Example sentences of "[coord] done " in BNC.

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1 As we discuss the changing role of the traditional high-street off-licence , it is all too plain that none of the first six customers have browsed or bought wine or done what the market research says they should be doing .
2 We asked our panel whether they had , ‘ in the last few days , noticed anything in particular that Mrs Thatcher has said or done ’ ; and similar questions about Kinnock , Steel , Owen , and ‘ other ’ ( unspecified ) Conservative , Labour , and Alliance leaders .
3 One is simply that you do n't need to have made a record or done anything very much except earned a local reputation as a watchable band playing original material .
4 What must some of those mouths have said or done !
5 The Homicide Act requires evidence that D was provoked to lose self-control : this is wide enough to include things said or done by persons other than the deceased , and acts done against persons other than D ( e.g. where D is provoked to kill someone who has just committed a sexual offence upon D 's son , daughter , wife , etc . ) .
6 The Homicide Act 1957 deprived judges of their power to give authoritative rulings on the sufficiency of provocation , and the question must now be left to the jury , which should apply the test of the ‘ reasonable man ’ to everything said or done before the killing which might amount to provocation .
7 This demonstrates the interaction between the excusing elements in provocation ( not just the loss of self-control , but the degree of provocation experienced ) and the justificatory elements ( to an extent , D was right to react angrily to what had been said or done , unless the alleged provocation was self-induced or was a legally justified act ) .
8 Support refers to anything which is said or done to help the offender solve or mitigate their personal or social problems : surveillance to anything which is said or done to induce the offender to conform to socially acceptable standards of behaviour .
9 Support refers to anything which is said or done to help the offender solve or mitigate their personal or social problems : surveillance to anything which is said or done to induce the offender to conform to socially acceptable standards of behaviour .
10 Nor can a single moment be cited when Poland , even if only in comparison with Russia , has successfully represented progress or done anything of historical significance .
11 Proceedings in the Chamber are fully recorded so that everything that is said or done is available for the broadcasters to use in their programmes .
12 A confession will now be excluded if it is the result of ‘ oppression ’ or if it is the consequence of ‘ anything said or done which was likely , in the circumstances existing at the time , to render [ it ] unreliable ’ ( emphasis added ) .
13 We both had n't seen much or done much . ’
14 Or done such a walk .
15 Using the other person 's name early on in the transaction also helps establish rapport , so long as it is n't inappropriately familiar or done in a routine , ‘ mechanical ’ way .
16 It was asked , since the testator had in a general clause charged a trust relating to all dispositions on whoever should be his heir , to pay whatever legacies he had left or had ordered to be paid or done , whether , when Seia made over the three-quarters of the estate , she should vindicate the gardens in full .
17 He agreed with The Times that imprisonment at the discretion of the creditor was a really powerful engine for extracting from the debtor any property he had concealed or done away with .
18 Whatever may have been threatened or done , do not give in to the bully and do not keep whatever has happened to yourself .
19 As part of society , elderly clients and their carers may be contributors to a racist or anti-racist society by what is said or done .
20 We may be ashamed of what we 've said or done .
21 That 's unless they 've deserved it , or done something bad .
22 But , however this may be , the pope proceeded to the practical consequences of the new state of affairs : those who had already received lay investiture , or done homage , or consecrated others who had received lay investiture , were absolved ; for the future , those who received ecclesiastical preferment and did homage to the king could be consecrated , provided that they had not received investiture at the king 's hands ; and this was to continue until the heart of the king was softened by the rain of Anselm 's preaching .
23 When a central government department is sued , it is usual to name the respondent as the Secretary of State who is constitutionally responsible for the conduct of the department 's business ; although , of course , the decision or action being challenged will more often than not have been made or done by someone other than the Secretary of State personally ; and in the case of a geographically decentralized department , such as the Department of Social Security , the challenged decision or action may have originated from any one of a large number of regional offices of the department .
24 We have seen that decisions and acts may be subject to judicial review if they are made or done in the exercise of public functions , whether those functions are conferred by statute or common law or neither .
25 Nor will confessions obtained as a result of anything said or done which was likely to render them unreliable , be admissible , unless the prosecution can prove that they were not obtained in this way .
26 Er or done by the company , erm sales demos again we 're limited .
27 Following a day out by the river , the class were asked in pairs to make a picture or a model of something they had seen or done the previous day .
28 To trigger section 76(2) ( b ) , however , it must be the case that there something was ‘ said or done ’ which was likely to render a confession unreliable , and it has been held that this means something said or done to D , as distinct from some words or conduct of D himself ( Goldenberg ( 1988 ) 88 Cr.App.R. 285 ) .
29 To trigger section 76(2) ( b ) , however , it must be the case that there something was ‘ said or done ’ which was likely to render a confession unreliable , and it has been held that this means something said or done to D , as distinct from some words or conduct of D himself ( Goldenberg ( 1988 ) 88 Cr.App.R. 285 ) .
30 My judgment rests upon the view that the plaintiffs had quite enough compulsion upon them from the terms of the Act itself , apart altogether from anything that may have been said or done by officers of government .
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