Example sentences of "[coord] no " in BNC.

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1 After all , John Young , who daily straddles a storm of souls , which kick up in the wind like leaves , John Young wears his white coat-but no black boots .
2 Putting falseness quite on one side , an honest mistaking of feeling appears wonderfully common — & no mistake has such frightful results — none can .
4 In 1968 suits were with flares and turn ups & often worn with a v-neck pullover & no shirt , light weight Italian slip-ons .
6 I guess i have to start watching these games again sometime soon — have nt seen them for years — i could relive the period — watching the games and sending out match reports to rec.sport.soccer the day after — 4 years after the events took place — sort of a madmans project i guess … but could have been — really — fun if i had the time ( ie no work & no wife/kid … )
7 The mail will probably take a couple of days longer to reach you from Sian , & no doubt we 'll be very busy when we get there , so forgive me if you do n't hear from me for a little while .
8 The British reader , who is likely to have been spared certain of the varieties of suffering which are spoken of in the writings of Kundera and Klima , where a joke , or no joke , or nothing whatever , can sequester you for years from the people you grew up with , is in a position , for all that , to know what Sabina means here .
9 By the end of it you 're no all that sure whether teachers get long holidays or no ( they do , though most of them have to work hard for it ) , and whether parents should go and fuck themselves .
10 Sex or no sex .
11 Well , with a membership of 32,000 and an unemployment level of 70% it follows that there are many members who get little or no work within the profession .
12 Catholic nationalists could be and were arrested with little suspicion , detained , frequently beaten , and all with little or no possibility of redress .
13 This is standard practice in more tropical countries where there are ‘ dust devils ’ or ‘ willy willies ’ which can produce a 40-knot wind in almost any direction with little or no warning .
14 This ensures some very expensive damage in the event of the fuselage falling over , whereas without the tailplane very little or no damage is likely .
15 Unless the winch or car is very under-powered , pulling up steeper on a fast launch has little or no effect on launching speed .
16 By not considering this as a possibility , the pilot gives himself little or no hope of a safe landing , especially if the alternative is a very low 360° turn and he is already flying rather slowly .
17 This will , in turn , guarantee a delayed recovery , or no recovery at all , on a glider which requires a more positive recovery action .
18 Finally , below a few hundred feet , if no definite field has been chosen there can be little or no choice , and an accident is almost certain to happen .
19 So he has little or no time to release the glider , or to recover from the dive unless the upset occurs above about 500 feet , and then only if the rope breaks or the glider releases .
20 Must be taken at the same time daily or no more than three hours late .
21 For the more expensive models , a downpayment is required at the start of the scheme , but it is still possible to obtain a car with little or no downpayment with the hire charges being met entirely by the mobility allowance .
22 The findings have tended to support the view that the police are held in relatively high esteem , although those polled have invariably had little or no contact with the police in any capacity .
23 He talks enthusiastically about ‘ getting back to some real police work ’ in ‘ the real world ’ , even though his responsibilities as Divisional Commander will be mainly administrative and give him little or no contact with the ‘ dangerous classes ’ .
24 The lowly ‘ polis ’ , with little or no power in the system , deplores this situation and complains of its escalation , while the detectives moan about the incompetence of the uniform ‘ wollies ’ who never get close enough to their prisoners to extract their own ‘ coughs ’ or admissions and who fail to understand that the system largely depends on the ability of the department to manipulate a statistical norm in detected crimes .
25 Some were embarrassingly naive about the rules of engagement and readily admitted their drug use even when we had little or no evidence to prove the point ; a most ‘ un-prig ’ like quality !
26 It is essential to work the trapezius muscles , otherwise a stooped , round-shouldered posture will result ; this is a common fault with people who do a lot of chest work but little or no back work .
27 Older people are more likely to experience the circumstances that cause ‘ fuel poverty ’ — low income ; poor quality housing with little or no insulation ; and reliance on expensive and inefficient heating systems .
28 Pied Piper and Merrymaker outings , locally organised specials , and a profusion of enthusiast-orientated railtours were run with little or no coordination between the regions , with the result that there was remarkable disparity in standards and even the level of fares .
29 The LBS report was uncompromising ; it showed that even with full trains , there was little or no money at the bottom end of the market , whereas with first-class and full-dining trains , there was considerable profit potential .
30 These last jetés would be completely out of place in Lander 's Etudes where a strong ‘ flick ’ outwards of the leading foot propels the dancer straight forwards through the air with little or no time to pause in arabesque on landing because the continuous repetition of this strong movement is intended to cover as much ground in as little time as possible .
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