Example sentences of "[v-ing] from " in BNC.

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1 Within minutes of disembarking from the boats and starting the search we all found to our disappointment that the good weather still had n't dried out the long grass of the islands , and we were all soon soaking .
2 On the street outside the Marriott , in the rather rum section of town the locals affectionately have dubbed Pigalle Place , we had encountered Malgosia , a twenty-three-year-old prostitute , disembarking from a car .
3 We had arrived at Orange a week previously , and after disembarking from the coach had been ordered into the barrack rooms by our Corporals , who were waiting outside on the parade ground .
4 When he saw Mrs Goreng disembarking from her jeep , he at once made himself scarce , retiring through the back of the shop to his living-quarters and instructing me to deal with this dissatisfied , difficult , and , in all likelihood , dangerous customer .
5 Parliament also approved stricter laws allowing the deportation of illegal immigrants , wider powers for border police , and checks on potential refugees disembarking from aircraft .
6 It can be seen that a long list of students ( or any other units ) could be used for a random sample by this means simply by numbering from beginning to end , and this could be done with an automatic increasing numbering stamp .
7 The tentacle scales are small and variable , numbering from 0–5 , some are needle-like while others resemble small granules .
8 I S Tummon and David Mortimer suggest that our finding may be due simply to changes in methods of pipetting from 1940 to 1990 .
9 But a nice young man who wanted a bit of chivvying from a jolly girl-friend .
10 Property price inflation lifted turnover and operating profits , but costs also increased steeply , with interest charges leaping from £1.236m to £3.94m , reducing the pre-tax result .
11 The rewards are just beginning to come through with Mercury 's contribution to C&W trading profit leaping from £4million to £14million in the six months to September 30 .
12 Bring history leaping from the pages of those boring , old textbooks — Battle of Hastings , 1066 — Magna Carta , 1215 — Great Fire of London , 1666 .
13 But at Eindhoven the organisation was unable to prevent fraternisation between the two sides leaping from mutual suspicion into whirlwind romance .
14 Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs , so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which , in the broad sense , can be called imitation .
15 Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs , so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which , in the broad sense , can be called imitation .
16 It darted up a tree with breathtaking ease , and the young man watched it leaping from bough to bough , as light and airy as a puff of grey smoke .
17 For me , going on a strict vegan diet where all animal products were banned , where there was no place for tea or coffee , where even fish , eggs , salt and sugar were forbidden , was like leaping from a warm bed into the icy seas of Antarctica .
18 Leaping from the window sill she fell directly on top of a passer-by walking along the pavement below .
19 Having lived in Australia for some years and witnessed forest fires , leaping from tree to tree and running along the thin covering of bush and grass , I could enter imaginatively into the prophet 's experience .
20 Dozens of people were seen leaping from windows in the apartment blocks .
21 A BUXOM woman stunned pensioner Jack Cookson — by leaping from a car and flashing her boobs .
22 Twenty people were reported killed after leaping from windows in the buildings .
23 If you want to see dazzling feats of mountaineering , with animals leaping from ledge to ledge across gaping chasms , then look to the chamois .
24 I am so used to leaping from the sensation , the flat circle , to the judgement , a globe , and do it so quickly , that I do not notice I have done it .
25 The tips of the fingers and toes are equipped with sucker-like discs that help them to cling on , and the long tail is used as a balance and brake when leaping from branch to branch .
26 A cat or monkey using its perceptual powers in leaping from wall to wall , or branch to branch , needs some representation of stability and support .
27 A splashy Belle-epoque tableau literally bursting at the edges with tumbling patrons leaping from the stage , frantic dancers , several pairs of identical twins and top-hatted gentlemen consorting with masked beauties , it was most entertaining decoration , and seemed reasonably estimated at $100–150,000 , though it sold to an American collector ( widely believed to be Iris and Gerald Cantor ) for a stunning $650,000 ( £373,500 ) .
28 One kind , Bathygobius , has the habit of leaping from one pool to another as the tide retreats .
29 She saw Ace , getting nearer , wide-eyed with concern , leaping from rock to rock .
30 And suddenly , astonishingly , astonished , she began to weep , great sobs bursting out of her , tears leaping from her eyes , a kind of howling noise in her nose and throat , and Charles got up and came and sat by her and took her in his arms as she howled like a six-year-old .
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