Example sentences of "[art] house " in BNC.

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1 A proposal for constitutional reform to allow a national plebiscite on the reintroduction of the death penalty in Brazil , for kidnappings , burglaries and rapes resulting in the victim 's death , was approved by a Congressional Commission of the House of Deputies in December 1990 .
2 I remember when I first met you at the house of terror ; what you gave me , all that you gave me .
3 The guard was still in the house .
4 The police had been asked by the organizers of the vigil to provide protection after an incident earlier in the evening when about 200 suspicious-looking men appeared outside the house where the vigil was being held .
5 The house belonged to a hustler called Michael de Freitas , latterly known by his Black Muslim names , Michael X and Michael Abdul Malik .
6 The testimonies in the book were obtained mostly from the underlings of the house , led by sly , supportive Bert , a man who was able to take and to give pleasure — a fine portrait , which is also a self-portrait , of a second father .
7 The dualistic ambience in literature has long been influential , but has remained controversial , and it is both influential and controversial in these annals of the House of Roth .
8 Herling is thought to resemble Dostoevsky , whose Prototypical prison book , The House of the Dead , has in it a mansion tenanted by obnoxious , caricatured Jews .
9 Two months after the Herling piece was published Levi committed suicide , throwing himself down the staircase of the house in Turin where he was born and grew up , where he wrote about his life in the camp at a desk which stood where his cradle had stood , a house he shared with his wife and mother .
10 In The Wrench he creates the rigger Faussone , the practical man whose cranes girdle the world and who keeps returning , a little heavy-footed , to the house in Turin where two old aunts fuss over his welfare : Faussone was spoken of as ‘ my alter ego ’ , and the book has to struggle to accommodate him as a second person , available for interview by Levi .
11 I peered at them round the end of the house .
12 Lorenzo with his Jessica await the return of Portia , remaining out in the still night rather than returning to the house .
13 Within the house , your mistress is at hand ,
14 Here is an example of an impro exercise for two actors : ‘ An actor is asked to assume the character of a close family friend who arrives at the house with the news of the death of the wife 's husband in an accident .
15 When placed alongside the house of laity in the synod of the Church of Ireland , the power of the laity in church decision-making , including statements on political ethics and positions on public local issues , is quite considerable .
16 I had gone too far and experienced too much , I needed to slow down , to get back to the small things , the practical things , to measuring and cutting and fixing , and it was with relief that I noticed that daylight had begun to invade the room , I kept quite still , I held the glass firmly in my gaze , gradually the elements already worked on began to emerge , some more clearly than others , some in outline only and some only when they impeded the free flow of light through the glass , until the sun came up and was reflected back from the windows of the house opposite and I could sit and look at the glass and think back through the work and the mistakes and the few successes , and sense again with that sickening feeling in the pit of the stomach that the whole of the right hand side of the lower panel was still a mess , nothing there had been resolved , but then I drew back from that , though it kept trying to pull me back to itself , and concentrated on what was beginning to work , on the left hand areas both top and bottom and on the elegance of the frame and the joy of seeing the bare walls and the wainscoting appear through the empty areas , and as I moved round so different parts of the room appeared and the relation of the surface of the glass to what lay behind changed , precision and fluidity , precision and fluidity , he wrote , choice and chance , not choice alone and chance alone but the two together , that is why delay , not stoppage and not flow but delay , delay in glass , he wrote , as when the plane is late and you should have been gone , have already arrived perhaps , but you are still there , or the sprinter beats the gun and the whole field is called back , the race could have been over but it has not yet started .
17 The house from the world of houses .
18 I want it out of the house , he wrote .
19 That is the time to get the thing out of the house and take up evening classes in deep-sea diving .
20 The small bi-plane wobbled over the oaks and the elms , banked at the north end of the ha-ha and started to descend towards the huge lawn which ran , treeless along this side of the house between terrace and park .
21 As did the House Manager who roamed throughout performances in the foyer or the staircases , the bars of Stalls , Dress Circle and Upper Circle , keeping an eye on programme girls ( most of them certainly mature ) who , in their black dresses and little aprons , ushered , sold programmes and in the intervals brought trays of tea and biscuits ( coffee in the evenings ) , while in the orchestra pit the band ( tuxedoed , although who knew whether their trousers matched ) played pleasing music .
22 And if the doctor wants the police the performance will be over by then and the house cleared before they can possibly get here . ’
23 Ma was always at her most unreasonable on do-days , and I must have known it was a do-day because not only did we have extra help in the house , but Nanny had been co-opted into the kitchen to make pastry .
24 ‘ Nothing like having a doctor in the house . ’
25 Her first husband was Sydney Box , the writer-director who became head of production at Gainsborough Studios ; and her sister-in-law was the ‘ Miss Box Office ’ who produced the wildly successful ‘ DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE ’ films over two decades .
26 The Cinema has limited wheelchair access , and people with disabilities should contact the House Manager in advance .
27 Who 's the house expert on Bernini ?
28 I 'm about to sell the house
29 The house was sold very quickly and the new owner immediately gave us all notice to quit .
30 The other person in the house moved out and I was on my own .
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