Example sentences of "[v-ing] one " in BNC.

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1 The Glass-Steagall Act in the US , separating to a large extent the banking and securities business , is a good example of the difficulties inherent in transposing one set of regulatory values to another jurisdiction , in particular the UK , where no such prohibitions exist .
2 In our temperate climate , land use can be divided into four main categories : arable areas , where crops such as cereals and legumes can be grown , generally well drained and fertile with relatively easily worked soils ; at most times in the past rotation was employed , alternating one crop with another , and crops with pasture where cattle , sheep , goats , horses and so on grazed ; meadowland where hay was grown for winter fodder ; and woodland to provide the wood and timber .
3 If anything , he looked younger and fitter , he 'd certainly kept himself in trim , although the hair was thinning and he seemed to be cultivating one long strand on the right side which could be plastered over the scalp .
4 Explaining one of the sections of their manifesto in the preface to the exhibition at Bernheim 's , the Futurists , now aware of Cubist painting , talked for the first time of ‘ battles of planes ’ ; and Boccioni summarizes most concisely the debt of Futurism to Cubism when in Pittura Scultura Futuriste , published in 1914 , he wrote under the heading ‘ Compenetrazione dei Piani ’ : ‘ It is the pictorial method of rendering movement in a painting , making the surrounding objects fuse with the structure of the object placed in their midst ’ .
5 Employing one of those supremely disingenuous somersaults of logic that only long training in double-speak and the official brand of British arrogance can confer , Mr Howard told a Westminster audience of backbenchers that ‘ If the Commission were to take us to the European Court I can think of few things more calculated to bring the Commission into disrepute ’
6 Acquiring a good interview technique is as important for people employing one person to work directly for them as it is for those who will be taking on large numbers to work for a company .
7 A proposal , drawn up by The Library Association , was accepted by British Library Research and Development , for a one-year project from February 1984 to February 1985 , funded by BLR&D , housed by The Library Association 's Development and Research Department , employing one part-time researcher .
8 The cost to the firm of employing one additional worker in a competitive labour market is the prevailing money wage ( W ) .
9 Employing one full-time and two trainee staff , it fabricates and supplies brass fittings for fireplaces and produces architectural brass fittings to order .
10 Employing one or several people to answer calls , so that they are screened for their relevance .
11 ( pls 6,8 ) Designs employing one floral motif which is then systematically repeated across the entire field .
12 The possibilities of employing one discourse as a metaphor for another are first explored in Out .
13 Instead , they sensibly decided to avoid disputes and differences by jointly employing one average adjuster to advise them on how the loss should be apportioned and agreed to accept and act on his advice .
14 But while resolving one puzzle about the greenhouse effect .
15 Adam was snoring one morning this week .
16 Emily 's first book , ‘ Klee Wyck ’ ( Laughing One ) went into three editions and was followed by ‘ The Book of Small ’ and ‘ The House of All Sorts ’ ( Emily 's experiences with a rare assortment of characters while managing a guest-house ) .
17 She had spent all afternoon trying to ask Nanny more , but Nanny had been in a funny mood , laughing one minute and crying the next , and not making any sense of anything she said .
18 He come in laughing one day , look at this Paul , look at this and he shows me this big long letter that this teacher had wrote on .
19 Nor had any of the guests — themselves numbering one hundred and eighty — absented themselves on this occasion .
20 He pushed away from me and stood up and stumbled over to a wooden chest , tearing one of its drawers right out so that it crashed to the carpeted floor and a load of jumpers fell out .
21 Properly done , absorbing one system into the other brings immediate savings , particularly from those systems used for processing large amounts of data .
22 Next to the difficult decision as to which of many enchanting patterns or knots to draw on the soil with herbs , is the even more difficult but absorbing one of which species to grow .
23 The company 's attempts to mislead the public simply highlight how it profits by wrecking one of the Earth 's greatest natural treasures . "
24 It said it one of the guitar magazines I use my all the time before , before winding up for a gig , and all this sees for wrecking one of the guitars !
25 Then , as his eyes fell to the way she was cradling one hand in the other , he added , frowning , ‘ You 're hurt . ’
26 It was an odd feeling and perhaps accounts for why I delayed my departure so long , wandering around the house many times over , checking one last time that all was in order .
27 She had been halfway through wallpapering one room when the pull of the sun had grown too strong to resist a second longer .
28 I screamed and pulled with all my might , shaking my hands and my head and throwing myself backwards and over as I did so , banging one knee off the gun where it lay , fallen in the sand .
29 hammering and banging one night
30 The scheme is due to be wound up at the end of December 1993 but until then , excepting one or two minor technical amendments affecting mortgage rescues/property management subsidiaries , the rules will remain unchanged .
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