Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hate the Stones and I hate blues/Eddie Cochran and blue suede shoes/I hate the King and I hate Chuck Berry/I hate Leadbelly …
2 But the cautious words of the politicians were taken further by an impatient crowd , demanding : ‘ Helmut and Hans , make Germany one again . ’
3 And when people say advance man , they usually mean Harvey Thomas .
4 Both books display Minton 's effervescent gaiety , but , even before his illustrations became overlaid with a period nostalgia an undertow of sadness could be discerned beneath their cheerful manner .
5 Josef Mauer had been with the Austrian police for eighteen years , the last eleven as a sergeant stationed in Linz , but despite numerous attempts by his superior to change his mind he had never been interested in promotion , preferring the everyday excitement that came with riding the streets in a police car to struggling with a mound of paperwork in some closeted office .
6 Donahue Silvis , an exact contemporary of Dustin 's at Pasadena Playhouse , had a bit-part in Midnight Cowboy when the team moved to Florida .
7 Sell Windsor Castle to the Japanese
8 Mr Bates hopes to finalise a deal that will reduce his payment from the asking price of £22.85 million to £13 million — and mean Fulham moving in at the end of this season .
10 Now , we while you 're here you know wha just to sort of ten minutes erm I mean Ian 's produced these sheets
11 Er as a result of the success we 've now got to go back and revisit it , I mean Ian you know has been leading in from from this office er and that it 's the person contact which counts for so much .
12 differently through se sheer speed and but er I can see Gabiadini I mean Ian Wright never flicks like some of the flicks that he does .
13 The easy atmosphere and lively evenings make Paxos our recommended dinghy holiday for those who enjoy a really active social life ; it 's ideal for people by themselves .
14 I remain Middlesbrough 's major shareholder .
15 so if you wanted to go see if you change William 's thing to the colour I want and if they had , he said he thought the shirt that the guy got with it matched it better than the smaller check , so do you wan na give him that check shirt that I bought him ?
16 The revelations emerged on the first day of the World Indoor Championships in Toronto , representing the worst possible news for beleaguered international athletics officials coming hot on the heels of the repeat Ben Johnson scandal .
17 The fact that Oslear has been stripped of his position as the umpires ' boss at their annual meeting , means that Palmer , Hampshire and the England team now fear Allan Lamb 's sensational Daily Mirror revelations may never be backed by cricket 's dithering chiefs at the Test and County Cricket Board .
18 You mean Raoul as in
19 The large stake held by Allianz and its friends will at the least make Michel Albert , AGF 's chairman , think twice about offending Germany 's insurance establishment .
20 This , and other similar non-standard methods make d'Compress harder to use than it need be .
21 We therefore dispute van Maanen 's view that researchers on the police have to be male ( 1981 : 480 ) , in order to be able to participate fully in the masculine occupational and leisure culture of the police .
22 Bring Sophie . ’ ’
23 I drag Lucker 's swimming trunks ' cord roughly through the gills and mouth , roping it on like a horse outside a saloon bar .
24 Yeah , it 's er , it 's er cheap for the wardrobes , but expensive for the over bed unit , I mean Gary said well at that price he said the over bed unit we might as well get out of a catalogue .
25 Experts cite Romania as a possible future instance where human rights violations could lead to a call for action from outside national boundaries .
26 But the books say that 8 per cent of mule foals suffer HDN .
27 MIDDLESBROUGH , who have appointed former England fly half Alan Old as their first team coach for next season , introduce Scot Duncan McNaughton for their final game at Wharfedale on Saturday .
28 Misfit Webb seeks move
29 But on other occasions ( see box below ) Sit Patrick has taken a more robust view of juries .
30 The penal jurisdiction of the county courts was to apply only where the debt had been contracted under circumstances which implied an intention to defraud ( which upset Wetherfield ) or where the debtor had the ability to pay but would not .
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