Example sentences of "[adj] say " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sovereignty , rather , is in today 's world a severely practical concept … the ability to have the maximum possible say in determining one 's own future , in circumstances that actually exist . ’
2 ‘ We have to raise money ourselves to do any outings , we 're given a very small budget so we have fund raising events , and the clients have total say about how we use that . ’
3 The , the d doors were in the water right low , they were , they were low say you would n't have had say about three foot of water in the hold .
4 The Bulgarians sombrely suggest that she is a dead mother looking for her own baby , while the Spanish say she is the GHOST of an aunt or grandmother , looking to make a gift to her descendants .
5 Or as Mr Major said during an election television interview : ‘ Labour say they 've got a recovery package of £1 billion .
6 If if Labour say get in
7 I think a medical problem different say for instance for myself I got an awful bash on the nose playing badminton and they thought it was broken , however it mended and I wished it had broken because its mended a bit , but I do not believe in spending money on cosmetic surgery because I think if you make the best of what you have and think of all the people were mutilated by disease
8 So you know , get say people from this country and America doing it , and they would come out different say to people from Japan , because their culture is different and certain different things are expected of them .
9 ‘ And now , ’ he said , ‘ you are rested and fed and — how do you English say ? — watered , so it is time to learn of each other . ’
10 ‘ Because of that , the superstitious say I met the fairies and went to live with them for nine years .
11 Because these concessions would in effect make China a partner in running Hong Kong before 1997 , the British say no .
12 so I mean if , if they caught one , they actually took a photo , managed to take a photo out of all those hundreds of people , look how many more were , were there , and it just seems like basically their not sure who fired first , obviously the Irish say it was the British them and the British say they were fired upon first and erm , on , on the strength of it , who , who would you rather believe I mean , somebody that 's been living in Ireland for twenty odd yea twenty years now with all that happening around him being able to be got at by the I R A or a British body who may , may be up on a murder trial , you know , the , at the end of the day its six of one and half a dozen of the other , they 've both got stuffed by a bleeding troop
13 Well erm in some ways I mean what we 're doing in , in social say , most of that you can pick up out of the textbook where it 's discussed in , in rather , slightly more detail and I stick in , you know , different kinds of examples and things like that to try and
14 It suggests to me either an act of personal revenge or , alternatively , a demonstration to encourage the others , as the French say . ’
15 ‘ It is terror used pour encourager la autres , as the French say .
16 In the centre of Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry , crossing the torrent of the Aldudes , is a gorgeous old humpbacked bridge ( a ‘ donkey 's back ’ bridge the French say ) , that is no longer of much use to anybody except to make you ask whether modern bridges need to be quite so drably horizontal as they invariably are .
17 The French say she died of ill health !
18 Soyons de notre siècle , as the French say — a stance that no one forgets more easily than the trained philologist . "
19 The UK and France have always accused each other of malpractice , the UK claiming that the French are the most protectionist country in Europe ; the French say that they are simply more open about it , and that the UK is just as bad .
20 Then I saw the top tier of the cake and that has got to be the er piece , piece de resistance I think as the French say and I know that some very exciting ideas are coming out of the South East region .
21 all , you know that 's , now you 're learning French , one of the things that the French say , they 're always saying it , is , make things easy , go the straightest way , towards any thing .
22 the French say non .
23 The effect has been to deny the right of employers to a proper say in the educational process because their interest has been confined to recruitment after the event rather than as participants in provision .
24 We represent over four million levy paying members , the trade unions that is , and it 's only right that they should have a proper say in the election of the Lad Labour leader , not just the thirty percent as is being suggested here .
25 ‘ What could be more democratic than to give people a direct say in these things ?
26 While neither the National Union nor the peers could have a direct say in the choice of leader it was nevertheless thought desirable , if only for reasons of tact , to know their views .
27 Not only that , but all regions will have a direct say in European affairs at E C level , thanks to the creation of a new community institution the Committee of the Regions .
28 buying old say a scrapped a written off Sierra you know , picking them up cheap for about a thousand quid from the scrappy
29 Concurrent says the ultimate aim is to produce a supplier-independent , open operating system that will rank alongside Unix , and be complementary to it .
30 Despite the extensions , Concurrent says it likes to stick to the standards wherever it can .
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