Example sentences of "[adv] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 These prohibitive regulations were similar to those that many other peoples in different parts of the world have observed at changes in the appearance of the moon , but the Babylonians influenced the Jews , who in their turn influenced the early Christians and eventually ourselves .
2 Certain individuals stand out as more perceptive , sensitive , far-seeing than the rest of us , and we recognize their value judgements as maturer than our own ; but they differ from experts in that we can learn from them only how to evaluate more maturely ourselves .
3 In the me we had n't actually had a chance go through it properly ourselves .
4 It impelled me to request Eliot , for the first time of more times than I care to remember-as it was a chore which I have been obliged to shoulder often enough myself-to act as a referee .
5 And I always thought that Ireland is our country and we can blame only ourselves .
6 A stone dislodged would have endangered not only ourselves but also the workers below .
7 I think all the many ideas which have been proposed , the , the challenging thoughts , they will make a most enormous contribution to the discussions which we all will be having , and I think , not only ourselves in the voluntary sector , but those elsewhere also .
8 However , there is a question about what a naturalized epistemology can offer by way of an explanation or justification of the contributions to knowledge that we make by contributing to an ongoing process of inquiry : we want to know , in such cases , not how we have arrived at the truth , but how what we do can be understood as contributing to the fact that someone else ( or perhaps ourselves ) can arrive at the truth at some time in the future .
9 I think we were near deluding ourselves that Harry had never happened , that we 'd done it all ourselves .
10 Mallet said the high cost of entry into the market was precisely why CGI would undertake it through one of those two means because ‘ we do n't believe that we can do it all ourselves . ’
11 Now we 're basing much lower school work on one textbook series ’ ; ‘ We started by trying to do it all ourselves .
12 If you contrast that with holidaying in Britain , even today relatively few people will be a buy a package holiday in Britain because somehow we think we can do it better ourselves .
13 Monkeys are well above average , and apes ( especially ourselves ) even higher .
14 ‘ She could nurse , ’ Harriet had said , defensively , ‘ or go on the land , even if we have n't enough ourselves to keep her here . ’
15 ‘ We have enough ourselves , ’ she interrupted quickly .
16 A client can issue an investment advertisement without approval by an authorised person ( eg ourselves ) if :
17 I wondered if he would teach the right things and even if he knew enough himself !
18 Maxim was fit enough himself but , he thought wistfully , there 's no medicine like being only twenty-five .
19 McAllister was playing well enough himself and we looked comfortable at all times .
20 But he did n't say much himself .
21 ‘ He 's a distributor but does n't travel much himself .
22 Perhaps because he needed art so much himself , Basil never for one moment doubted the overwhelming importance of art education in the development of ordinary but real people .
23 Trollope does not suffer much himself from prickings of conscience ( though whether his diamonds are real or paste is another matter ) .
24 After spying him through the kitchen window with Mrs Files , so much himself , so much not Francis , I thought I did n't want to see him at all .
25 He planned the allocation of space , edited contributions , and wrote much himself , displaying powers of leadership , administration , and editorial conciliation .
26 He did n't drink much himself as a rule and neither did Lane , but tonight was the night for it .
27 The plaintiff 's share of the responsibility for the damage he had suffered in the accident arose out of the finding that either he ought to have known that the defendant 's ability to drive was impaired or , more likely , that he had drunk so much himself that he was unable to tell that the defendant 's ability was in fact impaired .
28 If he drew a chair or a pair of boots he managed to convey the effort of production that went into them , as if he had shaped them and fitted them together himself .
29 So it was just as well Old Red never allowed anyone on duty , including perhaps himself , to remember that he also was human — and still a good deal younger than General Francis .
30 He was aware of the strong emotional needs people had for certainty and for a surrogate parental-authority figure , and he was always wary of the tendency among some to turn psychoanalysis into a religious system , and perhaps himself into a sacred authority .
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