Example sentences of "[num] the " in BNC.

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1 By 1943 the group of three full-time and three part-time workers were dealing with 2,000 requests a year from hospital almoners , social workers and individuals , placing 523 and advising 986 , besides visiting homes to see if they were suitable .
2 In 1943 the well-known painter , Hans Hofmann , asked the young Pollock how important nature was for his art .
3 By Nov. 1 1943 the German C-in-C Southeast had concluded ‘ that Tito 's forces had to be treated as a full military threat and not merely as insurgents and that it was more important to defeat them than to prepare against the less likely threat of an Allied landing ’ .
4 In 1943 the course was at risk of being farmed when official orders were made to plough up the 9th , 10th , 11th , 12th , 13th and 14th holes .
5 In 1943 the Norwood Report put forward such a suggestion , which was repeated in the report of the Secondary Schools Examination Council in 1947 , and by the Crowther Report in 1959 .
6 By the summer of 1943 the Americans were getting into their stride so far as the war in the Pacific was concerned .
7 When Mr Ramsay died in 1943 the Leaders paid tribute to one who was greatly loved : ‘ Testimony was given to his worth and zeal in the work and all that pertained to the welfare of the church , and particularly to his services in the choir and his love for the weekly prayer meeting . ’
8 Naval tactics early in the war avoided such ship-to-fort confrontations ; but by 1943 the accepted practice was to blast coast defences , stripping them of camouflage , if not destroying their guns in sea and air bombardments that were timed so navy shells did not cut the path of strafing planes .
9 From 1900 until 1943 the official royal motor cars were made by Daimler , a tradition instituted by Edward VII .
10 Indeed , scores of battalions had already been formed from ethnic minorities on an ad hoc basis by German formations in the field , and by late 1943 the total would exceed 400,000 men .
11 In December 1942 his committee issued the so-called ‘ Smolensk Manifesto ’ outlining their aims , and early in 1943 the existence of a Russian liberation movement and its Russian Liberation Army ( Russkaya Osvoboditelnaya Armiya , ROA ) was proclaimed .
12 By the rime Ho had been released by the Chinese in September 1943 the US was beginning to make its major contribution to the war against Japan and various strategies were being considered for a drive on Canton or Hanoi .
13 In 1943 the American Treasury had conceived the ‘ Morgenthau Plan ’ to turn Germany into an agricultural economy , but in the summer of 1947 the Americans and British agreed to increase steel production in the Bizone .
14 In January 1943 the Ministry of Town and Country Planning Bill was introduced , providing for the appointment of a Minister whose ‘ sole ministerial responsibility is in connection with town and country planning ’ ; the Bill was passed in February and W.S. Morrison was appointed first Minister .
15 In July 1943 the Town and Country Planning ( Interim Development ) Bill received the Royal Assent , legislation which effectively extended planning control to the whole of the country not so far covered by a planning scheme .
16 In March 1943 the Prime Minister broadcast on the theme of a Four Year Plan for peace , and announced the government 's intention to plan to prevent the return of mass unemployment after the war .
17 The British Journal of Educational Psychology published an article on the negative correlation between fertility and intelligence by Gerald O'Hanlon in 1940 and an attack by Charlotte Fleming on the assumption that socio-economic level and intelligence were highly related in 1943 The Times Educational Supplement reviewed Maguiness 's book Environment and Heredity without querying the causal assumption that intelligence was mainly inherited .
18 In 1943 the pollsters began to ask people how they would vote ‘ if a general election were held tomorrow ’ .
19 But in 1943 the Italian scholar Maria F. Squarciapino painstakingly collected and analysed the material , recognised its quality , labelled it as the output of a " school " , and urged a re-evaluation of the artists ' contribution to the history of ancient sculpture .
20 Throughout the spring of 1943 the British and Americans tried to force de Gaulle into accepting what they presented as a reasonable compromise on these issues .
21 In November 1943 the Middle East crisis flared up again , when the British intervened on behalf of the Lebanese government .
22 SINCE 1943 the Royal Air Forces Association has provided a welfare and community service for serving and former members of the Royal Air Forces and their families .
23 During the Twenties and Thirties the tram service gradually expanded until , by August Bank Holiday 1933 , every one of the 156 cars was on the road .
24 As these family dramas were played out around Low Birk Hatt farm and the Hauxwell family battled against the twin effects of an overpriced heavily mortgaged farm , and an agricultural depression which presaged the deep national depression of the thirties the other people in Baldersdale coped with their lives .
25 In the thirties the business expanded , with further branches opening in the North of England and Scotland and it was at this point that the name Beaverbrooks was adopted .
26 It was he , writing in the issue of 15 September 1941 , who called the thirties the ‘ Pink Decade ’ , which has n't really stuck , though it seems that he coined the term ‘ Greeneland ’ to define the peculiar territory of Graham Greene 's fiction .
27 In the Thirties the Archbishop of Canterbury , Cosmo Gordon Lang , had such a powerful hand in the affairs of state that he was instrumental in getting Edward VIII to abdicate .
28 ‘ In the Thirties the Archbishop of Canterbury had a lot to do with the abdication .
29 In the late Thirties the Baroness Hila Rebay was busy looking for a name for the new art museum her mentor Solomon R. Guggenheim was about to found and of which she was about to become the first director .
30 The first Australian team was South Sydney , named the Rabbitohs these days , because in the hard times of the Thirties the sand-dune dwellers of that part of the city subsisted by rabbit hunting .
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