Example sentences of "[noun pl] so " in BNC.

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1 Each NIC has attempted to develop a broad industrial base to satisfy domestic demand and diversify exports so as to reduce reliance on a few major primary commodities , e.g. coffee , meat , rubber .
2 I remember the over-eager , gaping mouths and outstretched necks , as well as those who could only just about lift their eyelids and had to have the food forced down their throats so that they would have the strength to keep fighting for life .
3 Not common or garden holes , not those bodily orifices so absorbing to his contemporaries .
4 We 're very conscious of that erm and where , where we offered advice in large places where for instance , where housing where chemicals are stored and all the precautions that are needed are provided and built in , for instance stopping off the drains so that water is contained , providing sloping areas in , in the bottom of warehouses where water does n't come out , erm monitoring it telling people about it .
5 This could allow the court , as in the Goodwin case , to order a reporter to reveal his notes so the company whose information was leaked would know who to sue .
6 In addition , one is struck by the importance of such factors as : vocal quality — this is Billie Holiday and could not be anyone else ; phrasing — that is , the way she places accents , alters the rhythm , often by stretching out notes so that they sound behind the beat instead of on it , and joins notes together , for example smoothly or with attacked consonants ; and pitch inflection — the way she sometimes slides up to or away from notes , hits them slightly ‘ off-pitch ’ , and so on .
7 Why then do students often find their own notes so strangely uncommunicative ?
8 You make notes so that you can extract , at a glance , the basic information you seek .
9 Rather than by using the fist , the greatest volume is attained more easily and also more beautifully by placing the notes so close together that the ear hears no space between them .
10 Have you all got notes so far on George ?
11 But to talk about the way forward to do with A L O's so can we all address our minds to the problems that we perceive ma make some notes so that we can draw up a proper agenda of all the issues likely to be encountered through the civilianisation programme okay ?
12 I ai n't got any fifty pound notes so !
13 I 'm going to go to the hairdressers so Jim 's going to look after you .
14 Gamma ray satellites so far have shown the distribution of interstellar gas ( where it is struck by cosmic rays ) , pulsars , and two dozen powerful but as-yet-unidentified sources .
15 increasing the size of local authorities so that they could undertake strategic tasks and attract a higher ‘ calibre ’ of officer and councillor
16 It was not felt appropriate to raise this as a direct question to the authorities so an application was made to Namibia for an amateur radio licence for a Dxpedition to the Penguins .
17 I went across the course to the stands side to see the horses in the paddock , and then I went up to the very comfy Tribune des Dames , for which the French Racing Authorities so generously send me a badge each year .
18 For one thing it seems that Ho 's reply , via Saigon , was held up deliberately by the French authorities so that it was not received in Paris until after the war had begun .
19 The issue which divides your Lordships is whether this House should now reinterpret the principles lying behind the authorities so as to give a right of recovery in such circumstances .
20 She can not get a job without training and she can not get training from the Basildon authorities so as to make herself available for work .
21 Will my right hon. Friend do all that he can to open a dialogue with representatives of landlords and planning authorities so that they can encourage and enable retailers to erect something to protect their property ?
22 Erm , but it 's impressive that he now feels we should be allowed to spend more money to create jobs , because of course a lot of us have been trying to point that out for years to the governments which stupidly cap authorities so they ca n't actually carry out the infrastructure improvements that are needed to enable the economy and the society to function properly .
23 Remote stepdown transformers are also fitted for safety reasons so that the dispensers can operate at 6 or 12 volts
24 But the sailing date kept being put back : first for lack of volunteers , then because of uncertainty about the activities of ubiquitous Francis Drake — who disliked other privateers poaching prizes he regarded as his own — and finally for a wealth of reasons so small that Ann began to suspect that they were nothing more than a smoke screen , to hide her husband 's ever-increasing infatuation with Miss Jennifer Gristy .
25 But experience shows that language — and , particularly , language adopted or concurred in under the pressure of a tight Parliamentary timetable — is not always a reliable vehicle for the complete or accurate translation of legislative intention ; and I have been persuaded , for the reasons so cogently deployed in the speech of my noble and learned friend , that the circumstances of this case demonstrate that there is both the room and the necessity for a limited relaxation of the previously well-settled rule which excludes reference to Parliamentary history as an aid to statutory construction .
26 The particular richness of the Mary Rose findings was not in the rare ‘ art ’ objects so much as in the wealth of objects used in everyday Tudor life .
27 In New York , the visitor is drawn time and time again to the Frick Collection , where the opulent yet relaxed setting shows off the objects so much more sympathetically than the Disneyland-style ‘ period rooms ’ across the other side of Fifth Avenue .
28 Such nurses need to benefit from an individual appraisal and assessment of their experience and skills so that re-entry becomes a natural progression for them rather than a hurdle to be jumped .
29 The second theme concerns the importance of developing automatic word-recognition skills so that attention can be released for comprehension calculations .
30 This suggests that a high degree of practice of a specific task in the situation where it is needed can lead to success , but whether such skills so acquired in one situation are transferable to others is a contentious point .
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