Example sentences of "[coord] given " in BNC.

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1 The relations of capitalists and workers were therefore the product of a specific state of affairs , the ownership which had arisen in history and was not inevitable , or given in the laws of logic .
2 John Lawlor , a pupil from 1936 onwards , said of himself that he ‘ passed from dislike and hostility to stubborn affection , and then to gratitude for the weekly bout in which no quarter was asked or given ’ .
3 It must also be satisfied that the adopter has not received nor agreed to receive , and that no person has made or given or agreed to make or give to the adopter , any payment in consideration of the adoption , except such as the court may sanction .
4 It was not scheduled or given an elaborate countdown and fanfare .
5 Prices tend to be omitted from publishers ' catalogues ( or given in a separate leaflet which becomes detached from the main catalogue ) .
6 either the fish is completely exhausted or given no time to gather its power , for I direct it straight to my landing net and it slips inside quite easily .
7 Similar findings were observed with prostacyclin either applied locally or given systemically in the coronary artery of dog ( Aiken et al , 1979 ) .
8 Other products and processes pioneered by Vlitos and his team — including the process of turning sugar into alcohol , now widely used in Brazil to power cars , and in Mauritius and Honolulu to light the streets — were sold or given away while T&L persisted with sucralose .
9 that objectives should determine methods : therefore no methods should be arbitrarily excluded , ignored , or given undue prominence .
10 However , many of these dogs have not complied with other sections of the law , such as neutering , and more than 600 are no longer alive — including over 100 puppies which were conceived before the Dangerous Dogs Act came into force , but which were not allowed to be sold or given away after the legislation was introduced .
11 Quite probably they have failed , or given up trying after a time .
12 When turned or given other nursing care , his limited movements became agitated .
13 Any work of art is a complex vibratory system to which our senses and nervous system respond , and any object such as the sacred wooden boards or Tapundas , or the stone Tjinas of the Aborigines , many of which are inscribed with the serpent motif , or any object that has been submitted to human veneration through actions or desires , remains charged with psychic power that can be transmitted or given off in energetic emanations providing there has been no transformation of the original material used in its creation .
14 Through the centuries politicians , protestors and agitators of every sort found them invaluable for smiting the public eye ; and , in their most debased form , they were used by such printers as James Catnach ( 1792–1841 ) of the Seven Dials , London , to convey to sensation seekers scaffold speeches by murderers and other criminals , often before the rogues had uttered a word or given any sign that they intended to .
15 They might therefore be exempted from — or given modified — handwriting and presentation targets and , depending on the degree of impairment , undertake the writing tasks through alternative means of communication , using technological aids .
16 And if you 're worried in case anyone in the family has drunk out of a cup her husband used , or sat on the same loo seat or given him a friendly kiss , relax .
17 The birds hatched in an incubator can then be hand-reared or given back to their parents , who will rear any number of chicks as long as they have enough food .
18 No fast talking , no false promises , and if combat ensues there 's no quarter asked or given .
19 An even better test is whether , after two years , the successful candidate is promoted again or given a larger international role .
20 That is , adjudication is deliberative rather than deductive ; it is concerned with the meaning of lex in a contingent situation and ‘ meanings are never deduced or found but are always attributed or given ’ .
21 One can assume that the leaders of the Revolt were eliminated , removing the upper levels of tribal society , and also that the lands and possessions of the tribes would have been seized by the state to be retained as agerpublicus , sold off to speculators or given as rewards to loyalists .
22 A response to the gender inflection or masculinism of philosophical theories should involve , I think , neither merely the assertion that women too should be seen as included under or capable of whatever norms are suggested by the theory , nor merely the assertion that what is seen as feminine should be valued too , or given equal status with what is male .
23 If you have a special request please advise your Travel Agent at the time of booking and ensure this is either correctly noted by the Agent on our computerised Reservations system or given to our Telephone Reservations department as appropriate .
24 Several parliamentary sessions under Henry VIII passed without any direct taxes being asked or given ; and Mary , at the start of her reign , even remitted the outstanding part of the last subsidy granted under Edward VI , asking nothing from the two parliaments of 1554 .
25 Or again , independent nomic conditionals come to this : Given the rest of the world as it was , or given that it was different in any way we can conceive it as [ icing , without logically " excluding a and b , then if a happened so did b .
26 To be more explicit , it is simplest to take the particular formulation of the independent conditional just suggested , and anticipated earlier ( 1.3 ) , in place of If R and C , even given any X consistent with R and C and W , then still W. That is , let us have this : Given the world as it is , or given any changes in it logically consistent with R and & and W , then if R and & then W. From these two things it follows-as from if A , then if B then C , and A , it follows that if B then C — that if R and C , then W. From this in turn , together with C , there follows the dependent conditional if R then W. To repeat , let us have the statement ( Y ) describing the actual events and conditions accompanying r and & in the world as it is , and the disjunctive statement ( K ) to the effect that the world is in one way or another otherwise , logically consistent with R and C , and W. Then our premisses and conclusion are as follows .
27 Similarly , tenements given for maintaining a chantry or lights in some church or chapel , or given for some other alms , if they were alienated , were also to be recoverable by the donor or his heirs .
28 The children of the Indians are saved , to be sold or given away as servants , or rather slaves for as long a time as the owners can make them believe themselves slaves .
29 The program output can be in the form of specified data or given as nomograms which can be interpreted by the designer .
30 Accordingly , obedience to the demands of ‘ profit maximisation within the law ’ prevents the full range and texture of third party interests from being taken into account or given sufficient weight in corporate decision making .
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