Example sentences of "[v-ing] into " in BNC.

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1 She was startled by his intensity , with-drawing into herself .
2 Westerners come and go , crowding into the Marriott , Warsaw 's only top-class hotel , but few bother to set up shop .
3 For these people , the last word in radical chic is Brut Soap-on-a-Rope ; they dress as though they have stepped straight from the pages of a Seventies mail-order catalogue ; they consider a good night out to be crowding into the only working public telephone box , and , hyperventilating in their over-excitement , taking it in turns to listen to the talking clock .
4 Images were crowding into Marie 's head , superimposing themselves , one upon the other : the wrecked kiosk ; Gazzer , with the keys dangling from his hand , leading Madge away ; Gazzer stamping about in his big boots .
5 Our pilot was said to be the best on the river , but every now and then there was a shudder as we touched a sandbank ; and there was so little water coming down from Aswan that we only squeezed through the lock at Nag Hammadi by all the passengers crowding into the bows of the Nefertari , while her crew hauled on ropes , chanting a shanty that might have been sung on the sunboats of the pharaohs .
6 There were people , people everywhere — huddled inside doorways trying to keep dry , crowding into the small , old-fashioned shops , and buying fruit and vegetables at bargain prices from the swarthy hawkers whose barrows were drawn up close to the kerb .
7 She felt giddy as the full answer came , crowding into her mind .
8 He turned to the other staff officers who were crowding into the room .
9 That 's why everyone and their brother , DEC , HP and Sun , are all crowding into the week of November 10 for their anticipated launches , with the added expectation of getting coverage at Comdex Fall in Las Vegas the following week .
10 You 'll have to wait until 1993 to see German , French and Italian shops crowding into the high street .
11 But if they lay brooding , unable to feed or go underground , all their troubles would come crowding into their hearts , their fears would mount and they might very likely scatter , or even try to return to the warren .
12 More children were crowding into the junction ahead .
13 Memories real as the rough bark pressing against the back of her hands came crowding into her mind .
14 Every day , anything up to a thousand illegal Asian workers are crowding into Tokyo 's main immigration bureau , asking to be deported .
15 Wedding and funeral forms , sent in by the families , were passed to me for transposing into the accepted cliches .
16 He was a member of the new Company of Royal Adventurers trading into Africa from its inception , and was an assistant 1666–8 and 1670–1 ; he was a committee member of the East India Company in 1666–7 , 1668–74 , and 1675–7 ; deputy governor of the Hudson 's Bay Company in 1670–5 ; and an elder brother of Trinity House from 1670 to his death .
17 And the bottles come bobbing into view , and by …
18 Courteously he swings back towards her , his sleepwalker 's expression cracking into irritation as she whispers furiously , ‘ I 'm going , I 'm not going to stay in here — ’
19 ‘ Now where was it ? ’ murmured the Inspector lovingly , his weaselly features cracking into the semblance of a grin .
20 The editor 's look suggests displeasure , but I am too elated to worry and with a skip I whirl into the revolving doors and out laughing into the night.But now , what a fiasco !
21 His look of rage vanished and he held out his arms to her , laughing into her face .
22 They were laughing into each other 's faces at some private joke ; they had n't seen me .
23 She looked at her best as she ran laughing into the warm wind .
24 I hide my face , laughing into my hands .
25 Then , with nothing else left to do , she crawled into bed and slept fitfully , her mind filled with images of Jack 's beloved , dirt-streaked face laughing into the camera .
26 Across the tracks was ‘ Jack 's Chicken Shack ’ , a Negro hangout that sold bootleg liquor after the county went dry around 1952 , and Sheffield began to grow more ashen and dusty , shrivelling into a near semblance of a ghost town .
27 But she 'd already started to dissipate the beauty of her voice with various kinds of addiction — narcotics , alcohol and companions who were n't altogether kind to her — and the last ten years of her life ( she died in 1959 ) find the light , drifting delivery of the pre-war years shrivelling into the croak of a haggard ghost .
28 British Tommies were helping to restore order and a small patrol of them were on duty at the crossing of Commissioner and Pagoda Roads when a busload of young ruffians armed with sticks and dahs came tearing into the city .
29 A vagrant jazz trio have set up their tattered equipment on a grassy knoll and are tearing into the theme from The Flintstones with commendable gusto .
30 Tearing into the Instrument , some behave ‘ as if they had been in the schools , where each man had liberty to propose his own Utopia , and to frame commonwealths according to his own fancy …
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