Example sentences of "[coord] taken " in BNC.

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1 Where there is a slight risk in the event of a swing , a pilot may be said to have made a simple error of judgement or taken an unnecessary risk .
2 At first sight this might not seem to be a serious problem ; one thing stands for others if it is used or taken as representing them .
3 The most pointed criticism is that the angle of the bevel is not rounded off or taken back far enough , so producing an elbow that hinders the smooth entry and flow of cut .
4 The managers could be appointed from inside the service or taken in from outside .
5 Mungo supposed that it had been given by , or taken from , Mr Zamoyski , since Vic was clearly not in the habit of buying smart footwear .
6 If he allowed the headstall to be put on him , he was rewarded by being put out in the paddock , or brought in for his dinner , or taken for a ride .
7 In many forests they took the lop and top , and in some cases the stump , of all trees given by the king from the woods in their bailiwicks , or taken there for his use .
8 In the same year an Act was passed declaring that from henceforth the boundaries of all the royal forests should be taken to extend no further than those ‘ commonly reputed , used or taken in the twentieth year of the reign of James I [ 1622–23 ] .
9 Often the information on which policies are based is too generalised , or taken from too broad a data base , to allow administrators to respond to local conditions .
10 When she came to an intersection , she had ignored it or taken a new direction without bothering to think about it .
11 Social disadvantage is addressed structurally , not simply by improving the efficiency with which services are provided or taken up .
12 The main drawback to this officer/ N.C.O./soldier ratio was that if a party was killed or taken prisoner the enemy scored a success well out of proportion to the numbers involved . ’
13 A school leaver in 1976 , he had never owned a camera or taken a picture .
14 This was either ignored or taken with good humour .
15 Nothing should be missed out and nothing should be assumed or taken for granted .
16 And this may be generalized , or taken as some kind of parable .
17 The laughter filled the room , it filled the shop , it even penetrated the wall into the tobacconist 's shop and made Arthur Conway wonder if the three old girls next door had gone barmy or taken to the bottle early in the day , for it was said that they took wine with their dinner .
18 Your enemies were annihilated , no fewer than twenty of their men-of-war being sunk or taken . ’
19 Used loosely and liberally , the term seems to cover any book either written for children or taken by children before about 1900 .
20 Instead we are arguing that all academic texts are effectively working with a particular brief and it is important that this be either spelled out in the production of academic texts or taken apart systematically by the readership .
21 She had not got on well with her mother who , she felt , had either left her alone or taken her over completely .
22 There is of course a difference between a flexible general programme , able to expand/develop/change emphasis , as and when circumstances alter/new needs emerge/relevant external courses present themselves , and waiting for a course to be advertised before a need is identified , or taken notice of .
23 Of the income received by households , some is spent on this domestically produced output and some is spent on imports , the rest being saved or taken in taxation .
24 All the large houses have been pulled down , or taken over as nursing homes .
25 Make sure it is n't hooded ( top ) or taken too much inside ( above ) , as this will lead to major problems .
26 It has been argued persuasively that passages from the Bible which had been taken as prohibiting gay sex were either mistranslated or taken out of context ; that , in any case , the Bible could not be read as a set of rules to be unthinkingly obeyed ; that love and justice in sexual relationships mattered more than gender ; and that homophobia itself was sinful .
27 It is also ideal for health clubs and gyms where towels are sometimes damaged in the laundry or taken by guests as souvenirs .
28 He 'd get his mam to do them , or taken them down the launderette like Nick Kamen did .
29 She felt he was looking at her professionally now : a woman who had only had two cups of coffee for breakfast , who had not gone shopping or taken herself out to lunch as she had planned , who , in the old days , never seemed to waste a minute , who never laid down in the middle of the day and yet was now stretched out on the bed , inert , apathetic , openly admitting that she had n't realised the time .
30 ‘ tending to show that an offence had been committed , or ’ This point includes a conduct such as a straightforward report of a false crime to anyone , but it will usually be made to a constable , e.g. that a person 's car has been stolen or taken without authority or that a house has been burgled .
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