Example sentences of "[prep] national " in BNC.

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1 Oxford , after the War and after national service and in spite of the minor irritation of having to carry into Hall private rations of butter and sugar , was a place of freedom .
2 After National Service and a year at Waterers Nurseries , Bagshot , now owned by Notcutts , Mr Dyter went to work for the Woodbridge company .
3 Nationally the war did lead to one innovation when the government created an imaginative attempt to cope with teacher shortage in the Emergency Training Service , which trained teachers without academic qualifications after national service .
4 After National Service in the RAF , he worked for for eight years and it was during this time that he came in contact with , whilst the Belfast mill was being refurbished .
5 A 700 acre farm at Staunton in Gloucestershire is being blockaded by farmers , after national promotion of a laser disco party , which was later refused a licence by the local council .
6 We would like to know who they are , and whether out national members would be interested in joining such groups .
7 The Bush administration is now considering national petrol tax to encourage public transport where it exists .
8 Discounts are now available on training fees towards national vocational qualifications ( NVQs ) and Scottish vocational qualifications ( SVQs ) up to and including level 4 .
9 I think central government anywhere does have certain fundamental responsibilities towards national museums : the care of the collections , warding , basic maintenance like wiring and mechanical services .
10 Even before the collapse of France in June 1940 was to provide the Vietnamese communists with their golden opportunity , the Sixth Plenum meeting in November 1939 was looking towards national liberation in the foreseeable future as France 's efforts and resources were obviously being diverted to maintain her position in Europe .
11 Nationalisation was not new to France — the railways had been put into State ownership in 1937 — but support for economic planning had grown during the war as a way towards national renewal , greater investment and improved working conditions , and also as a way to punish businessmen who had collaborated with the Nazis .
12 The next move towards national organisation for seamen also arose on the north east coast , though as a result of a very different impetus .
13 There were still tendencies towards national rivalry and arrogance , and these could only be countered by a steadfast policy of internationalism .
14 For C.W. Saleeby , concern with race culture stood above politics , cutting across petty divisions of class and self-interest and pointing the way towards national regeneration .
15 This must be the first step towards national reconciliation .
16 The differentiation of the parties ' approaches also takes account of variations in government/opposition roles , the influence of key personalities , the interpretation of socialist ideology , attitudes towards national sovereignty and supranationalism , the influence of geographic considerations , and distinctive historical legacies peculiar to particular societies .
17 Local elections would not imply the existence of local politics if local election behaviour simply reflected attitudes towards national politics .
18 Efforts towards national reconciliation
19 Hostility to the talks had led to divisions within the military itself , between those who supported moves towards national reconciliation and those who believed that the URNG should be denied a political platform .
20 To perpetuate this aim forward towards national recognition , we must continue to Adopt , Adapt and Improve .
21 We have attended a meeting on this subject and are working towards national recognition of our revised Syllabus as incorporating the necessary elements but meanwhile if you can take any such courses without undue difficulty we would advise you to do so .
22 The Medau Society has been an active member since we became a national governing body in 1952 — indeed it was a member of the CCPR staff , Kay Evans who had been instrumental in guiding us towards national recognition .
23 Follow coast path along top of rugged cliffs ( c ) , past National Trust sign , over footbridge ( left is optional detour to sandy beach ) , past promontory of St David 's Head ( d ) .
24 In conclusion , we can combine our two approaches to investment theory and say that the level of net investment in an economy will depend on three major factors : the rate of interest ( i ) , past national income changes and the state of businessmen 's expectations ( B ) .
25 It may be correct that these properties would fall into this Band at 1993 values , but values have risen over the past two years ( despite national trends in house prices ) .
26 Las Vegas generates two thirds of Nevada 's income , mostly from gambling and related tourism , and continues to expand despite national recession .
27 England boss keeps his cool despite national uproar
28 But despite national policies that promote rail , the railway system has lost market share heavily since the 1960s and is currently running a deficit of some DM 14bn after heavy subsidies .
29 However , lower wages are also paid in many other industries in rural areas ; for example , in 16 of the 19 industries examined in the South West , earnings were as much as 13 per cent below national levels .
30 Cedria is a full-time volunteer and one of national network of volunteers .
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