Example sentences of "[adv] every " in BNC.

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1 George Smith , aided and abetted by Martin Crook , unearthed Big-Fin-Reef-Squid E5 6b on the left of Hyll Drem itself before going on to tackle the fins of rock between Primus and Burner , resulting in Of All the Bars in All the World , E6 6b ; apparently every other move involves a knee-bar , but probably only if you 're as tall as George — the rest of us should merely levitate .
2 In 1621 the French mathematician Bachet de Meziriac observed that apparently every positive number could be expressed as a sum of at most four squares .
3 Apparently every now and then it did succeed in reaching one of the lower perches , but I never saw it do so and to this day I do n't know how it managed it .
4 Somehow among the chaos of coffee cups and a snowstorm of phonecalls and paper , she and Francis and a cheerfully unreliable string of volunteers threw together every month a gay arts magazine .
5 Then on , they 'd got it on from time to happy time , eaten together every week , seen movies , theatre , films , drag , done disco , reggae , boogie …
6 I suppose when they string together every possible Celtic cliché , you can only sit back and submit knowing that the stereotype is so overplayed as to be utterly ridiculous , yet at the same time resenting the perpetration of it .
7 He has an understanding with his wife that weekends are sacrosanct and the couple always enjoy six weeks ' holiday together every year .
8 It was also known that two of them had a day off together every week , besides Sunday .
9 ‘ Thoo 's walked 'ome from chapel together every Sunday for a couple o' years and now , when 'e does t'decent thing and asks me for thi 'and , thoo 's refusing . ’
10 David and wife Catherine had scraped together every last penny to ensure their sons , Stuart , Richard , baby Thomas and Mark , ( from left in picture ) would have the happiest Christmas possible .
11 Facing a financially bleak Christmas , he scrimped together every last penny to afford presents for the four boys .
12 You find yourselves together every day of the week , all over the world , all through the winters , getting changed to go out riding … and you do become close .
13 On the fourth day Jennifer put together every last farthing they possessed and went across to Fowey to visit the apothecary , returning with a malodorous syrup which her mother vomited up within seconds of swallowing .
14 They argue that major innovations in products , or production techniques , are bunched together every fifty years or so and , when they occur , they have pervasive effects , generating a long boom which eventually peters out and turns into a slump .
15 When school started in September , Anne and Diana walked there and back together every day .
16 Although I put my hands together every night — with Ma , when she 's home , otherwise on my own — I have not prayed since the rainbow incident .
17 It took him two weeks to die and for the second of those we spoke together every night by telephone , often for more than an hour .
18 ‘ Do you think it would be different if we had the opportunity to be together every night ? ’
19 We 're together every single night and most of the day . ’
20 His wife , 54-year-old singer Tonia Bern , lives 6,000 miles away in Hollywood and they only get together every few months .
21 ‘ We 've both been alone for such a long time I do n't honestly know whether our marriage would survive if we were together every day . ’
22 ‘ I was in agony earlier in the week ; my eyes were stuck together every morning !
23 ‘ We go to church together every Sunday , one week going to the Catholic church the next to the Protestant one . ’
24 The two men took lunch and dinner together every day , went on holiday together , were seen ( once , and 50 years ago , by one person ) holding hands in a limo ; the evidence is only circumstantial .
25 ‘ We get together out of work sometimes and we go out to eat together every month . ’
26 Reapply thickly every hour , or more frequently if they are in and out of the water .
27 Mr Reynolds was kept comfortable by lifting and moving him gently every 2 hours and giving him regular analgesia .
28 Er my main my main concern i i is really related to the implication within it that that literally every cost which is associated with a new settlement would have to be borne by the developer .
29 It was no less astonishing that she should find room on her emaciated body to engrave in it , by her discipline , the wounds of the son of God … she gave herself such blows that her blood sprinkled the wails … and as she practised this penance daily every night she reopened her bleeding wounds by making new ones …
30 Here in the basement and behind Mr Pegg was Bill Joyner and his wrapping counter , beyond which roared the mighty Goss Printing Press which poured out 300 copies of the 16-page daily every minute .
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