Example sentences of "[coord] to have " in BNC.

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1 These influences , however , would appear to have receded , or to have been digested .
2 Stavrogin ca n't , and in our definitive text does n't , claim to be a decent man or to have any other thing to be ; all his letter indicates is a deathlike mime or sleepwalk within behaviour patterns determined by upbringing , class , and kind .
3 CHILDREN who are smacked or beaten are more likely to become troublesome adolescents or to have a criminal record before they are 20 , new research shows .
4 Several major galleries now claim that they have ceased trading with Saatchi - ‘ I would n't sell him a napkin , ’ said one prominent figure in the New York art world — but since no one is prepared to go on the record with such an assertion , or to have their name directly linked to a quote , it is hard to avoid the conclusion that dealers and artists are hedging their bets .
5 People might aim to be remembered as ancestors by the continuation of their descent group , to have freedom from domination by others , or to have power for themselves , not profit .
6 It was kicked around like a football from family to family , none of whom seemed to have loved it or to have been able to hold on to it for long .
7 I remember David started crying but Ralph would not back down and say we deserved the money , or to have some of it , so we just left them at the Brummel Club before doing their thing .
8 Amused , McLeish said that he would be happy to wait in an outer office for copies of the various documents , or to have them sent on .
9 The British government was too embroiled in its Suez adventure to take a stand , or to have any moral ground to stand on .
10 Anthony Tory , who misses the ride on Docklands Express , is believed to have pulled a muscle in the back of his neck or to have displaced some vertebrae .
11 I 'd also bet that none of the girls in the class is one whit more likely to become a lesbian , or to have the pure white robe of her maidenhood smirched in any way .
12 ‘ Vulnerable people should be aware that there are some laboratories and practitioners who rely on controversial and unproven procedures … which are not considered by independent observers either to be reliable or to have a scientific basis . ’
13 Some people argue that everyone who claims to have seen or to have photographed this animal has been either drunk , deceived by a log or interested in promoting the Scottish tourist industry .
14 She seems to have been too ignorant of , or to have too little regard to , those rules of the drama , and that happy management of plot and catastrophe , which often ensure success to poetry and sentiments much inferior to her own
15 There are such men in this city , and even to see them , never mind to touch them or have them kiss you , or see them just before dawn , or to have them as one of your dear friends , is one of the great pleasures of our life , and it is commoner than most people think .
16 Actually , I am not sure that I was there on that night of his arrival , and I do n't claim to remember all the details or to have been as impressed by his appearance , framed in the doorway , as some people I drink with do ; I think they just want to talk about their witnessing his first appearance that way — as if he was an angel or something extraordinary — because of what went on to happen later .
17 In 1985 , however , the Government specifically rejected calls for another inquiry like Lord Scarman 's , arguing that since the riots were a ‘ criminal enterprise ’ it was useless to search for social explanations or to have yet another report advising it about what to do .
18 The conduct had also to be intended to provoke a breach of the peace or to have been of such a nature as to have been likely to have occasioned such a breach .
19 I was back in the post office at Adrar , empty-handed and imagining Joan to have died or to have found another man .
20 The ideal situation is to be able to receive a professional aromatherapy massage about once a month , or to have a willing friend with whom to exchange massage .
21 Peter and Paul do not want Mummy to be ill or to have HC themselves , but at the moment there is no sure way to know for everyone .
22 Those who claim to see the past or future or to have clear sight or understanding of present events without the use of normal senses .
23 Just for a child to know that someone will be interested in her work or to have the opportunity to do something for someone else and know it will be appreciated can significantly change the child 's attitude to the task .
24 The various pupils ’ study needs just listed include many skills that most school teachers would expect their pupils to have been taught or to have acquired in the process of their secondary education .
25 Quite apart from the leisurely beginnings and ends of terms , the examination time , unexpected holidays , and festivals , requests for children to parade or sing or help with community work , there are the apparently inevitable absences of teachers : the headmaster to collect salaries , the senior teachers to mark and supervise examinations or attend panels , the married ladies to nurse sick children or to have babies .
26 In an attempt to encourage drivers to opt for cars with converters , or to have them fitted on older models , some European countries are offering tax incentives .
27 The only restrictions on purchasers were not to have owned their own home during the previous three years or to have spent more than $100,000 on their prospective North Side home .
28 Those where there is no tissue loss are considered for primary closure ( joining the edges together ) , while wounds with tissue loss may need grafts , flaps or to have healing by granulation allowed .
29 Let us imagine that I have the misfortune to be born or to have settled in Portugal ; being an enlightened philosopher I dislike the institutions there ; should I try to change them by political subversion ?
30 Our choice of ‘ aware ’ , as a philosophically uncorrupted word which can help us to approach philosophical problems from a different angle , does have something to do with its recent currency in the valuations of ordinary discourse , as when someone is said to apply abstract principles without being aware of other people as persons , or to have lost by too exclusive concentration on the uses of things awareness of the colours of dawn and the scent of the flowers .
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