Example sentences of "[coord] [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For instance , if someone had n't heard from a man friend for — oh , for a couple of weeks or so-when he 'd said vaguely he 'd ring — I mean , she might wonder if there was something wrong , if he was ill , or if she 'd offended in some way .
2 Clause 11(b) is so far-ranging that an alert professional insurance adviser would probably need some explanation of the likely liability of the haulier ‘ howsoever or whensoever caused as a result of or arising out of the supply to the client by the company of drivers ’ .
3 In a field landing , or whenever you are trying for a spot landing ( which , of course , should be on every landing ) , the moment you find that you are having to keep full airbrake on continuously , you should start to side-slip and use up the excess height .
4 The routine sheets should be filled in each week or whenever the weight is increased .
5 They get washed whenever I can be bothered , or whenever my mother raids my bedroom .
6 Inside , the stove kept me warm while I cooked or whenever I made a mug of tea which was three or four times a night .
7 Great for long journeys , or whenever you want to listen to the radio in private .
8 Discipline must be one of the more emotive words in the language , guaranteed to raise hackles wherever or whenever the subject is broached .
9 When you have done the recording , you can listen to it whenever you have time to spare ; before you go to bed , first thing in the morning , or whenever suits you .
10 Reapply a sunscreen frequently ( usually every 2–3 hours but check pack instructions ) or whenever you ‘ towel-off ’ , otherwise your protection will be reduced .
11 So for a little over £100 it is easy to spend a long weekend in Paris in the spring , summer or whenever .
12 The Trader shall be deemed to have elected to accept the terms set out in ( 2 ) of this Condition unless , before the transit commences , the Trader has agreed in writing that the Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or misdelivery of or damage to goods however or whenever caused and whether or not caused or contributed to directly or indirectly by any act , omission , neglect , default or other wrongdoing on the part of the Carrier .
13 So long as there is a need for collective decision-making and for policies which give direction to a whole community or society , and so long as or whenever unanimity can not be achieved , it is hard to see what alternative there can be to the minority being compelled to go along with the decision of the majority .
14 come in the middle of the day or whenever you know they 'll be busy .
15 This view led to the first restrictions on private members ' capacity to interrupt or hold up business whenever they liked — or whenever they could get the House to listen to them , for there was always considerable self-discipline .
16 While the full Consortium will meet every 2/3 months or so ( or whenever necessary ) , the day-to-day work will be shouldered by an Action Group comprising : SNPS , NT , FoE , CPRW , NWWT and CNP .
17 An intelligent controller can track the position of the pen and record its location either at a fixed rate ( such as 16 times per second ) or whenever the operator presses a button .
18 Nor is it necessarily good practice to see a client as often as possible or whenever the client wishes .
19 We do n't actually make up , he still carries on paying the same , we do n't , we do n't increase the allocation , when he gets to sixty , or sixty five or whenever .
20 you 're saying , Well every Wednesday morning or whenever
21 The words ‘ do not resuscitate ’ would be added to their medical notes , and updated every 24 hours or whenever the patients ' condition or circumstances changed .
22 Mr Lamont , who sees the Budget as his attempt at political rehabilitation , was boastful , saying he believed last year 's Budget had contributed to the Tory victory at the election and this one would also prove a winner in the next election in 1996 ‘ or whenever the election comes ’ .
23 No problem Mr Prospect , I 'm glad you feel that way however I am seeing you in a fortnight 's time , have a chat with him between then and now and when I see you next week I 'll ta or whenever the time 'll be , I 'll take his telephone number from you then .
24 No we do n't , erm we in principle obviously we are in favour of er there being some form of compensation scheme and that has to be regarded as erm a step forward , er it would be better if er whatever compensation scheme is gon na be introduced was introduced now and the committee recommended and not in nineteen ninety-six or whenever it may be that the legislation is enacted .
25 Mm , or whenever
26 Well it was n't just that , he was I mean he ti if , say I wanted to work Friday or Saturday or whenever
27 mm , so then I saw her last Tuesday or whenever she told me
28 So you can do it every other day , or whenever , whatever your organisational is , but what I used to do is do it on a Friday .
29 Why do n't you get say , two four-pinters on a Monday or whenever you go shopping
30 Oh right , no it 's Olympus and it 's erm why we 're doing this is partly because the European Space Agency is trying to encourage people who were n't previously satellite users to become satellite users and in the next century , or whenever , erm to actually buy commercial satellite time for from them .
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