Example sentences of "[coord] to have " in BNC.

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31 Why , then , was John Titford a member of this glorified Home Guard when , at the age of 23 , we might have expected him to have joined the regular army or to have found his way somehow into the militia ?
32 The plaintiff did not seek to question the correctness of an assessment or to have any underlying issue of fact adjudicated , but disputed the Revenue 's right to seek to vary the existing assessments by bringing s 485 into operation .
33 Mr Chapman was prosecuted under s 37 of the 1974 Act , which states that where an offence under any of the relevant statutory provisions committed by a corporate body is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of , or to have been attributable to any neglect on the part of , any director , manager , secretary , or similar officer , or a person who was purporting to act in any such capacity , he , as well as the corporate body , shall be guilty of that offence .
34 It 's always very helpful to have an opinion on your work , or to have a good argument every now and then !
35 Upon receipt of such written , telefaxed or telexed claim , or its agent or representative shall have the right to test or to inspect the Licensed Software at its then location or to have the Licensed Software despatched to a point designated by or returned to carriage pre-paid .
36 The Government needed control over the media , or to have that control in reserve , not only in order to prevent such support of minority interests but also to ensure that the vitally important class of entrepreneurs and middle-level professional executive people — whose loyalty was vital to the success of any government policy — should be won over to the cause or , at the very least , not be encouraged to oppose government policies .
37 It 's too long to be away from home or to have the baby with us and there is also work ’ , he explained .
38 Nor do the advances in scientific knowledge , which began in Elizabeth 's reign and multiplied during the Stuart period , appear to have caused any appreciable weakening of the Christian belief of intellectuals , or to have created a new elite group of educated non-believers .
39 We concluded that women who are successful in political careers tend to come from middle- and upper-class backgrounds and from professional occupations ; they have either been able to rely on the resources and support of their families or to have minimised the handicaps deriving from women 's status within the family by remaining unmarried or childless or by entering public life later on when their familial obligations have , to a larger degree , been completed .
40 After that , the Minoans appear either to have lost interest in temple-worship , or to have restructured their economy in such a way that it could no longer sustain — or no longer needed — large temple-complexes .
41 The only company to have voiced an interest in ANDF recently , or to have hinted that it was negotiating for it , is Unix System Laboratories ( UX No 380 ) .
42 In the case of psychoanalytic theory , there needs to be an understanding , first , of an undistorted version of the theory as stated by Freud , and then various changes in the theory can be seen as either having been made to attain greater rational consistency , or to incorporate new ‘ findings ’ which refute some of the previous assumptions , or to have been made as a result of social pressures on theory-makers eager to find a role for their theories in the society .
43 Political influence : that is , the ability of one group to dominate others , or to have preponderant influence over decision-making , or to benefit advantageously from decisions .
44 Girls who become pregnant by their 16th birthday are likely to have parents who are divorced , separated , alcoholic , or in gaol , or to have been themselves in care or in a special school .
45 After three years it was possible to revert to your own name or to have another false one , thereby preserving the anonymity .
46 Those schools which had built up a good resource collection appeared to have allocated additional capitation to the school library or to have raised extra funds from other sources .
47 It is possible to record from more than one subject at a time on a single EEG machine , so that it is common to have two bedrooms equipped with headboards ( into which the electrodes are plugged ) — for instance as in the Department of Human Sciences at Loughborough University — or to have two headboards and beds in a single bedroom , as in Hull .
48 If you are interested in financial public relations then you almost certainly need either a degree or to have already qualified in a discipline such as law or accountancy .
49 Since no outside authority — whether the employers , the journeymen or the union — ever gratified women 's skills with the respect accorded to men 's , women compositors must have found it hard if not impossible to think of themselves as skilled , or to have even a semblance of the mentality of the skilled journeyman and union member .
50 We need to reflect , however , on what has just been said : in brief , that for something to be or to have a power in the primary sense is for it to enter into a possible causal circumstance .
51 If only one vector x exists for which Ax = 0 , A is said to be simply degenerate , or to have simple degeneracy ; if more than one such vector x exists , A has multiple degeneracy .
52 In the case of the large professional partnership , Fama and Jensen argue that the shareholders in such a firm have enough knowledge about its activities to be able to protect their interests , without either the need to all be on the board , or to have recourse to external representatives .
53 Your chair needs to support your spine , cushion your bottom and be at a convenient height for writing — but it does not need to be upholstered or to swivel or to have a head/footrest or whatever .
54 ( It is by no means uncommon for an idiom in one language to be at least roughly equivalent to a lexically unrelated idiom in another language : the French is quite close to pull someone 's leg , or to have someone on .
55 Her ostensible job is something in advertising or public relations , but this is laughable : people are always rushing off to catch planes or to have showdowns with clients or engage in unmotivated conspiracies to deceive the public .
56 But any ( unmoving ) object placed between the half-silvered mirror and the screen will now occupy a larger area of the image and therefore appear either to have grown larger , as if swelling , or to have come closer to the camera , even though it has not actually moved at all .
57 It may be noticed also , first , that no actual misrepresentation seems to have been made by Duval to his wife , notwithstanding that he had concealed from her material facts and , second , that the pressure he exerted on her to persuade her to sign does not seem to have been excessively overbearing or to have been accompanied by the threats or false promises or intimidation that are sometimes the hall marks of undue influence .
58 In describing the position in the terms : ‘ the bank told Kennedy to go home and discuss the matter with his wife over the weekend , ’ I am forced to the conclusion that the judge must either have overlooked the evidence to which I have just referred , or to have failed to appreciate its significance .
59 Moreover , a similar or larger proportion claim either to enjoy the frequent change of tasks and environment , the flexibility of " temping " and of being able to take spells off between assignments , or to have commitments which make continuous working impossible ; even if , as one recent survey ( Manpower , 1986 ) showed , this was Sometimes to be set off against a feeling of employment insecurity .
60 To constitute an offence under those sections the waste must have been deposited on an unlicensed site or in breach of the conditions in the licence , must amount to an ‘ environmental hazard ’ and must have been deposited in such circumstances or for such a period that whoever deposited it there may reasonably be assumed to have abandoned it there or to have brought it there for the purpose of its being disposed as waste .
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