Example sentences of "[pers pn] other " in BNC.

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1 ITSA Annual Conference — Edinburgh 30 June — 2July 1993 — 2 Members of the Labour Group and I other member
2 Well that women in yours other week that I could n't do this save , I 'm sorry sir but you 're under sixty five .
3 In a very real sense , of course , the biographies of the Muftis in the following chapters illustrate the development of the hierarchy , but it seems not without point to concentrate attention on this particular aspect by placing side by side the biographies of two scholars , one of whom lived in the period before the hierarchy had become developed to any very great degree — before , perhaps , it is even possible to speak of a hierarchy-he other in a period when the development was fairly well advanced , though not complete .
4 Sometimes , a mild painkiller is enough to ease the pain but , if it 's more of a problem , your doctor will be able to prescribe medicines or give you other advice .
5 Sometimes , a mild painkiller is enough to ease the pain but , if it 's more of a problem , your doctor will be able to prescribe medicines or give you other advice .
6 Is it possible for some of us and perhaps representative 's of organisations or a group of us and I know I can talk to the board but I 'm not necessarily speaking for anybody else if I natter to you other than myself .
7 ‘ This is my bit of Wharfed ale , ’ each male sang , ‘ and I intend to entice a wife and raise a family — so all you other blokes , keep out . ’
8 No when when you other things to talk to .
9 ‘ Tiguary will offer you other hostages — more valuable … ’ she paused , with a sly smile .
10 You can configure the colours you play with and even edit the tiles to give you other pictures to look at .
11 ‘ Or had you other matters on your mind ? ’
12 I 've always thought we had it stronger on us than you other lot , forgive me if I 'm wrong . ’
13 Gavin and all you other YCFC Whites , look out you 're slipping , you could be back with us in the 3rd again this time next season .
14 If we can start into the budget then , I think members will be fully aware of the wider context that the County Council finds itself in , and we 're not proposing to rehearse that at any great length for you other than if you wish us to er , run through that again .
15 Are there any other dependants at all er financially dependent upon you other than your er immediate family ?
16 You other people and you 've obviously got time to start preparing your thoughts .
17 It simply occurs to me that you know a great deal about me , whereas I know nothing about you other than your name . ’
18 So she other thing is you get p some people who are naturally aggressive .
19 Plants consume carbon dioxide , releasing the oxygen that we other species require , completing in our turn the full circle by ‘ burning ’ carbon and breathing out carbon dioxide .
20 They other kind of soldier was black with little white florets growing out from the head .
21 Rourke Deveraugh had no interest in her other than a passing fancy .
22 Paul Fisher exclaimed as she went quickly past him , but his ‘ wow ’ meant nothing to her other than that , unfortunately , his carpeting of a week last Friday had had no lasting effect .
23 Has Bryony got her other shoe back on again by the way , does anybody know ?
24 I saw her briefly , and , I did n't even speak to her other than to say hello .
25 It was one year she could of done without the invitation though is n't it ? , if she , if she wanted her other friends and Neil .
26 Is anyone likely to see her other than in classes ?
27 He is a political-military expert who was number two at the British embassy in Paris during the late 1980s ; he is gathering round him other ex-Paris hands .
28 It privileges the music which Adorno chooses as best representing the contradictory whole — thus alongside Beethoven and the tradition following him other kinds of music ( Berlioz , Rossini , Verdi , Elgar , Stravinsky , Eisler , let alone Lehár , Louis Armstrong , Walter Donaldson or Elvis Presley ) are inevitably presented as partial , that is to say more socially specific , less autonomous ; it also reduces the possibility of struggle over the specific uses and meanings of musical materials and forms : competing ‘ viewpoints ’ are dismissed as ‘ regressive ’ or ‘ false ’ .
29 All around him other men in pale suits are driving into town .
30 Even here , the test of imminence discussed in Moss v. McLachlan suggest that there must be a clear and present danger that the conduct in which he is engaging will give rise to a breach of the peace , and it is demonstrable that the constable has no reasonable alternative course of action open to him other than to ask the speaker to desist , as by , for example , calling for assistance .
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