trained , with an air fleet of eighteen helicopters , a budget of over $400 million and an arsenal the teenagers in the gangs could never match .
15 Encouraged by the vision thus conjured up , Nutty watched the opposition with narrowed eyes , and was pleased to see that , yes , Colin Constable , for all his smart appearance , was certainly not up to Nails 's standard and not even up to Jazz 's , although better than Hoomey and herself .
16 A good motivator , although better with kids than old hands and the Luton fans love him .
17 Export growth over the same period has shown an increase of only 36 per cent which , although better than the world average growth of 28 per cent , is clearly not sufficient to cover the large increase in import demand .
18 Detention centres , dating from 1952 , provided a strict regime for selected young offenders , although better suited to those without previous experience of institutional custody .
19 Pearson finance director James Joll said that trade in the UK , although better than feared , had been tough throughout the year , until December brought some welcome relief .
20 All urban groups contrive in maintaining cheap food prices-as well as international capital and contractors who have interests in copper mining in Zambia ( in order to keep the pressure of union militancy for higher wages from squeezing profits ) .
21 Although well above the best wages of a skilled man , it was neither market-determined nor received by all registered professionals .
22 It is clean and fresh , although well flavoured .
23 Although well furnished , the annexe rooms , which led off from the rear of the bothy , lacked cosiness because they were so cold .
24 He had adorned his new abode at Winchelsea with the finest furniture from a firm in London 's New Bond Street and , although well able to afford it , he had failed to pay .
25 Advice from experts should therefore be approached with considerable caution , since although well intended , it is often the interpretation of their own technique not of that suitable to someone less experienced .
26 She was very genteel , softly spoken and , although poor , kept standards high — her gloves , although well mended were always beautifully white .
27 Although well protected against most predators they are no match for human ingenuity .
28 The sentimental side , although well presented by a fine ballad like ‘ Make the Man Love Me ’ , is both overshadowed and made more sugary by the comic element of Cisssie , the heroine 's sister , with her string of ‘ husbands ’ all called Harry and her rosy outlook .
29 His Grosvenor International Holdings company in Canada , the United States and Australia , earned a useful £3.7million after tax last year although well down on the £8.1million of 1990 .
30 Although well able to acclimatise to most aquarium conditions most Rasboras will reward any efforts made to accommodate their particular requirements .
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