Example sentences of "[vb past] a " in BNC.

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1 That court had , in fact , subpoenaed a draft copy of the Royal College of Physicians ' report on allergy .
2 In March 1925 he beat a Conservative mediocrity in an election for secretary of the Union , in Michaelmas 1925 he was vice-president , in Lent 1926 president .
3 As the rain beat a dull rhythm on Milan 's sludge-coloured buildings this spring , Italian designers were proclaiming the return of brilliant colour behind the facades of the word 's most industrial fashion capital .
4 The suspension loved it ( clonks from the front notwithstanding ) , the body sills and sumpguard slithered over bits where tractor rutting had cut deep , the whip aerial beat a tattoo on the roof and road-biased Semperit tyres found grip .
5 Sir Richard , 60 , who beat a challenge from Belgian Gen Jose Charlier , takes over the three-year post from Norwegian Gen Vigleik Eide .
6 At the end of the dance Maggie thanked him and beat a hasty retreat back to Natasha .
7 Blushing , he beat a hasty retreat .
8 Wally received a Benefit at the end of 1953–54 and almost 4,000 admirers turned out to see the Palace beat a London XI by six goals to five !
9 They took on and beat a side currently leading London Division II South — a league above Alton .
10 He beat a red light and turned right again , on to the parkway that led along the river to the bridge .
11 At the height of her anger , unable to stop herself , she beat a loud tattoo with her clenched fists on the wooden edge of the bunk .
12 Kennedy was 43 when he beat a lacklustre Richard Nixon to the White House .
13 Any females which are not ripe will either stay away or beat a hasty retreat .
14 Shackled to an oar , she strained in a galley as an oiled mountain of flesh beat a huge drum .
15 Then the 19-year-old athlete scored a try as Wigan beat a Great Britain select side 37-36 .
16 The two lucky gunslingers turned out to be Julie Burchill and Tony Parsons who narrowly beat a young lad from Manchester at the final cut .
17 Greatly outnumbered , the ducks would abandon their foraging mission and beat a hasty retreat to their island stronghold at the slightest sign of trouble .
18 Small drummer boys , their lips caked with the road 's dust , beat a ragged advance as they ran .
19 Compaq Computer Corp beat a hasty retreat from ‘ desktop Unix . ’
20 The blacks had just seen a film , ‘ Mississippi Burning ’ , in which Klansmen beat a black child to death .
21 Sometimes as they fly , they tilt their bodies so that their tails dip into the water , and beat a further few strokes , renewing their impetus and extending their flight .
22 He beat a hasty retreat when he spotted me approaching , but it was not hasty enough .
23 The sooner she beat a hasty retreat back to Valletta and Kalkara , and ultimately to the even safer distance of London , England , the better for everyone …
24 He beat a tattoo with the door-knocker , and again its reverberations filled the whole world .
25 On each alternate beat a hollow appeared in her left flank .
26 Possibly Daniel 's heart beat a little faster as he caught sight of the Cumberland mountains which he had come to know so well .
27 Summoning a bleary-eyed waiter to serve further alcoholic beverages , he beat a strategic retreat , to the raucous sound of upraised voices trilling ‘ Mid pleasures and gin-palaces … there 's no place like home . ’
28 Edward 's heart , hardened against tears of self-pity , beat a little faster .
29 I felt my stomach lurch and my heart beat a little faster .
30 Maiden city beauty queen Kelly Craig beat a bevy of 14 leggy lovelies to win the Miss Derry pageant this week .
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