Example sentences of "[adv] seen " in BNC.

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1 She paced up and down the tiny room while I sat on her bed , and she explained to me that McIllvanney had been approached by a client who had apparently seen Ellen and authorised McIllvanney to offer her the money .
2 I had only seen a wall there before , and now my heart leapt when I saw , through the Bride and the Bachelors , through the Milky Way and the Chariot and the Grinder and the Sieves - someone moving .
3 Like most birdwatchers , I have only seen them in pictures -invariably in supremely elegant poses , their long , thin beaks delicately probing the water for weeds .
4 The past two years have only seen the start of the process , and in terms of M4 the process has not been started at all .
5 He is probably also right when he says that he is only seen as a Spanish artist because his interest lies in Spanish art , instead of in French art ‘ like everyone else' : in other words , within the accepted categories there is no room for a Mexican who is interested in Spanish art . '
6 This means that its touring shows are normally only seen in secondary schools .
7 ‘ It 's absurd — I look on Margaret as my best friend , but I 've only seen her once in the last six months — I do feel guilty about it . ’
8 She had only seen him when she had climbed the wooden steps up to the promenade : he was out of sight of the kiosk , waiting across the road , almost hidden in the dark cave of an amusement arcade .
9 I have only seen one badger in the so-called ‘ wild ’ , caught in the beam of car headlights as it dashed across a small country road in Cornwall .
10 He said he would like a plant or two of Gale with spleenwort leaves ( i.e. Comptonia peregriaa var. aspleniifolia ) and dried specimens of the male and female plants , having only seen the former .
11 He had only seen them in books and wondered how something as light and puffy as steam could pull such heavy carriages .
12 ‘ I have only seen her at the funeral .
13 had only seen it
14 Although it can be as profuse as a gonococcal discharge , it is sometimes only seen first thing in the morning before urine has been passed .
15 Unlike the trams , they are only seen during the summer season .
16 For me , a highlight of this time was a weekend visit from a college friend , whom I 've only seen once in the forty-three years since we left college .
17 H. P. If your face did n't fit , they could get rid of you within twelve months.There was this bobby , a big chap over six feet , very dour , from the Hebrides — he 'd only seen sheep .
18 I was really deeply moved as I had only seen such a thing before in religious pictures .
19 So Wilson 's work of ‘ Cader Idris ’ , even if only seen by Green as a print , must have been of seminal interest .
20 In fact , Jed had only seen Morton once before .
21 Usually only seen at night , the badger is well established in quiet urban areas .
22 A young girl who haunts the Feathers Hotel , a one time serving wench , and only seen by a very few .
23 I have observed that this species can breed at sizes of little more than 1″ , but I have only seen this happen where a larger adult in my colony has died and been replaced by a young fish .
24 We 'd only seen these in tanks before , and the initial reaction was that they were OK , but …
25 ‘ It 's the first time we 've been banned anywhere , ’ said Barry , adding that singer Michael Stipe had been involved in the production of the video and that the rest of the band had only seen it once .
26 I replied cautiously , acutely aware that I had n't seen Spock and Kirk do their thing for years and that I 'd only seen one episode of the new series .
27 Cerecloth , a waxed unbleached linen — nowadays only seen as the protective sheet between the top of an altar and the fair linen — was rarely used for shrouds and is more associated with the wrapping of embalmed corpses , having been used as an adjunct to such hygienic treatment .
28 Rufus had only seen it while eating partridge which had been winged instead of shot in the head and had nearly broken one of his teeth on the tiny ball of lead .
29 Jerrome ( 1982 ) has explored the significance of a confidante for older women in maintaining life satisfaction , even if that person is only seen once a year .
30 It was also a revelation to see the wildlife — birds and animals which I had only seen in Zoos were free for me to enjoy .
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