Example sentences of "[vb past] from " in BNC.

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1 On 28 July 1930 I disembarked from the Sorrento at Constanza in the Black Sea .
2 SARHWU claimed that 500-800 of its members were attacked by 1,000 strike-breaking vigilantes as they disembarked from trains at Germiston .
3 As they disembarked from the jet , they were strangers .
4 Inside , the venue is dark , sweaty , with a pounding house beat from a rota of name DJs such as Alfredo , Danny Rampling and Andy Weatherall .
5 Her head beat from side to side and she said , ‘ Yes , yes , yes , yes , ’ again , then Lachlan — wiry , athletic-looking , skinny shanks ramming back and forth like some skinny bull — reached under her , pulled her up , his legs spreading , kneeling ; she hung onto him , arms round his neck , then after a few vertical stabs he threw her down , back onto the bed ; she grunted , arms still tight round his back , then she brought her legs up , right up over his thin , plunging , globe-buttocked behind , until her ankles were in the small of his back , rocking to and fro , feet crossed one over the other , locked there ; with one splayed hand she held onto his back , pressing him to her , and with the other hand she felt down the length of his body , over ribs and waist and hips , and with another grunt reached round and under , taking his balls in her hand , pressing them and kneading them and squeezing them .
6 The Thatcher Cabinet after 1983 radiated from the woman at the centre .
7 It was afternoon — the morning had gone on Crabb Robinson — which meant that all the ample , high , soft-blue leather desks along the spokes of the great wheel that radiated from the Superintendent 's desk , ensphered by the Catalogue , were taken , and he had to be content with one of the minimal flat triangular ends of the late-come segments inserted between these spokes .
8 One theory is that the town was once part of a vast cosmic Zodiac which radiated from Stonehenge .
9 The Sacred Heart pointed mournfully to his breast ; the crown of thorns radiated from his head .
10 She watched them disappear into one of the corridors that radiated from the chamber .
11 At its apex this radiated from the product division to the central organs of calculation and control .
12 So Jezrael left her enemy shivering with the nearness of death — for she had felt the fire of fury that radiated from Jezrael — and walked back into Hell .
13 The lines that radiated from their corners did nothing to detract from their brilliance , but in some curious way made her look approachable , despite her immense style .
14 His shop was in the merchants ' quarter of the city — a maze of buildings which had been divided and sub-divided , so great was the demand for space , which lay within the strictly enforced boundaries of the streets which radiated from the Golden Yurt like the spokes of a wheel .
15 With difficulty I raised my gaze to her face , staring dazedly at the soft abundance of her mouth , the petal-perfect skin , the powerful femaleness that radiated from her eyes .
16 The Luggage came ambling down one of the other passages that radiated from the room .
17 She watched the ruins take Tallis , the walls and the stones becoming trees again , responding to a glow of green that radiated from the woman as she sat within her nest of rags .
18 A red glow radiated from the depths of the shaft .
19 I think it was the wonderful sense of rhythm of the mothers of Sidcup and the intense pleasure which radiated from their eyes during the classes which finally captivated me ’ ; subsequent generations of Medau teachers have shared these feelings about their own classes .
20 He let go of her hand , but it remained there , captured by the silk texture of his skin , by the warmth that radiated from him .
21 The short days were half over by the time I ventured from the hut ( where my motorbike was also preserved .
22 Milky liquid oozed from the stalks .
23 In short , I entered complementary medicine 's cloud cuckoo land where the sun shone everlastingly and love oozed from every portal .
24 He watched the globules of sweat as they oozed from his pores then ran in countless little rivers down his brown skin .
25 The good doctor , ex-Killing Joke roadie , former A&R man and ambient trail-blazer whose spaced-out symphonies oozed from the chill-out zone of London 's Land Of Oz club to become The Orb .
26 According to Hubert , blood oozed from the centre of the palms .
27 It oozed from under the rugs and the thatches of Grecian 2000 ; made atlases of blouses and bulging summerweight suits ; flowed in fan-shaped alluvial deltas down barer , pocky/downy carcinogenically tanned backs .
28 The oil mixed with the glutinous juices which oozed from her agitated vagina to create a mess such as she 'd never known between her legs .
29 Hatred oozed from it .
30 A bib had been tied around Bissell 's neck to collect the raw , liquid plaster which oozed from his mouth where it congealed and hardened .
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