Example sentences of "[subord] it " in BNC.

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1 A non-zero non-unit polynomial f will be called reducible iff it is not irreducible .
2 VP : a statement has empirical meaning iff its truth would make a difference to the evidence of our senses , which , since a statement is verifiable , on this approach , iff its truth would make a difference to the evidence of our senses , is equivalent to : VP 1 : a statement has empirical meaning iff it is verifiable .
3 Definition The program P is a b , x-ALT pattern iff it is either unc or unc where there are integers K , L with unc such that unc implies that unc has one of the forms c> and c ! e , and that Pi is a b , x-normal form .
4 As one who was so instrumental in mapping out the future promise of early Smiths , his quote ‘ If you asked me to write something about The Smiths now it would probably be critical ’ , remained interesting .
5 Certainly the early universe does not obey the symmetry T : as time runs forward the universe expands-if it ran backward , the universe would be contracting .
6 Some of the government appointments as heads of the programme companies were proven professionals — under ORTF : for example , in 1978 , the head of TFI , Jean-Louis Guillaud , had previously advised Pompidou on broadcasting and prepared the launching of the third channel ; the head of A2 , Maurice Ulrich , would later be ‘ Chef de Cabinet ’ of Chirac when premier ( 1986–8 ) ; Claude Contamine , head of FR3 , and later ( 1986–9 ) head of A2 , had been one of the first — when assistant DG of ORTF in 1964 — to commission work from independent producers , despite ORTF 's formal monopoly of production ; further proof-if it were needed — of the longevity of the connection between broadcasting and the state .
7 Generally , and one says it graciously , sectorisation has worked , the eighties seeing it flowering and bringing both improvements and cost savings .
8 But seeing it was never enough .
9 Seeing it , and thinking of him safely in heaven with no risk now of being zipped into this airless rubber gas-bag made Dot start to cry .
10 Seeing it on the noticeboard at the workhouse made me think … but I ca n't be sure any more .
11 Seeing it there , foursquare in soot-streaked stone , with its barred windows , great studded iron door , and high walls trimmed with barbed wire , makes her think with a shudder of the men cooped up inside in cramped cells smelling of sweat and urine , rapists and pimps and wife-beaters and child-molesters among them , and her heart sinks under the thought that crime and punishment are equally horrible , equally inevitable — unless men should change , all become like Charles , which seems unlikely .
12 It was hanging over the side of the quarry , and she might have missed seeing it if the handles had n't been bright-red .
13 For centuries , most religious traditions have debased sex — seeing it as dirty and sinful , or purely for procreation — and have advocated celibacy as a path towards God .
14 Then , by pure chance — but seeing it as an act of providence — she had heard Lin Foh call down for an early supper , for him and his CI5 guardian .
15 Derek was a member of the duty crew that particular day and he remembers seeing the aircraft off , then a short time later seeing it back in again .
16 Nor had she ever seen such a dress on anyone over the age of thirty , but seeing it , she had to admit that it did not even look bizarre : it was a pale purple smock , waistless and bustless , with long , much-buttoned sleeves , and yet it managed to give only the faintest , most delicate air of Bohemia .
17 Seeing it anew , Flavia said , ‘ It is something ? ’
18 Seeing it , Tolonen had mixed feelings .
19 seeing it not as a game between two teams but between his team and the opposition , a position which not only gave him a particular involvement , but also particular rights of commentary and criticism on the team , the management and the club .
20 It is possible to see the weather from a long way off , but as the people at Old Slains know , the weather then arrives at such speed over the surface of the North Sea that seeing it approach seems hardly sufficient warning .
21 Seeing it features in your catalogue , would you prefer me to send the copies back to you ?
22 Seeing it there , the n the y name of your bank , the fact that amount that 's in the account , the the er gon details of your credit card , what 's your response to that ?
23 Seeing it like this , it 's hard to imagine it packed with bodies , as it is at weekends when the weather 's good .
24 Seeing it yesterday for the first time , she had reflected that great tact would have to be employed for two women to share quarters this size .
25 Seeing it , and experiencing it , changes our perceptions .
26 Seeing it from the car did n't do it justice , ’ Nicolo said .
27 The smoked-glass doors of Swift were closed and the Mercedes had long ago pulled into the traffic , but she just kept seeing it in her mind , Damian striding along with his arm around the beautiful Domino .
28 Paolo Uccello would have been the most delightful and imaginative genius since Giotto that had adorned the art of painting , if he had devoted as much pains to figures and animals as he did to questions of perspective , for , although these are ingenious and good in their way , yet an immoderate devotion to them causes an infinite waste of time , fatigues nature , clogs the mind with difficulties , and frequently renders it sterile where it had previously been fertile and facile .
29 Perhaps radio will allow me to play all the unsuitable roles that I ca n't do visually in the theatre , where it 's just the voice and the character .
30 The meaning of democracy shifts even further once it is interpreted within the terms of the Calvinist principle of the Godly society , where it is the lot of the just to assume power and to guide the citizens in the paths of righteousness .
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