Example sentences of "[art] years " in BNC.

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1 For this reason the campaigning elements of the organization — and that includes many of the 80,000 British members who undertake to be active on Amnesty 's behalf — have increased and refined their methods over the years .
2 In the years since 1961 , Eastern European dictators have come and gone , moves afoot in South Africa hold hope for the future , and countries abolishing the death penalty are on the increase .
3 A decline of the sculptor 's reputation derived not only from the political discredit into which the regimes of the years before 1914 had fallen , but also from a distaste for allegory , and a revulsion from naturalist sculpture ( which the young Brancusi expressed forcefully as a dislike for ‘ beefsteak ’ ) .
4 The results of this process can be read in detail in catalogues raisonnés , which often give a blow-by-blow account of the arguments of scholars over the years .
5 As the years go by , Ursula 's body becomes a bore , and she experiences a fear of ageing : ‘ I shall have to die fairly young , because I wo n't be able to live with the infirmities of old age . ’
6 There is a bleakness which centres on Patrick 's infidelities : but it may also be true that the rudeness and aggression with which Jenny , their sex object , is treated by various chuntering males has grown grimmer with the years than it was reckoned to be , by the author , by me and by many of his readers , at the time .
7 This is reminiscent of the sort of inversion a fault-finding literary criticism can produce — which is not to deny , which is indeed to admit , that the Arab leaders and polemicists of the region have had their faults , including some of those which have been identified over the years by Commentary .
8 Has the position of the director changed in theatre for you over the years ?
9 These were used copiously over the years of Stormont rule .
10 The ambiguity present in O'Connell has arguably aided catholic nationalists over the years in the justification of their policies .
11 The sense of solidarity has developed and hardened over the years .
12 It would be true to say that catholic nationalism was at its most formidable in the years between independence and the rise of pragmatic politics in the Republic under Sean Lemass in the late 1950s .
13 The authority of the clergy had been second to none during the years of persecution and this appears to have strengthened as a direct result of Roman centralization from the 1850s onwards .
14 Brothers Walter and Franco and sister Marilisa have steadily improved the quality of their wine over the years .
15 These were the years of the anti-fascist movement , the Japanese attack on Britain 's Asian empire , the British retreat and the Bengal famine during which two million people died .
16 And , somehow , my savings , carefully built up over the years , were starting to run dry .
17 Over the years , Anne had put up with an awful lot from me and she had now finally decided she could n't take it any more .
18 Over the years there have been a number of fatal towplane accidents caused by gliders getting too high and jerking the towplane into a steep dive .
19 Over the years there have been innumerable accidents and incidents caused by the airbrakes opening in flight .
20 To weld the subjective with the objective , my personal anthropology includes material culled from various observational and ranked positions within the institution of policing and from across the years .
21 In effect this was a period of withdrawal from a rigidly structured police world to a world turned upside down ; where , in a ‘ counter-cultural ’ way , we were to find that the strict terms of reference we had carefully built up over the years no longer seemed to have relevance .
22 Over the years I watched as senior officers struggled to come to terms with our bizarre presence , which overcame any respect they might have had for our practical mastery of dealing with a world they were wary of .
23 Over the years , over coffee , lunch , drinks now and then , she found out more : yes to straight , yes to married , but divorced for some fifteen years .
24 Montreal is an unusual city , made up of 50 villages which have grown and merged together over the years to form the modern conurbation : about 100 square kilometres in size ( 60 square miles ) , encircled by the St. Lawrence River .
25 It was their synagogue not only by religious right , as members of the local community , but because the Cohen family had , very largely , been the driving force behind its foundation and continued expansions through the years .
26 Then I took off my little gold earrings and felt in the folds of my dress for all the money I 'd saved or stolen from my brother 's pockets over the years , and placed both the money and earrings in the palm of her hand , forcing her fingers shut around them .
27 Few have done more over the years to encourage and inspire the growth and development of tennis by putting it on as professional footing as possible .
28 Over the years , Mr Chatrier has had his enemies and critics .
29 She always mentions them in her winner 's speech but maybe the players taking part should take a moment to think what makes it possible for them to perform , and maybe say ‘ thank you ’ for all the years of loyalty from these people , instead of getting away from them as fast as they can .
30 Over the years , most of the players I have taught at all levels have benefitted from sensible practice , that is , well-organised drilling .
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