Example sentences of "[coord] every " in BNC.

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1 Not every print , or every print-maker , is suitable for the purpose , however .
2 Cries , Eliot knew , were vital to the most basic corroboree when ‘ on every side one sees nothing but violent gestures , cries , veritable howls , and deafening noises or every sort .
3 In such cases they implied that every Ujdaid or every Amiri had had combatant status .
4 The patient then takes , directly from the bottle , a tablespoon of the liquid ( a teaspoon or coffee-spoonful for children ) two , four or six hourly for acutes , daily or every other day for chronics .
5 The patient takes directly from the ‘ stock bottle ’ one or , increasing progressively , more coffee or teaspoons of this as follows : in chronic diseases , daily or every other day ; in acute diseases every six , four , three or two hours …
6 After a suitable solution has been chosen the patient continues to dose appropriately i.e. daily , or every other day etc. , while there is improvement to the case and the patient does not show any new symptoms §248 .
7 The solution must be succussed 8 , 10 , 12 times before taking one , or ( increasing progressively ) more coffee or tea-spoons daily or every other day ( for chronic cases ) 2 , 3 , 4 or 6 hours for acutes. §248
8 The retailer frequently changes the products on offer — often every week or every month .
9 If a husband and wife can only tell each other how uncomfortable they feel about the change , and how odd it makes them feel , not endlessly or every day , but just to give a place to the fact , then they have a good chance of staying on a fairly positive course .
10 Installation was free , and for £5 a year subscription for two ( £10 for four ) , you could listen any or every night of the year , with no extra charge for the telephone calls .
11 At the end of every game — or every round of a game — the winner had to insert threepence into the ‘ kitty ’ .
12 Wellesbourne Knitting Club meets in the Village Hall on the second Tuesday or every month and welcomes new members .
13 There was an incredible over-concentration on health , ignoring the fact that most people receive a pay packet every week or every month for certain , but few will be sick that often and even fewer wish to think they might be sick that often .
14 This is a year when fate is in the ascendancy and you will have to bend with every light breeze or every hurricane .
15 Push every alternate needle back to non working position for a 1x1 rib or every third needle back to non working position for a 2x1 rib .
16 Push every alternate needle back to non working position for a 1×1 rib or every third needle back to non working position for a 2×1 rib .
17 A barn owl usually lays an egg a day or every other day until there is a clutch of four to six .
18 We were going down there every day if possible , or every other day at least .
19 Push every alternate needle back to non working position of a 1×1 rib or every third needle back to non working position for a 2×1 rib .
20 But would it not be dangerously confused to call for an end to all missionary activities or every government resettlement programme , even in Indonesia and South America ?
21 If we choose every tenth or every twentieth name , then this is called quasi-random sampling , since not every name on the list has an equal chance of being chosen .
22 If we said , like , if we , every second month say or every third month , then we , we knew we were going to have a speaker , we could the time before we could then do the business more thoroughly and carefully so that the month of the speaker we could just go through it very quickly .
23 The therapist can not expect to be able to do it easily and accurately straightaway or every time .
24 Two small additional areas near the river were planted with varieties of willow amongst which were Salix Alba , the familiar white willow which presents a great mound of silver-backed leaves which shimmer and flash in the wind ; Salix Caprea , the goat or pussy willow ; and Salix Daphnoides , the violet willow whose vigorous upright shoots are deep purple in colour and are covered by a white bloom and which should be pruned hard each or every other year to promote new growth .
25 The solution to this problem is to select one of a number of morphological criteria , observe the embryos in culture at defined intervals ( e.g. every 30 min or every hour ) , and select those embryos that have attained a particular stage within the preceding chosen time interval .
26 It is not every failure to comply with law or every constitutional and non-constitutional short cut which adds up to an approach to powers which give rise to questions of legitimacy .
27 Every prison is the same , or every prison I 've been in anyway .
28 They often give a girl a car or money towards travelling expenses and can help to relieve some of the pressure which builds up when every shot you hit or every putt you miss can cost you money . ’
29 The Government talk about competition , but what chance is there for competition in rural areas where there is perhaps only one bus every hour , or every two or three hours ?
30 You can set certain programs in your autoexec.bat file to run only once a day , every 4 hours , every week or every 3 minutes , in fact any combination of time at all .
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