Example sentences of "[coord] how " in BNC.

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1 Research in the police , Irving further asserts , is a matter of pragmatics , eliminating philosophical enquiry into systems of belief , or how the knowledge of an ideology is transformed into action .
2 No one , of course , has asked to read it , for — if my argument is correct — the service has no need of any reminder of how the ideology works or how to implement the paradigms which support their cultural norms .
3 Getting reliable figures to show how much alcohol misuse costs us , or how many people are affected , is n't easy .
4 Or how energy impinging on the nervous system is transformed into information in , or addressed to , the nervous system .
5 Except we do n't know why , or how , or with what accentuation
6 He might have listened to complaints of how stifling an aunt could be when one wanted to wander around London alone , or how one got sick in Venice or Paris , but he could only touch an elbow with mock sympathy or pat a sea-sprayed hand .
7 Because BR is reluctant to talk about profits , it is difficult to gauge accurately how successful InterCity 's forage into the top end of the charter-train market has been , or how much the total earnings from charter traffic contribute to the sector 's overall profitability .
8 When Jeanne contacted me , she and husband John were , indeed , unsure exactly how to handle Moby , or how to prevent his nervousness and excitability becoming normal behaviour without inhibiting his need to experience his surrounding environment .
9 Researchers used the measurements to estimate the value of the critical current , or how much electricity the material can carry in its superconducting state .
10 But the policy review nowhere considers the overall effect of the individual changes proposed , or how they might be co-ordinated .
11 Her captain , Commander Colin Fearbrache , described the talks as positive , although he would not say when the operations would begin or how often they would take place .
12 But she added that prosecution and imprisonment by a criminal court did not serve the interests of the family as a whole , or of the child who remained part of it , or how victims would deal with contact with the abuser after release .
13 Page 's choice of motets illustrated how the different texts could be closely interrelated — as in Par un matinct l'autrier / He bergier / He sire / Eius , which could be summarised as ‘ aspects of pastoral love ’ — or how each might furnish a satirical commentary on the other — as in Ypocrite pseudopontifices / O quam sancta / Et gaudebit , with its antithetical opinions of the high clergy .
14 He and Mrs Thatcher are having to face up to a crisis they have made worse by trying to deny it , and now they can not agree on who should do what or how or why .
15 Her letters , three of them , contain no mention as to her health , or how she is feeling .
16 We shall see how much or how little of local nuances it succeeded in conveying to the top authorities .
17 They have become wildly popular , with their record sales and media profile , without knowing how to work with an audience , how to project , how to sell their performance or how to deal with their emotions on stage .
18 Certainly they would have had much to talk about , recalling voyages up the New England coast ; how they had dared storms together and mixed with tough Maine characters at the Jonesport summer ball , or how one of Peters 's cruises had been christened after the four B's which constituted their provisions : beans , bacon , bread , and bananas .
19 You have to be amazed how young and silly they could be or how solemn with foreboding .
20 Rainoldes apart , the transgressions associated with the boy players , be they actual or imagined , rendered the theatrical self-consciousness surrounding transvestism complex and shifting ; it provoked questions teasingly unanswerable : for example — and this is a question which remains intriguing for us today — which , or how many , of the several gender identities embodied in any one figure are in play at any one time ?
21 In one way , however , it is misleading to evaluate the significance of their work on these subjects by how right or how wrong is the evolutionary sequence they describe .
22 The land revenue tax ( at first as much as a third of a peasant 's gross yearly produce ) had to be paid no matter how bad the harvest or how impoverished the family became as a result .
23 She must wait months , if not years , for an interview with an Entry Clearance Officer at a British diplomatic mission on the Indian subcontinent , go through endless interrogations about such subjects as the colour of the family 's goat or the number of rooms in the house she lives in or how many guests there were at the wedding and what happened on the wedding night .
24 It made her look like a boy , or how boys used to look in the days when men had some self-respect and went to the barber 's .
25 Your donations mean we 'll always be there , no matter what the circumstances , or how long it takes .
26 Diana had known she was marrying into a close family , but she was unprepared for how claustrophobic it would be , or how dull she would find long spells in their company , with their passion for dogs and horses .
27 He said : ‘ I only have a few thousand invested , but it is very worrying when you can not get your money back , and there is no way of knowing how long it might be or how much I will get back . ’
28 London 's Theatre Museum could rout its critics by putting on its very first , entitled Cinderella And Her Very Ugly Sisters , as well as a Panto Fun Week of workshops where families can find out how Daisy the Cow negotiates the stage or how a handsome actor is turned into an Ugly Sister , or personally seem to be a Dame or a Principal Boy by being photographed with face beaming through a cut-out stylised figure .
29 But the studies , carried out by the British Trust for Ornithology for the Department of Energy and the Mersey Barrage Company , have still to indicate whether or how the bird population might be changed by a barrage .
30 Because there are no reliable estimates for the abundance of any of the small cetacean species exploited in Peru , the impact on the dolphin and porpoise populations in the area , or how much longer they can withstand the pressure , can not be assessed .
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