Example sentences of "[art] government " in BNC.

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1 I have also campaigned for the Government to give AIDS greater recognition , not as a disease affecting specific sectors of the community , but as a social problem for which there must be adequate welfare provision .
2 I have also campaigned for the Government to give AIDS greater recognition , not as a disease affecting specific sectors of the community , but as a social problem for which there must be adequate welfare provision .
3 We are given some financial support from the government but this doe snot cover all our costs and we therefore depend on gifts from trusts , companies and individuals .
4 Amnesty International has welcomed the releases , but is urging the government to release all remaining prisoners of conscience immediately and unconditionally .
5 The releases occurred shortly before two AI representatives arrived in Swaziland for talks with the government .
6 The authorities claimed they were conspiring to overthrow the government , which is dominated by a different community , the Moors , but offered no evidence to substantiate this claim .
7 In the wake of the killings the government led by President Moussa Traoré was overthrown .
8 Death squad killings , ‘ disappearances ’ , illegal arrests and torture persist in spite of the Government and the Farabund Marti National Liberation Front signing the Agreement on Human Rights in July 1990 , under the auspices of the United Nations .
9 The government subsequently announced to the press that ‘ a research visit to Sri Lanka would be considered favourably if a formal request were made ’ by AI .
10 Recent information from former detainees , lawyers and human rights activists indicates that suspected political opponents of the government , including boys under 18 , have been detained in garde à vue well beyond the maximum 10-day period and without obtaining further authorization after four days as required by Tunisian law .
11 He is serving a 20-year sentence imposed in 1988 by a military court which found him guilty of attempting to overthrow the government .
12 In Kenya Harris Okong'o Arara continues to serve a five-year sentence imposed in 1988 under a law which makes it a criminal offence simply to possess literature critical of the government .
13 AI believes they are held because they opposed the government 's policy towards the Shi'a community .
14 Baha bin Mohamed , Brunei : released January 1990 after swearing an oath of allegiance to the Sultan , the Government , and the laws of the state of Brunei Darussalam .
15 The authorities claim they entered to try and overthrow the government .
16 Mohamed Abbad was sentenced to 15 years ' imprisonment on charges including conspiracy to overthrow the government and possessing leaflets aimed at disturbing internal security .
17 The government had not acknowledged their arrest but the team had heard rumours of the women 's whereabouts in a military camp and in fact found them there .
18 The Government of Sri Lanka has shown itself to be increasingly sensitive to the outcry over its appalling human rights record over the last decade .
19 From 1987–1990 an uprising by the Sinhalese Janatha Vimukthi Perammuna ( JVP ) Movement was ruthlessly suppressed by the government .
20 This aid money — worth US$1 billion per annum — is crucial to the fulfilment of the government 's economic policies .
21 Modelled on similar organizations in Argentina and Central America , it consists mainly of mothers whose husbands , sons and daughters have ‘ disappeared ’ or are known to have been murdered by the government or the JVP .
22 The government has at last acknowledged that ‘ disappearances ’ do take place and that it is a problem which needs addressing , and Amnesty International expects to be submitting cases for investigation by the Commission .
23 The government subsequently announced that ‘ a research visit to Sri Lanka would be considered favourably if a formal request were made ’ .
24 The LTTE has also been responsible for massacres , both of Sinhalese and Moslem civilians , since June 1990 and against rival Tamil political groups who , in some cases , have now aligned themselves with the government 's forces .
25 Only concerted action and investigation by the government can right these tragic injustices that continue to occur .
26 In February this year , the Minister of Law and Order declared that the government would not repeal its most notorious detention law , section 29 of the Internal Security Act , which permits indefinite , incommunicado detention in solitary confinement for the purposes of interrogation .
27 Detentions under section 29 continue , and the government acknowledged on March 18 that 16 people were then held under that provision .
28 It is thought that the Government may soon double this fine .
29 In particular in recent years , the Government 's response to large numbers of people fleeing from state oppression is to impose visas on nationals of that country .
30 It is to be regretted that many of the Government 's measures relating to its asylum policy introduced in the past few years , have been to discourage new arrivals .
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