Example sentences of "[adv] more " in BNC.

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1 Yet , perhaps because the eye and elbow joint develop in the same kind of way as our own eyes and elbows develop , a building process for which we , inside our mothers , claim no credit , we are illogically more impressed by the house .
2 It is perhaps more the stuff of epigrams than analysis .
3 Diaries are perhaps more often a vehicle for complaints .
4 Whether or not he was equally aware of a similar alienation process in asserting the catholic nature of the nation is perhaps more open to debate .
5 This is proving useful to them as well as to mothers with push-chairs , who are perhaps more frequent users .
6 This acquisition of special knowledge meant that when I was called to give evidence to the Advisory Council on Drug Abuse ( chaired by Baroness Wooton ) on the use of cannabis , I was perhaps more inclined to dwell on the symbolic dangers attributed to its use than on any alleged physical harm , simply because I was now aware that any reality in relation to cannabis use was more complex than could be contained in some easy binary of social value — medical debilitation .
7 Additionally , his father 's side of the family were very enthusiastic adherents of the British Empire and in addition to their being ( as Leonard preferred to call them ) ‘ gentlemen of Hebrew persuasion , ’ they were perhaps more British in some respects than the British themselves , recalling what Hugh MacLennan said in his superb novel of the period , The Two Solitudes : ‘ The French are Frencher than France and the English are more British than England ever dared to be . ’
8 Since then home viewing has largely taken over from cinema going but there does not seem to have been much criticism of the format as such but perhaps more so the screen size .
9 The Commission thinks this would would present businessmen with new paperwork perhaps more burdensome than border checks themselves .
10 Perhaps more grave , however , is the fact that still more contentious aspects of the plan are also still unresolved , notably the extent to which governments can be persuaded to approximate their highly divergent rates of VAT Excise duties .
11 Perhaps more important , the Administration is again under pressure from US exporters who fear that the high dollar will drive them out of international markets .
12 Kenneth Clarke , the Minister of Health , now proposed to introduce the market mechanism , to give doctors more control over their own budgets and , perhaps more alarmingly to many , to allow hospitals to contract out of the health service altogether if they wished .
13 Stephen Orgel discerns in the theatre of this time the fear that man 's superior development could be reversed — ‘ that men can turn into — or be turned into — women ; or perhaps more exactly , can be turned back into woman , losing the strength that enabled the male potential to be realized in the first place . ’
14 But perhaps more importantly the transvestite was contributing to a knowledge and a culture which undermined the discursive formations of authority itself , doing so through her perverse reinscription within those formations .
15 In so many respects utterly ditferent from Wilde , Genet nevertheless also subverts the depth model of identity via the perverse dynamic , and perhaps more so than any other writer since Wilde .
16 What they looked for often — correctly I think — was a different type of sexuality , perhaps more libertine and less guilt-ridden ; but even that quest , if repeated by enough people , could ( and did ) become as regulated and uniform as learning itself .
17 Even if they are accepted from conviction , perhaps more often the case than political statements would imply , major vested interests have to be combatted to implement them .
18 Perhaps more fundamental than this was the criticism he received from a Methodist minister that the book does not really mention , let alone do justice to , the central Christian doctrine of Justification by Faith .
19 But then the British — or perhaps more properly the English — deal best with their own .
20 Lord Lane said there was a risk of the girl suffering further and perhaps more serious damage if her father went to prison , and of the family suffering hardship if he could work .
21 Perhaps more importantly , governmental space sources relate that Margaret Thatcher is behind ERS-2 .
22 It is the ingrained contempt , the impulse , apparently deliberately inculcated , to humiliate which , in the eyes of enlightened Israelis , is perhaps more revealing , more frightening in its ultimate implications , than all the well-documented brutalities .
23 Perhaps more difficult even than the financial juggling is the isolation and loneliness .
24 Waterston 's history is perhaps more chequered than that of the average English manor house .
25 Only the Germans , with their endless internal quarrels ( and who are perhaps more faction-ridden Buddhist than Quaker in their attitudes ) , challenge the rules of green decorum .
26 The philosophy or , perhaps more accurately , the frame of thinking which will guide governments and international institutions in the 1990s and beyond is still in its formative stages .
27 Black tea is perhaps more familiar to most people ; the withered leaves are left to fully oxidise ( ferment naturally ) to the familiar dark brown colour before they are dried .
28 If he really disliked what the beastly troika had done to it , he could have resigned — or , perhaps more effectively , threatened to .
29 Furthermore , and perhaps more importantly from the point of view of answering the sceptics , even though we can not directly get at the hidden real natures of things , perhaps our knowledge of appearances will enable us to do so indirectly .
30 Of course , not all operas are ideally suited to such treatment , but Karajan s stage productions tended to centre on repertoire that is itself within this tradition of the Gesamtkunstwerk : above all , the works of Wagner , Richard Strauss , Debussy , certain Puccini operas , and , perhaps more controversially , Verdi .
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