Example sentences of "[adj] day " in BNC.

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1 What better way to spend one of those rare breaks in the suburban day than by studying methods of getting rid of one 's wife .
2 The sun shone warm and the air was now very pure : a calm reflective day , not given to laughter .
3 September 21 , 1951 was a propitious day in Leonard 's life .
4 Pons was much occupied as chair of the chemistry department and the detailed day to day work with the fusion cells was carried out by Hawkins and Fleischmann .
5 Now it is an essential part of the day and young recruits quickly learn that a good breakfast is vital if they are to survive another demanding day .
6 When Captain and Mrs Burrows came home exhausted after their demanding day all the children would be sound asleep .
7 Light Day Cream a non-greasy moisturiser which is absorbed efficiently .
8 Considering that so many gliders are flown across country on every possible soaring day , the accident rate for gliding is extremely low .
9 The worst situation for accidents is a good soaring day with a risk of thundery showers .
10 However , it is not unusual to see pilots take off towards a heavy rain shower on a good soaring day instead of waiting until it has passed .
11 Randy Rarick had once said that ‘ to be declared world champion after a two-foot day at Manly just was n't significant . ’
12 Often when talking with the girls she had noticed that whenever Moran entered the room silence and deadness would fall on them ; and if he was eating alone or working in the room setting the teeth of a saw , putting a handle in a broken spade on a wet day , taking apart the lighting plant that never seemed to run properly for long — they always tried to slip away .
13 On a wet day , eyeing the lanes of traffic before crossing to the hospital , I caught my toe in a paving-stone and fell fiat .
14 He was not mad about slide shows himself , it was a wet day , the rich contributors had to be helped in with their umbrellas ; he was sceptical that North could do anything arresting .
15 If it is a wet day or it has recently been raining , so much the better for showing up leaks and dampness .
16 Coronation Day , in June 1953 , was a memorably wet day .
17 Charles Henstock privately thought that Dulcie was poorly named — neither sweet nor gentle , and very quick to use her horns on unsuspecting visitors , as he had found to his cost one wet day .
18 Many a wet day was passed in this way for he let me help him , or did I hinder ?
19 The air was amazingly clear , as it often is after a wet day , and as they climbed the hill which would take them back to Pinehurst they could see , far ahead , the lights of several villages and one big town .
20 One wet day , though , in 1985 Bellerby Feast had almost ceased to exist .
21 Though never used in wet snow ( in short supply last winter ) a wet day on Pennine peat is a fair substitute and I stayed bone dry , as expected
22 On a long , lowland walk on a pouring wet day my feet were no more than damp — a pleasant surprise .
23 Claire asked her father one evening when they were back at Riverstown , after a long wet day and a huge hunting tea .
24 On a wet day , it was dark and uninviting , the door and window frames painted green , contrasting with the dirty grey stone facade .
25 Such air is called saturated and thus the ‘ relative humidity ’ on a wet day is around 100 per cent .
26 I think he had an enjoyable but wet day .
27 I thought , ‘ This wo n't last when we 're in Soho on a wet day , ’ so I said , ‘ I think you 'd better wait .
28 Island addicts find warm coastlines and brisk mountain days in Crete and Cyprus , with just an occasional wet day .
29 A wet day in Durness need never be completely wasted : Smoo Cave provides shelter , interest and a spice of adventure not found in the hotel lounges .
30 Food for thought on a wet day for both the developmental and evolutionary biologist .
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