Example sentences of "[vb past] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 During the last year of her life , when she knew herself to be mortally ill , she resolutely avoided seeing anyone she knew .
2 Rural Britain is full of retired brigadiers and industrial captains , chaps who got where they were through diplomacy , cunning and an instinct for knocking heads together when the bugle blew .
3 All I could do was write a letter , and by the time I 'd written a letter and it got where it was going and a reply got back , a week or two weeks could have gone by .
4 Like how you got where you are .
5 ‘ Neither of us , sister , got where we are today by toeing the line . ’
6 Then he realized where they were : the Coptic Place of the Dead .
7 Their lenses are much thicker and it is thought that these species lived where there was little light and needed thick lenses to collect and concentrate what light there was .
8 But the friendships , rivalries and enmities that were the daily humours of this densely female world were often underlain by class differences , snobberies about who had what and who lived where — between the daughters of the traditional convent-school middle class and the rest of us .
9 Where the old lady lived where what was the house called ?
10 Molly showed a momentary resistance once she realised where her hand was going , but with a soft moan she gave in and her fingers closed around his erect manhood .
11 Yet looking from one to the other , he now realised where the similarity lay : it was in the eyes .
12 It was only when his embrace became more adventurous , his hands more demanding as he became aroused , that she realised where they were heading and she finally found the strength to pull away from him .
13 She swallowed hard , dragging her eyes away as she belatedly realised where her wayward thoughts were taking her .
14 Undoubtedly ‘ John David ’ succeeded where ‘ Walter ’ failed in considering an aspect of mental handicap in a balanced fashion .
15 The passport office in Liverpool issued me with a new passport , and , though I had made dozens of requests to the army for a vehicle , BBC Radio Manchester succeeded where I had failed .
16 In two other important areas , Johnson succeeded where Kennedy had failed .
17 He failed too , removed by assassination ; but the failure goes deeper : Macedon succeeded where the tyrants of Thessaly did not , precisely because the polis life in Thessaly , which on the economic level made possible the rise of a tyranny , prevented one man from imposing his authority permanently like an Archelaos or a Philip ; that was because on the political level the word polis implied what it had not implied in 650 BC : self-determination .
18 Darwin succeeded where earlier evolutionists had failed because he had the right solution to the problem of explaining how populations actually change in response to environmental pressure .
19 Many would say that as George the Sixth , he succeeded where Edward had failed .
20 ( 2 ) That , although the scope of Code C of the Codes of Practice ( 1985 ed. ) extended beyond persons in detention , it was intended to protect suspects who were , or thought themselves to be , vulnerable to abuse or pressure from police officers , and applied where a suspect was being questioned about an offence by a police officer acting as such for the purpose of obtaining evidence ; that , since the appellants were not being questioned by police officers acting as such and conversation was on equal terms , there could be no question of pressure or intimidation by the officers as persons actually or believed to be in authority ; and that , accordingly , Code C did not apply in the circumstances and the judge 's approach could not be faulted ( post , p. 237C–E , H ) .
21 It came as a relief at this stage to find that I had got my sums right , and everything met where it ought !
22 Where she met where she met him then ?
23 Unrest was also being caused by a rise in socialism , and the odd situation arose where socialists and expansionists were united in common disagreement with the government .
24 It does seem however , from the evidence of the Australian National University concerning the Gogo lungfish , that a complicated scenario arose where other techniques of air-breathing occurred accidentally , and that air-sac creatures invaded freshwater habitats while the diaphragm-breathers became the first land inhabitants .
25 a similar point arose where it proposed to serve the writ and an Anton Piller order out of the jurisdiction on a Belgian company .
26 Most of them are concerned with admissibility of evidence , which is not in issue here ; and none , aside from those already mentioned , arose where in the face of clear and general language it was contended that Parliament must nevertheless have intended the words of the statute to have only a limited effect .
27 In the former case the profits arose where the property was situated and in the latter case where the rights were exercisable .
28 The filmwork has been undertaken by Video Action for the Touring & Recreation Committee and the result is a thoroughly professional film , well edited with its own music and with such techniques as slow motion and freeze frame used where necessary but not excessively .
29 Sentences are also kept short and lists used where possible .
30 It is equally important that the human capabilities be recognized and used where a computer is not so suitable .
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